Class Blog for Canute

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Week ending Friday 12th July 

This week has been a great week in Canute Class.

The children enjoyed a great P.E. day with the ARENA team and were all very tired on Thursday morning, showing how they gave all of their energy to the day!

In English this week the Year 1 and 2 children spent the start of the week editing their aquarium recounts and have been putting their handwriting practice into action by creating some 'final' copies of their recounts, including their edits to share with Tregeagle next week.
In Drawing Cub Reception have been sharing the story of Captain Pugwash.  They have been using fantastic phonic skills to write some great words and sentences.  They've used their imaginations to think about what the dragon might've wanted to eat next and the friends he might meet on Dragon Island so that he doesn't feel lonely anymore.

In Maths, Reception have been learning about sharing and grouping, Year 1 have been consolidating their learning on time by reading analogue clocks and making o'clock and half past times on their own clocks.  Year 2 have completed their work on statistics and are now learning about position and direction.

In Art, the class used natural objects for weaving and have produced some lovely patterns.

In History we have continued to look at explorers from the past, we have created a timeline to show the events of Christopher Columbus' expedition to The Americas and dug deeper into Matthew Henson's expedition to the North Pole.

We had a super music session with Mrs Butlin, working with Tregeagle.

On Monday the school are very lucky to be having a second P.E. day with ARENA.

On Friday we have our Pirate Day, dig out your best costumes and practice your pirate vocabulary!

Mrs Andrew, Mrs Fernie, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Week ending Friday 5th July 

Well how are we already at the end of another week?  We really are flying through and once again Canute class have shown us some amazing learning.

We have begun some work in history finding out about explorers who have achieved great things during their expeditions.  EYFS have been discussing makes someone an explorer and how they need to be fit and strong to be able to take on their challenges.  Year 1 and 2 have been using photos and stories to understand how Dame Ellen Macarthur, Mary Kingsley, Matthew Henson and Christopher Columbus achieved what they did, see what they can tell you?  

In English Year 1 and  2 have been using their plans to write some amazing recounts about their trip to the aquarium.  Their choice of vocabulary in their sentences and their use of similes, onomatopoeia and different punctuation is making the recounts so informative.
In Drawing Club Reception have been imagining what it would be like to live in the lighthouse on Black Rock after sharing the story 'The Secrets of Black Rock'.  They have all been writing sentences, using the sound mats to spell each word and writing sentences using finger spaces and full stops.

I maths this week Reception have been continuing to think about how they can manipulate shapes to create different pictures.  Explaining how they have achieved each part  of the image. 
Year 1 have been completing their unit of work on time, looking at the days of the week, months of the year, telling the time to the hour and half hour.  We will be using the next week in school to consolidate our learning.
Year 2 have begun their unit of work on statistics, they have been creating and interpreting data using tally charts, block diagrams and pictograms.

Next week, on Tuesday,  the class will be completing their art work in the Wild Tribe Area so please can they all bring a coat and wellies if they don't have them in school.

On Wednesday we are lucky enough to be taking part in a whole school Arena PE day so please can children come to school in their PE kits.

Have a great weekend
Mrs Andrew, Mrs Fernie, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Week ending 28th June 

Well what another amazing week we've had in Canute Class.  The children have al been working so hard and putting their all into every challenge.

In our English this week Year 1 and 2 have been completing their recounts about our trip to the woods, adding some great vocabulary into their sentences to make them really interesting to read.  We have also been spending time talking about our writing before we put our pencils on the page, using each other as an ideas board.

Reception's Drawing Club this week has been based on the story 'What the ladybird heard, at the seaside.'  It is such as great time for the children to dig deep into their imaginations and some amazing ideas have been generated to inspire their writing.

In Maths this week our Reception children have been investigating shapes and how they can be manipulated to create different patterns.  They made some great pictures by placing and rotating shapes.  Year 1 have completed their work on money and have begun to investigate and learn about time.  In Year 2 the children have been completing their work on time, we will continue revisiting this over the next few weeks to ensure a solid understanding.

In Geography we completed our unit exploring the hot and cold places of the world.  We've used atlases to help us locate the seven continents, the North and South Poles and the Equator.  We compared where we live to Kenya and then made a final decision as to whether we would prefer to live in a hot or cold place.

We're looking forward to the upcoming week and sharing our adventures with you.

Mrs Andrew, Mrs Fernie, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Week Ending 21/6/24 

Friday 21st July 2024

Good Afternoon,

We hope this message finds you well!
We are thrilled to share some highlights from this week at school. Sports Day Success! First and foremost, a huge congratulations to all the children who competed so well in Sports Day. We were blessed with wonderful weather, and the hard work from the children truly paid off. Thank you to all the parents who came to support and made it a part of such a wonderful day.

English Adventures In English, our Year 1 and 2 students have been working diligently on sentence stacking as part of our recount of last week's trip to the woods. It's been fantastic to see their progress and enthusiasm.

Reception's Drawing Club Our Reception class has continued with Drawing Club, focusing on the delightful book "Penguin." The creativity and imagination on display have been truly inspiring.

Maths Milestones In Maths, our Year 2 students have completed their work on Fractions. We will continue to recap this topic over the next few weeks to ensure a solid understanding. Meanwhile, Year 1 students have finished their work on Place Value up to 100, and our EYFS children have been exploring number patterns.

Artistic Endeavors In Art, we have been busy with drawing, painting, and mark-making in preparation for creating our own fish full of patterns this week. The children are excited to showcase their artistic talents!

Upcoming Trip to Fowey Aquarium
Just a reminder, on Tuesday, we will be heading across the river to Fowey Aquarium. The children will have the opportunity to explore and touch some of the fascinating sea creatures that inhabit our oceans. It's sure to be an educational and fun-filled day!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to another exciting week ahead.
Best regards,
Mrs Fernie, Mrs Andrew, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Week ending Friday 14th June 

What a lovely week we have had in Canute Class this week. We started the week by releasing our beautiful butterflies out into the big wide world. We have been looking out for them each day to see if they come back to visit!

In English this week we finished writing our poems and they are amazing. The children were really engaged in their learning and used their fantastic imaginations to create some wonderful poems. We also started to think our new learning, all about writing recounts. We were very lucky that the sun shone for our 'experience day' where we visited the Wild Tribe area and completed a range of activities used as a stimulus for our writing next week.

In Maths: - Reception have been continuing their work on numbers to 20 and beyond. - Year 1 have been completing their unit of work exploring and understanding place value with numbers up to 100. - Year 2 have been focusing hard on recognising and finding fractions of numbers and shapes, particularly quarters and three quarters.

We continued our exploration of the World in our Geography, comparing the countryside and cities, locating the equator and poles on our World maps and creating posters to explain how we can all do our bit to slow down the effects of climate change on our world.

We have got another fantastic week ahead where we will all be taking part in various sporting activities as a part of the Bridge School Games and our annual sports day on Thursday. We can't wait to see you there.

Best wishes Mrs Andrew, Mrs Fernie, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Friday 10th July 

Friday 10th July

In Canute class, we have enjoyed a fantastic first week back after the half-term break. The children have settled back into their routines quickly, and we have many exciting things planned for this half term. We are thrilled to welcome new pupils, embark on new trips, and introduce our new teacher, Mrs. Andrews, who has loved her first week with us all at Polruan. Thank you for making her feel so welcome!

Our new topic for this term is "What's that commotion in the Ocean?"
We will be exploring various subjects through this theme:
- Geography: Learning about where countries and continents are located.
- History: Discovering famous explorers. - Art: Focusing on drawing, painting, and weaving.
- PE, RE, PHSE & ICT: Continuing with our usual engaging activities.

In English, we have been planning out poems based on the poem "If I was in charge of the world," and there have been some fabulous ideas. The children will start writing them on Monday, with a real focus on handwriting, I cannot wait to hear their completed Poems.

In Maths:
- Reception have been Exploring numbers up to 20.
- Year 1 have been trying to understandplace value up to 100.
- Year 2 have been Learning about fractions.

Everyone has worked hard on these different areas, and we are so proud of their efforts!

Please note, we are changing Wild Tribe this week from Tuesday to Friday, so please come prepared on Friday! Looking forward to another great week ahead!

Best wishes,
Mrs Fernie, Mrs Andrews, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Week ending 03.05.24 

Our five tiny Canute Caterpillars arrived this week ! The children are going to look after them in the hope we can release them as butterflies at the end of this half term.  They are currently in a pot with their food and once they spin their chrysalis they will be moved into a netted home…we will keep you updated !

 In English the children edited their story map and created their own characters following the plot of Little Red Riding Hood, we had some really interesting replacements for the wolf – a crocodile ! a bull ! to name a few, they all used some fantastic adjectives to describe their villians. Reception children have been enjoying writing about Superworm in Drawing Club.

 In Maths,  Reception children have been doing doubling and odd & even activities, year 1 have stormed their way through the  multiplication and division unit and enjoyed being outside practically sharing and grouping everyday objects, year 2 have been weighing classroom items and estimating what measurement would be most appropriate, grams or kilograms?

 We took full advantage of the sunny weather on Wednesday and did our mini beast hunt in forest school.  We then used our mini beast data to digitally create some bar charts for ICT,  showing the quantities of the five most popular creatures. 

 In RE we have been discussing the Five Pillars of Islam and comparing activities Muslims do that we also do, like celebrating key events with our families and giving money to charity.

In PSHE we discussed the qualities of being a good friend and relied on some of these qualities in PE when the children worked in pairs. One had to direct their blindfolded partner to move items around the playground, clear communication was key, they all succeeded and had a lot of fun!

We hope you all have a lovely long weekend, hopefully with abit of sunshine!

Best wishes The Canute Class Team

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Week Ending Friday 26th April 

Week Ending Friday 26th April

Exploring Nature's Classroom: A Trip to Nancarrow Farm This week in Canute, the children embarked on a delightful journey to Nancarrow Farm, nestled amidst the rolling countryside. It was a day brimming with discovery, learning, and a touch of farmyard magic.

The children, as always, showcased impeccable behaviour, their excitement palpable as they ventured into the heart of the farm. They had the opportunity to connect with nature firsthand, immersing themselves in the rhythms of rural life. From tenderly stroking newborn lambs to carefully gathering freshly laid chicken eggs, every moment was filled with wonder.

Amidst the buzzing of busy bees in their hives, our young explorers learned about the vital role these pollinators play in our ecosystem. They even got their hands dirty, planting seeds with hopes of nurturing new life back at home—a tangible reminder of the cycle of growth and renewal.

As we strolled through the verdant vegetable patches and bountiful orchards, our senses were treated to the vibrant colors and fragrances of the season. And what better way to appreciate nature's bounty than by indulging in some freshly harvested delights? The children savored the taste of farm-fresh food, a true farm-to-table experience that left them with a deeper appreciation for where their food comes from.

In English this week the children continued their journey into the enchanting world of storytelling, crafting sentences for the timeless fairy tale, "Little Red Riding Hood." Meanwhile, in Reception Drawing Club, the children used their imagination to draw and write sentences about the Poddington Peas.

In maths, each year group delved into a world of numbers uniquely suited to their level. Reception explored the concept of doubles and delved into the world of odds and evens. Year 1 ventured into the realm of multiplication, mastering the art of repeated addition. And Year 2 students stretched their mathematical muscles as they tackled the concept of length, measuring and comparing objects with precision.

Of course, amidst all this learning, we couldn't resist the call of the great outdoors, especially with the sun shining brightly overhead. Our students revelled in the freedom of learning outside, soaking up the warmth and vitality of the natural world.

As we bid farewell to another enriching week, we wish you all a restful and rejuvenating weekend. We look forward to what next week bring but, keep exploring, keep learning, and keep embracing the wonders that surround us.

Mrs Fernie, Mrs Westacott, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Week Ending 19.4.24 

It was wonderful to welcome Canute class back after the Easter holidays, it sounds like the children had a lovely break with lots of chocolatey treats!

 We enjoyed some very much needed spring sunshine this week and made the most of it by taking our learning outside as much as possible.

 In English Year 1 & 2  are reading Little Red Riding hood, we all went to forest school on Wednesday and the children took it in turns to wear the red cape and describe the sights, sounds and smells that our heroine would have experienced walking through the woods. 

 In maths yr 1 & 2 did very well in their end of unit assessments.  Year 2 were outside using the meter rulers to measure some of the objects in our playground, year 1 were comparing the capacity of different containers and reception have been building their understanding of doubles and odd & even numbers.

 We have started a new unit in ICT on data handling. The children did their own data analysis on hair and eye colour in Canute Class.  We discussed what is important to Muslims in RE and explored different types of family structures in PSHE,  how all families and relationships are important even though they may look different to our own.  In PE we are looking at team work and the children really enjoyed working as a pair to move an object from one side of the playground to the other – without using their hands! 

We finished the week with a fun and very important Assembly with the RNLI.  The children had lots of fun trying on the RNLI equipment but took away the serious messages of how to stay safe in the sea. Huge thanks to the RNLI for their visit.

 We hope you have had a lovely weekend.

Best wishes from all of the Canute Class Team

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week ending 22.3.23 

Canute class have had a great week of learning, a few of the highlights…

In English year one and two completed a comprehensive set of instructions on how to make a “cool den”, this followed on from the fabulous Den Building day they had with the National Trust. We also put our bird feeders high up on the fence in the hope of attracting some feathered friends. Reception have been enjoying the book The Tiger Came to Tea

In maths year 1 completed their unit of heavier and lighter, reception are doing brilliantly at finding different compositions of 9 and 10 and we have been so impressed at how well the year 2s have been storming their way through the multiplication and division unit and they easily recited their 10 times table on Friday

In Geography we have been looking at the differences between a village, a town and a city and how the UK is made up of 4 countries. In PSHE we discussed how medicines can help us when we are poorly and how important it is to follow the instructions, the children were able to look at boxes of different types of medicine and explain what it was for and how it should be taken. They all confirmed that only grown ups should administer medicine.

We have all been enjoying the spring weather, the children had excellent ball skills in PE this week and our pre-school and reception children made a fantastic assault course for the older children .

We hope you all have a lovely weekend with abit of sunshine!

Best wishes from the Canute Class Team 

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