Posted 13/07/2024
by Jane Wills
It has been a very busy but hugely enjoyable week at school. Both classes are working full steam to complete their current learning enquiries and there is a real sense of purpose and focus throughout the class. The children are keen to complete all the learning set out on their learning maps which helps keep the momentum going in between visits and visitors.
On Wednesday, we had a whole school Olympic Day with ARENA and as always the sports coaches were impressed with the enthusiasm and skills shown by the children. The sports coaches left at the end of the day knowing all about the Bridge School Games, how Polruan won and having been shown the trophy!
Thursday morning, Tregeagle class had a visit from Robert Wiltshire from Tech Cornwall and they spent the morning working collaboratively to write code for Micro Bits. Once again, the visitor was impressed with the children's prior knowledge and skills and how confidently they navigate the world of computer science. We will make use of the new skills gained in the autumn term as we now have a full school set of Micro Bits to enhance the learning for both KS1 and KS2 ICT curriculum.
On Friday, the Year 6 had the annual trip to Camel Creek to celebrate their friendships and time at Polruan Primary. They had a super day in the sunshine, spending lots of energy charging round the park to maximise time and finished the day with several repeat rides on the water ride and ice creams courtesy of a parent - yum!
Achievement Assembly
Reader of the Week:
Nathan for enthusiasm and keenness to read
Leia for always trying her very best in phonics and using the sounds she is learning to segment and blend
Star of the Week:
Antonia for brilliant listening and following of instructions in Forest School to work safely with tools
Mia for always being kind and considerate to her peers
Next week:
Monday: ARENA Healthy Hearts Healthy Minds whole school day, please arrive wearing PE kit
Wednesday: final sailing session
Thursday: Forest School
Friday: Pirate Day Canute class and Leavers Assembly
Monday 22.7: Whole school rock-pooling trip to Ready Money Cove
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
Posted 05/07/2024
by Jane Wills
Forest School continues to be a highlight for the children and this week, the class showed how far they have come in developing their skills. There is now an air of confidence and purpose in the sessions, with the children setting themselves goals and achieving these. This week, the challenges included den building, making bird feeders, trialling the hammock and tree-seats, climbing, making bird nests and of course cooking over the fire. Now we are working on the children transferring these skills to their learning in the classroom.
As part of our water enquiry, the children are building a 3-D model of a river. They started this journey with a mood board, choosing materials and colours to reflect their understanding of a river’s journey from source to mouth. This week, they turned their efforts to creating the physical model using art and classroom resources. You can follow the journey on SeeSaw in your child’s DT folder.
We have started our final piece of writing, a narrative based on the film, The Present by Jacob Frey. The children are exploring the feelings of self-esteem, respect, joy of friendship and empathy to write their own story, to show how their own experiences and developing awareness has flourished this year. We will post the finished stories on SeeSaw.
We have Forest School first thing Monday morning, so please send children o school wearing their outdoor clothes with waterproof jacket. Wednesday is Olympic Day, Thursday we have a Tech-Day and Friday is the Year 6 day out.
Have a good weekend,
Mrs W
Posted 05/07/2024
by Sarah Andrew
Well how are we already at the end of another week? We really are flying through and once again Canute class have shown us some amazing learning.
We have begun some work in history finding out about explorers who have achieved great things during their expeditions. EYFS have been discussing makes someone an explorer and how they need to be fit and strong to be able to take on their challenges. Year 1 and 2 have been using photos and stories to understand how Dame Ellen Macarthur, Mary Kingsley, Matthew Henson and Christopher Columbus achieved what they did, see what they can tell you?
In English Year 1 and 2 have been using their plans to write some amazing recounts about their trip to the aquarium. Their choice of vocabulary in their sentences and their use of similes, onomatopoeia and different punctuation is making the recounts so informative.
In Drawing Club Reception have been imagining what it would be like to live in the lighthouse on Black Rock after sharing the story 'The Secrets of Black Rock'. They have all been writing sentences, using the sound mats to spell each word and writing sentences using finger spaces and full stops.
I maths this week Reception have been continuing to think about how they can manipulate shapes to create different pictures. Explaining how they have achieved each part of the image.
Year 1 have been completing their unit of work on time, looking at the days of the week, months of the year, telling the time to the hour and half hour. We will be using the next week in school to consolidate our learning.
Year 2 have begun their unit of work on statistics, they have been creating and interpreting data using tally charts, block diagrams and pictograms.
Next week, on Tuesday, the class will be completing their art work in the Wild Tribe Area so please can they all bring a coat and wellies if they don't have them in school.
On Wednesday we are lucky enough to be taking part in a whole school Arena PE day so please can children come to school in their PE kits.
Have a great weekend
Mrs Andrew, Mrs Fernie, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot
Posted 05/07/2024
by Jane Wills
Time2Move Holiday Programme for Summer 2024 is live. The programme offers fun physical activities, games and wider activities plus a funded meal for every child. All children are welcome to attend, and it is completely funded for children that are eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals.
You can access your child’s code quickly and easily at:
Once you have this code you can search and book on activities here:
The activities are all delivered by approved providers with the main focus on fun and enjoyment.
Achievement Assembly
Mathematician of the Week:
Toby for always working with focus and concentration, applying new learning independently with confidence.
Kayden for counting all the rhyming words in his phonics
Star of the Week:
Liam for showing initiative, calm and empathy in sailing lessons, a true role model for our school.
Zeniah for being a fantastic role model for our class by coming into school every day ready to learn with a smile on her face.
Next week, we have a whole school Olympic Day on Wednesday where the children get the chance to try out different sporting events over the course of the day. Fresh from winning the Bridge School Games, the children are brimming with confidence, and I am certain this will be a super day of Sports. Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit and trainers, with a water bottle and sunhat/sun cream.
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
Posted 03/07/2024
by Sarah Andrew
Well what another amazing week we've had in Canute Class. The children have al been working so hard and putting their all into every challenge.
In our English this week Year 1 and 2 have been completing their recounts about our trip to the woods, adding some great vocabulary into their sentences to make them really interesting to read. We have also been spending time talking about our writing before we put our pencils on the page, using each other as an ideas board.
Reception's Drawing Club this week has been based on the story 'What the ladybird heard, at the seaside.' It is such as great time for the children to dig deep into their imaginations and some amazing ideas have been generated to inspire their writing.
In Maths this week our Reception children have been investigating shapes and how they can be manipulated to create different patterns. They made some great pictures by placing and rotating shapes. Year 1 have completed their work on money and have begun to investigate and learn about time. In Year 2 the children have been completing their work on time, we will continue revisiting this over the next few weeks to ensure a solid understanding.
In Geography we completed our unit exploring the hot and cold places of the world. We've used atlases to help us locate the seven continents, the North and South Poles and the Equator. We compared where we live to Kenya and then made a final decision as to whether we would prefer to live in a hot or cold place.
We're looking forward to the upcoming week and sharing our adventures with you.
Mrs Andrew, Mrs Fernie, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot
Posted 28/06/2024
by Jane Wills
We have had a quieter week with less off-site activities and more classroom based learning.
This continues to be a favorite subject for lots of the children and it shows in our lessons with some great mathematical talk and resilience in abundance. Always a positive when children tell you they look forward to coming to school on Monday because we are doing an arithmetic paper!
We tried a new approach to editing today with 3 different work stations; revising, rewriting and re-imagining. The children spent 10 minutes at each station completing their editing tasks before moving to the next. Feedback from the children was overwhelmingly positive with everyone expressing a preference for this way of working. So I think this will be our new way forward as there was lots of purposeful talk about how the editing was making improvements to their writing.
Mr Twaite has added photos from these sessions to the children's SeeSaw journals, so head over to see what we have learnt in these sessions this week.
Enjoy the weekend,
Mrs W
Posted 28/06/2024
by Jane Wills
As you know, last week was Sports Week. A week full of sporting endeavors, sportsmanship and fun. Sports activities are always popular with Polruan children; they enjoy being active, being outside and challenging themselves and this fantastic attitude means that Sports Week is one of the best weeks in our school calendar. Throughout the week, the children competed in the Bridge School Games, our Trust inter-school sports competition, challenging themselves in a range of sports which this year had a French theme reflecting the Olympics. The results were released yesterday and I am beyond delighted to announce that this year's winner is POLRUAN!
We have celebrated the win with a special assembly where the children were presented with the Winner's trophy thanks to a detour by Mrs Andrew to collect it from the current holders St Cleer. The official Winner's Photograph alongside the score sheet has been uploaded to all children's SeeSaw journal so head over to have a look.
A big THANK YOU to Mr Twaite for organising the games at school and encouraging the children to be their very best sporting selves.
Achievement Assembly
Writer of the Week:
Erin for embracing our new editing workshops and working with purpose to make improvements to her work.
Ronnie for fantastic independent writing using our learning.
Star of the Week:
Joyce for showing bravery in Forest School to climb a tree and get back down again
Indi for being a fantastic role model for our class by coming into school every day ready to learn with a smile on her face.
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
Posted 22/06/2024
by Amy Fernie
Good Afternoon,
We hope this message finds you well!
We are thrilled to share some highlights from this week at school.
Sports Day Success!
First and foremost, a huge congratulations to all the children who competed so well in Sports Day. We were blessed with wonderful weather, and the hard work from the children truly paid off. Thank you to all the parents who came to support and made it a part of such a wonderful day.
English Adventures
In English, our Year 1 and 2 students have been working diligently on sentence stacking as part of our recount of last week's trip to the woods. It's been fantastic to see their progress and enthusiasm.
Reception's Drawing Club
Our Reception class has continued with Drawing Club, focusing on the delightful book "Penguin." The creativity and imagination on display have been truly inspiring.
Maths Milestones
In Maths, our Year 2 students have completed their work on Fractions. We will continue to recap this topic over the next few weeks to ensure a solid understanding. Meanwhile, Year 1 students have finished their work on Place Value up to 100, and our EYFS children have been exploring number patterns.
Artistic Endeavors
In Art, we have been busy with drawing, painting, and mark-making in preparation for creating our own fish full of patterns this week. The children are excited to showcase their artistic talents!
Upcoming Trip to Fowey Aquarium
Just a reminder, on Tuesday, we will be heading across the river to Fowey Aquarium. The children will have the opportunity to explore and touch some of the fascinating sea creatures that inhabit our oceans. It's sure to be an educational and fun-filled day!
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to another exciting week ahead.
Best regards,
Mrs Fernie, Mrs Andrew, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot
Posted 21/06/2024
by Jane Wills
We have come to the end of Sports Week. A week full of sporting endeavors, sportsmanship and fun. Sports activities are always popular at Polruan; the children enjoy being active, being outside and challenging themselves and this fantastic attitude means that Sports Week is one of the best weeks in our school calendar. Throughout the week, the children have been competing in the Bridge School Games, challenging themselves in a range of sports which this year has a French theme reflecting the Olympics.
Sports Day
Thursday was thankfully a sunny dry day, and a huge turnout made the occasion even more special. We continued with our tradition of having the races in the morning and all of us stayed on the field for a picnic and a play. A big THANK YOU to every one who donated cakes and raffle prizes and to Mrs Hughes and Mrs Fernie for organising – we raised an amazing £105 which will go towards trips and outings for the children.
Summer term is one of transition and this year we have planned slightly differently to support our Year 6 with transition to secondary school. We have been working with Fowey Primary school so our Year 6 is travelling across the river to spend time with the Year 6 class, making friends and building relationships ready for Year 7. For the new Year 3 children, we continue the tradition of inviting them to Tregeagle class for taster mornings/afternoons throughout the half term.
Achievement Assembly
Reader of the Week:
Antonia for enthusiasm in all reading activities adding energy to learning.
Leia for brilliant sounding out using her phonics
Star of the Week:
Ailla for a fantastic sporting attitude to team work and fair play during our sports week.
Ronnie for great sportsmanship and working well with class mates.
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
Posted 21/06/2024
by Jane Wills
Water Sports
This week, we tried sailing. It was lovely to watch the confidence the children now have on the water. They all embraced the experience and keenly hovered up the new vocabulary and skills taught to make this a successful experience. Bravery was everywhere, from Liam and Jakson choosing to sail in the small dinghy by themselves, to Antonia jumping off the boat into deep water for a swim. Teamwork was key and the crew of the larger dinghy showed this beautifully, navigating the various roles onboard to sail the dinghy out of the harbour. It was fantastic to see the children deploying the water safety skills they have learnt in swimming lessons and adapting these to the open water environment.
We have come to the end of sentence stacking lessons and the children are now planning their independent piece of writing. Some of the children are writing an explanation text based on a machine of their choice from our visit to Discovery 42 and Year 5-6 are writing an additional stanza to the poem IF by Rudyard Kipling to explore advice they would give in a challenging situation.
We continue to explore the water cycle and rivers. There is lots of new vocabulary to learn for this unit of work, so we are finding different ways to recap and retrieve learning to make sure concepts are embedded and lodged in the long-term memory.
Head over to SeeSaw for photos and learning journeys.
Next week is a quieter week with less events; sailing on Wednesday and Forest School on Thursday.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs W
Posted 17/06/2024
by Sarah Andrew
What a lovely week we have had in Canute Class this week. We started the week by releasing our beautiful butterflies out into the big wide world. We have been looking out for them each day to see if they come back to visit!
In English this week we finished writing our poems and they are amazing. The children were really engaged in their learning and used their fantastic imaginations to create some wonderful poems. We also started to think our new learning, all about writing recounts. We were very lucky that the sun shone for our 'experience day' where we visited the Wild Tribe area and completed a range of activities used as a stimulus for our writing next week.
In Maths:
- Reception have been continuing their work on numbers to 20 and beyond.
- Year 1 have been completing their unit of work exploring and understanding place value with numbers up to 100.
- Year 2 have been focusing hard on recognising and finding fractions of numbers and shapes, particularly quarters and three quarters.
We continued our exploration of the World in our Geography, comparing the countryside and cities, locating the equator and poles on our World maps and creating posters to explain how we can all do our bit to slow down the effects of climate change on our world.
We have got another fantastic week ahead where we will all be taking part in various sporting activities as a part of the Bridge School Games and our annual sports day on Thursday. We can't wait to see you there.
Best wishes
Mrs Andrew, Mrs Fernie, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot
Posted 14/06/2024
by Jane Wills
It has been a super busy week with lots of off-site experiences to enhance learning. As a whole school, we are focusing on developing resilience in challenging situations and applying the strategies we have all learnt in the Decider Skills workshops. To support this, both classes venture outdoors for Wild Tribe and Forest School sessions and despite some fairly unseasonal weather, there was no dampening of spirits to go with the soggy clothes.
A huge THANK YOU to the many of you who took time to respond to the Parent Survey. It was a fantastic boost for staff to see the overwhelmingly positive responses and lovely comments. It means a lot!
Achievement Assembly
Writer of the Week:
Nathan for perseverance and stamina in writing
Mathematician of the week:
Liam for supporting his peers in a calm and kind manner
Mya for determination and some super number work
Star of the Week:
Jakson for his efforts to follow the rules and show respectful behaviour towards friends and adults.
Emmy for lovely manners and positive attitude to learning
This half term continues to be very busy which means lots of emails. We add every event to the school calendar, so continue checking this to stay updated and Mrs Hughes sends reminders of any changes to routine school days. If in doubt, contact us.
Very popular start to our fundraising Friday event despite the rain. We will be selling ice lollies for 50p outside Tolbenny classroom on Friday at the end of th day for the reminder of term to raise funds for our end of term class parties.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 20th June for our annual Sports Day (weather permitting). It should be a great morning finishing with a picnic in the field with teas/coffees and cakes on sale too.
I have attached some photos from Board Game and Puzzle Club which started this week. Lots of happy faces and laughs, the perfect way to spend a wet afternoon.
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
Posted 09/06/2024
by Amy Fernie
In Canute class, we have enjoyed a fantastic first week back after the half-term break. The children have settled back into their routines quickly, and we have many exciting things planned for this half term. We are thrilled to welcome new pupils, embark on new trips, and introduce our new teacher, Mrs. Andrews, who has loved her first week with us all at Polruan. Thank you for making her feel so welcome!
Our new topic for this term is "What's that commotion in the Ocean?"
We will be exploring various subjects through this theme:
- Geography: Learning about where countries and continents are located.
- History: Discovering famous explorers.
- Art: Focusing on drawing, painting, and weaving.
- PE, RE, PHSE & ICT: Continuing with our usual engaging activities.
In English, we have been planning out poems based on the poem "If I was in charge of the world," and there have been some fabulous ideas. The children will start writing them on Monday, with a real focus on handwriting, I cannot wait to hear their completed Poems.
In Maths:
- Reception have been Exploring numbers up to 20.
- Year 1 have been trying to understandplace value up to 100.
- Year 2 have been Learning about fractions.
Everyone has worked hard on these different areas, and we are so proud of their efforts!
Please note, we are changing Wild Tribe this week from Tuesday to Friday, so please come prepared on Friday!
Looking forward to another great week ahead!
Best wishes,
Mrs Fernie, Mrs Andrews, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot
Posted 06/06/2024
by Jane Wills
This week, we have ben completing our exploration of Ancient Greece so we are ready to move to our new enquiry, Where does the water go?
Some of the children are studying the poem IF by Rudyard Kipling, learning about moral character and how to live your life well. Others are using the Oscar nominated short film Mr Hublot to support their learning of how to write an explanation text for mechanical system. This will be followed up with DT lessons next on mechaniocal systems to learn all the important technical language and a visit to Discovery 42 to see cause and effect in mechanical systems.
We had our first water sports session on Wednesday with Paddle Cornwall and it was so exciting! The children loved the “private ferry” crossing to Fowey and the walk through town full of anticipation of spending the morning on the water. During the session, we learnt how to paddle and navigate a kayak, how to balance on a super-SUP and the the chance to implent the water safety we have learnt as part of swimming lessons and in the assemblies with RNLI and the Harbour Master. Both Mr and I we’re super impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and sheer thrill at their own bravery and skills. They were magnificent representatives of our school and we look forward to next 5 weeks of paddle boarding, dinghy and powerboat sailing. Head to SeeSaw for photos of the day.
We had our first Forest School session on Thursday afternoon focusing on team work, resilience and determination. Thank you for your support in sending your child in wearing suitable clothing for outdoor learning, it makes a huge difference to the quality time we can spend in sessions when every child has the equipment needed to succeed.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs W
Posted 06/06/2024
by Jane Wills
What a start to summer 2. Lots of new and exciting things are happening in school to launch the new half term.
Canute Class
In Canute, Mrs Andrews had a lovely time with the class, who have warmly welcomed her and introduced her to all their learning and play routines. In addition to their new teacher, the class has also been particularly pleased with the weather. The kinder weather means that their outdoor continuous play provision is less battered, the pop-up tent has stayed dry and in place and they have been able to have the full length paper roll out for BIG DRAWINGS.
After School Clubs
Mrs Phillips has launched Yoga/Well-being Club on Tuesdays, and the children thoroughly enjoyed the first session; exploring Cosmic Yoga and activities to enhance well-being. Miss Taylor and Miss Talbot will start their club, Puzzles and Board Games next week, running Thursdays between 3:15-4pm for children in Year 1- 6. Please complete the sign-up form sent home this week for your child to secure a place.
Water Sports
Wednesday Tregeagle travelled across to Fowey Gallant Sailing Club for their first SUP/Kayaking session with Paddle Cornwall. They had a fantastic morning, learning how to paddle/navigate and enjoy being on the water while staying safe. We had lots of positive feedback following the session both from the children and the instructors, who were super impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and willingness to learn. One of the children remarked how lucky we are to learn something so exciting right on our doorstep – we can only agree with that. I have addd a few photos here below, but there are plenty more on your child’s SeeSaw so make sure to log in and check.
D-Day Assembly
We completed the week with Reverend Richard delivering a D-Day assembly, highlighting the importance of unity between nations in times of adversity and celebrated with a shared sing-along.
Reminder that tomorrow is Community Inset Day and we will see you all on Monday 10th.
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
Posted 28/05/2024
by Jane Wills
It seems summer term 1 has flown by in a hectic flurry of learning activities. Canute class has been growing, planting and observing using science to explore how plants thrive and Tregeagle has been immersed in the world of the Ancient Greeks. The school has been teeming with enthusiasm and the children are very articulate about how they learn, what they learn and how they know they are making progress – fantastic conversations to have with them.
Reminder that Friday 24th May is an INSET day for staff training and we return to school on Monday 3rd June for the final half term of the academic year.
We say goodbye to Mrs Westacott, who is returning to Pelynt school, and we wish her all the very best. Her warmth and kindness have permeated school and she will be missed. In her place, we welcome Mrs Andrews who will teach Canute class on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays. Mrs Andrews will be outside greeting the children on Wednesday 5th June at the start of the day giving you the chance to meet her too.
Achievement Assembly:
Writer of the week:
Erin for her fantastic creative ideas which makes reading her work a real pleasure
Zeniah for super sentences and positive attitude to writing
Star of the Week:
Nathan for resilience and bravery
Ava for being a fantastic role model for her peers
Have a lovely half term break,
Jane Wills
Posted 19/05/2024
by Jane Wills
A huge WELL DONE to our super Year 6 – we are beyond proud of the resilience, determination and positive attitude shown this week in completing the SATs. Celebrated in style with a walk to the Block House for some reflective sketching and finished with ice creams and play in the park.
Parent questionnaire
The Trust parent questionnaire is open now and will close on Friday 24th May. It is easy to complete by following the link below. We would love to know your views as parental feedback is really important to us to understand how we can provide the best possible education for your child at Polruan Primary. Please click on this link to complete it: Parent and Carer Questionnaire – Summer 2024
Mental Health
The Mental Health in Schools Team have sent us online parent workshop dates for the following topics:
• Understanding Resilience
• Understanding Worry
• Sleep Workshop
• Year 6 Transition
• Behaviour as Communication
These are online and free to attend. To sign up, please follow the links on the posters attached to email sent on Tuesday 14th May.
A lot of these topics reciprocate what is taught in school and might further understanding in supporting your child.
Achievement Assembly:
Stars of the Week:
Liam for showing resilience and determination during SATs
Kayden for following the rules and making the right choices
Reader of the Week:
Liam because he has been great this week!
Ava for fantastic attitude and enthusiasm for reading
Posted 14/05/2024
by Jane Wills
We had a special assembly on Thursday with our very on World Championship Gig Rower Mrs Hughes. Fresh from competing in the World Championships in the Isles of Scilly, Mrs Hughes and the crew from Fowey Ladies Team, were crowned champions. The children had the chance to find out about the sport, how to join the rowing club and the pride gained from success. We are certain the aspirational talk might tempt new recruits for the rowing club.
Achievement Assembly:
Stars of the Week:
Erin for her positive attitude to all learning
Robbie for showing resilience and self-motivation.
Mathematician of the Week:
Joyce for fantastic positivity and resilience in applying strategies
Ronnie for fantastic independent work and great attitude to learning
Posted 04/05/2024
by Louise Westacott
Our five tiny
Canute Caterpillars arrived this week ! The children are going to look after
them in the hope we can release them as butterflies at the end of this half
term. They are currently in a pot with their food and once they spin
their chrysalis they will be moved into a netted home…we will keep you updated
In English the children edited their story map and created their own characters following the plot of Little Red Riding Hood, we had some really interesting replacements for the wolf – a crocodile ! a bull ! to name a few, they all used some fantastic adjectives to describe their villians. Reception children have been enjoying writing about Superworm in Drawing Club.
In Maths, Reception children have been doing doubling and odd & even activities, year 1 have stormed their way through the multiplication and division unit and enjoyed being outside practically sharing and grouping everyday objects, year 2 have been weighing classroom items and estimating what measurement would be most appropriate, grams or kilograms?
We took full advantage of the sunny weather on Wednesday and did our mini beast hunt in forest school. We then used our mini beast data to digitally create some bar charts for ICT, showing the quantities of the five most popular creatures.
In RE we have been discussing the Five Pillars of Islam and comparing activities Muslims do that we also do, like celebrating key events with our families and giving money to charity.
In PSHE we discussed the qualities of being a good friend and relied on some of these qualities in PE when the children worked in pairs. One had to direct their blindfolded partner to move items around the playground, clear communication was key, they all succeeded and had a lot of fun!
We hope you
all have a lovely long weekend, hopefully with abit of sunshine!
Best wishes The Canute Class Team
Posted 03/05/2024
by Jane Wills
We have finally completed our city life enquiry and have moved on to studying the Ancient Greeks. This gives the children a chance to become historians again to ask questions about the past, explain how we can find answers and use their natural curiosity to link previous history learning. The children have already discovered that the Ancient Greeks were advanced architects building palaces and temples compared with the Celts in Britain.
This week, we have used knowledge of the city to produce poetry. The children have enjoyed the freedom of playing with words yet following some strict rules to produce poems in the style of The Sound Collector by Roger McGough. Year 5 and Year 6 children have explored balanced arguments and produced their own considering whether city or village life is best. We will share the work with peers in Friday’s recital session.
We have another 2 sessions left of this block, next week 8th May and the final session 22nd May. 15th May we have no swimming as this is SATs week.
Enjoy the long weekend.
Mrs W
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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
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