Class Blog for Canute

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Week ending Friday 11th October

What another great week we've had in Canute class.

We had two visitors this week, enhancing our understanding of our enquiry question, "Who helps us?"  We were joined by Jonty the guide dog and his owners who told us all about the job of a guide dog.  On Friday we ten had a visit from Jamie who is part of the coastguard team in Polruan.  He told us all bout how and why the coastguard began, explained about the training you need to do and about some of the rescues he has been a part of.  We got to explore the van and found out about the kit needed.

In English this week the reception children have been exploring the story of The Jolly Postman.  Year 1 and 2 have edited and produced some amazing biographies about Florence Nightingale and we have begun our next block of learning, all about writing recounts.  We started this week exploring the 5W's (who, what, when, where, why) and writing and answering questions.

In maths both Year 1 and 2 have started their new unit of learning, addition and subtraction.  We have been discovering and revising our number bonds to 10.  In reception the children have begun to look at the numbers 1, 2 and 3. 

The children have been thoroughly enjoying their computing sessions with Mr T and have a great understanding of online safety.  They have been giving and sharing very responsible ideas.

Next week, Tuesday, we have our trip to Nancarrow Farm.  We will be discovering the produce we can harvest in autumn and finding out how the farmers help us. 

If you have any questions or queries relating to school then please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Mrs Andrew, Mrs Fernie and Miss Talbot


Friday 27th September 

Friday 27th September

Welcome to this week’s class blog, where we share all the wonderful things happening in Canute Class!

Biographies of Florence Nightingale
This week, our English lessons have been buzzing with excitement as the Year 1 and 2 students have been planning their biographies on the remarkable Florence Nightingale. The children are eager to dive into writing next week, and we can’t wait to see their creativity shine as they share what they’ve learned about this inspiring figure in history.

Maths Focus:
Place Value In maths, all the children have been working hard at their different levels, focusing on place value. It’s fantastic to see everyone engaged and making progress! The students are developing a strong understanding of numbers, which will serve as a solid foundation for their future learning.

Art Exploration:
In our art sessions, we have been exploring primary and secondary colours. The children have enjoyed mixing colours together and experimenting with different painting tools. Their artwork is turning out beautifully, showcasing their creativity and understanding of colour theory!

Outdoor Learning Update
Please note that next week, our outdoor learning session will take place on Monday instead of the usual Tuesday. We’re looking forward to some fun activities outside, so please ensure your child is prepared for the weather!

Phonics Session Recap Last week
We held a session on how to help teach phonics at home. Thank you to all the parents who attended! For those who couldn’t make it, or if you have any questions about phonics, please feel free to reach out. We’re here to support you and your child’s learning journey.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our class activities.

We are excited about the learning adventures ahead and can’t wait to share more updates with you next week!
Best wishes,
Mrs Fernie, Mrs Andrew, & Miss Talbot


Week ending Friday 6th September 

Welcome back

We have had such a lovely few days back in school this week.  We were met with smiles and laughter on Wednesday morning and this continued all week.  The children have been superstars and have settled straight back into it.

Next week we will be back to having outdoor learning on Tuesdays so don't forget your wellies and Thursday is PE, come in wearing your kit.

Our enquiry question for this term is 'Who helps us?' - we have discussed what know already and what we would like to find out.  The children are very keen to find out more about becoming a part of the emergency services, how animals can help us, what equipment certain jobs need to be able to do their jobs and about the transport they use.  In history we will be learning about the lives of Florence Nightingale and Grace Darling and how equipment and transport has changed over time. 

We have started our maths learning and our Reception children are learning to match, sort and compare objects.  Year 1 and Year 2 are focusing on Place Value, recognising the value of digits in numerals, reading and writing numbers in words and comparing numbers.

In English Year 1 and Year 2 are going to be writing a biography and are currently looking at what these contain and how they are structured, learning information about some fantastic people along the way.

Next week we will start our new phonics sessions and the children will be coming home with their reading packs.

Don't forget to send in any 'Wow' moments your child would like to share with us to add to our board.

We look forward to seeing you at the meet the teacher afternoon on Wednesday at 2:45 and if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Mrs Andrew and Mrs Fernie


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