Class Blog for Canute

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Week ending 8.3.23 

As well as some great learning in Canute class this week we have enjoyed celebrating some special events, here is a brief overview of what we have been up to !

In maths,  year 2 have been continuing with multiplication and division, year 1 place value up to 50 and reception have been enjoying comparing length, height and time, they have particularly enjoyed comparing heights of their classmates to see who is the “tallest” and who is “taller” than who!

In year 1 & 2 English we have started a new unit looking at writing instructions. We followed a set of instructions on how to make a bird feeder.  The children made fantastic tasty treats for the birds and were able to identify the key features of instructional writing.  Reception have been enjoying a new writing scheme called Drawing Club and have been exploring the book “The Three Little Pigs”

We were super impressed by the effort that everyone went to to come as their favourite character on World Book Day.  We shared some of our favourite books and  did an online session of “meet the author and illustrator” of the lovely book “One Goose, two moose” the children enjoyed hearing the author read the book and drew some characters from the book guided by the illustrator.

We were so proud of how well the children in Canute class behaved and performed in the Church on Wednesday afternoon in celebration of Mothers day, the singing and poetry reading was fantastic. We were very lucky to have some lovely ladies from the community come in and help the children make their spring posies.  We hope you had a restful Mothers Day and liked your flowers and cards.

Best wishes from The Canute Class team

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Friday 1st March 

Friday 1st March

What an exciting week it has been in our classroom!

Here's a snapshot of the fantastic activities and achievements:


• Year 2: Successfully wrapped up our Money unit! Well done to all the Year 2 students for mastering the concepts.

• Year 1: Completed Addition and Subtraction within 20. It's amazing to see the progress each student has made!

• Reception: Delved into the world of length and height. Keep up the great work, Reception!


• The children showcased their creativity by writing incredible stories inspired by "The Crow's Tale." It's wonderful to see their imaginations at work!


Collaborative Collage: We all worked together on a beach-themed collage, which will be submitted to the Fowey Festival Young Artists Competition. What a fantastic opportunity to showcase our artistic talents!

It's been a week filled with learning, creativity, and collaboration. I'm incredibly proud of each and every one of you. Let's keep up the fantastic work!

Remember, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Mrs Fernie, Mrs Westacott, Miss Taylor & Miss Talbot


Week ending 2nd Feb 2024 

A great week of fun and learning in Canute class. 

On Tuesday the children had a wonderful day at the Box museum in Plymouth with Mrs Fernie and Mrs Chasey, the exhibits answered many questions that we have been looking at in our History sessions Did Dinosaurs really exist ? . Through the fossils found in caves sites around Devon they were able to discover more about the creatures that inhabited the South West and of course the woolly mammoth exhibit was a particular highlight!

On Wednesday we had a special visit from Fowey Harbour Master Captain Paul Thomas. Captain Thomas gave the children are outline of what his job entailed and how to keep save on and in the water.  The children listened attentively and asked the Captain some fantastic questions about the day to day aspects of his job and how he became a Harbour Master.

Back in the classroom Canute have been exploring the life of  Mary Anning, born in 1799. This weeks question was why was Mary Anning famous ? The children have really enjoyed researching her life and concluded that although she came from humble beginnings she became one of the most famous female fossil hunters.  They have made their own fossils from salt dough and the excitement continues as we have dug out three more fossils from our own fossil dig, our pre-school children have particularly enjoyed these activities.

In maths Yr R have started looking at the composition of the numbers 6,7,8, Yr 1 have been looking at their number bonds to 20 and Yr 2 have been continuing looking at money using the language of greater than and less than.
In English Yr R have started a new book "Where the wild things are" and have enjoyed re-telling the story using stick figures of the characters. Yr  1 & 2 have started the book The Crows Tale, and have been writing their own dramatic story openers.  
The children have worked really hard this week, we hope you all have a lovely  & restful  weekend.
From the Canute Class Team

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Friday 26th January 

Friday 26th January

We hope this blog post finds you well! Last week was nothing short of spectacular here in Canute Class. Laughter, learning, and creativity filled our classroom, making it a truly happy week for everyone. Let's take a closer look at some of the exciting activities that took place across different year groups.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), our little mathematicians dived into the world of capacity. From pouring water into different containers to exploring the concept of "full" and "empty," our EYFS students had a blast while developing their understanding of this important mathematical concept. Meanwhile, Year 1 students put the finishing touches on their place value journey, reaching the milestone of understanding numbers up to 20. Through engaging activities and games, they solidified their grasp of units, tens, and the importance of each digit in a number. Over in Year 2, the focus was on money matters. Our Year 2 students delved into the world of currency, learning about different coins, their values, and how to make simple transactions. The practical and hands-on approach to teaching money management left our students excited and confident in their newfound skills.

In the realm of English, the children took a journey back in time to the era of the Great Fire of London. Each child crafted a fantastic diary entry, vividly describing the events of that historical period. The creativity and attention to detail displayed in their writing showcased the incredible progress our students have made in honing their English language skills.

Art was a true delight as we continued our exploration of sculpture. This time, our young artists brought nature into the classroom by creating stunning tree sculptures through the manipulation of paper. The tactile experience of shaping and molding paper allowed our students to express their creativity while developing their fine motor skills.

The week was 

a harmonious blend of academic growth and artistic expression, leaving us with smiles and a sense of accomplishment. We're proud of our students for their enthusiasm, dedication, and the positive energy they brought into every lesson. As we look forward to the weeks ahead, we're excited about our trip to the box museum next week with our special visitor!

We hope you have had a restful weekend. Mrs Fernie, Mrs Westacott, Miss Taylor and Miss Talbot.


Friday 19th January  

Friday 19th January

We have had a truly magical week in Canute Class this week because on Thursday we were transported to Arabia! where we enjoyed the amazing musical "Aladdin"! The children were absolutely spellbound, such a fantastic show and such fantastic behavior from all pupils, several members of the general public at the show commented on what wonderfully behaved children we had ! We also managed some super learning this week.

Maths - Yr 2 have been focusing on money, they have enjoyed using different combinations to coins to create the same value, yr 1 have been looking at the numbers 1 to 20 on a number line, practicing estimating and finding one more and one less on the line. Reception have been consolidating their knowledge of the numbers 1 to 5 in Alive in Five!

English - Reception children have been continuing with the Jack and the Bean stalk story describing the beanstalk and how Jack climbed it. Year 1 and 2 have finished their Great Fire of London diary entries, they have edited their first draft to really improve their choice of adjectives and verbs and check for any grammar mistakes. They are now ready to write up the final piece next week.

History - we discussed the question How do we know dinosaurs existed ? We discussed bones & fossils and they got to be paleontologists themselves with their own fossil dig! They have so far unearthed an insect in amber ! and will continue to search for more fossils over the coming weeks.

RE - We have been looking at the different ways Christians show their love for God and the children very sweetly shared how they share their love for their families, lots of hugs! T

The children had a brilliant music lesson with Mrs Butlin where everyone played their own xylophone. In outdoor play our Pre-schoolers particularly enjoyed digging up dinosaur bones in the sand pit and everyone seems to have embraced the frosty weather this week which encapsulated our dinosaurs in ice! Much fun was had chipping the ice away to release them.

We hope the children really enjoyed their special trip to The Theatre Royal kindly paid for by the Polruan Regatta Committee, it was a really special afternoon.

Have a lovely weekend From the Canute Class Team


Friday 12th January 

Friday 12th January

Dear Parents, Guardians, and our fantastic little learners,

Welcome back to school! We hope you had a joyful and restful Christmas and New Year break filled with laughter, love, and exciting adventures.

As we step into the new term, we are thrilled to share the exciting activities and discoveries awaiting our primary school students. Enquiry Question: Did Dinosaurs Really Exist? This term, we embark on a thrilling journey of discovery as we delve into the mysterious world of dinosaurs. Our new enquiry question, "Did Dinosaurs Really Exist?" will have our curious minds exploring the fascinating prehistoric era. Get ready for a roar-some adventure as we learn about these incredible creatures and the world they inhabited.

Year 2 Maths: Exploring 3D Shapes
In the world of numbers and shapes, our Year 2 mathematicians have been busy exploring 3D shapes and their properties. From cubes to spheres, they are on a mission to understand the dimensions and characteristics of these geometric wonders.

Year 1 Maths: Unraveling Place Value to 20
Meanwhile, in Year 1, our young mathematicians are diving into the world of place value, focusing on numbers up to 20, with a special emphasis on teen numbers. Watch as they unravel the secrets of numerical understanding and build a strong foundation for future mathematical adventures.

Reception Maths: Embracing Numbers to 5
Our Reception class has been having a blast in their mathematical journey, understanding numbers up to 5, including the concept of zero. They are also exploring the idea of 'one more' as they navigate the magical world of numbers.

English Adventures: The Great Fire of London Diary Entries
In English, our budding writers are on the brink of an exciting adventure. We've almost completed plotting out our diary entries about the Great Fire of London. Next week, get ready to be transported back in time as our students bring history to life through their vivid and imaginative writing.

Outdoor Learning: Dinosaur Heads and iPad Magic
In our outdoor learning adventures, we've been busy crafting Dinosaur heads and bringing them to life using innovative technology on the iPads. Imagine the joy and excitement as our students make their creations roar, stomp, and come alive in the digital realm.

Art Exploration: Sculpting with Paper
Art has taken a creative turn as we explore the world of sculptures using paper. Our young artists are manipulating paper to create unique and expressive works of art, fostering creativity and imagination.

Welcome Mrs. Westacott!
A warm welcome to Mrs. Westacott, who has settled in well and is already enjoying getting to know each and every one of our students. We look forward to a term filled with learning, laughter, and growth under her guidance. As we kick off this term with enthusiasm and excitement, let's embrace the wonders of learning together. Here's to a busy, fun-filled, and enriching term ahead!
Have a fun and relaxing weekend. 
Mrs Fernie, Mrs Westacott, Miss Taylor & Miss Talbot.


week ending 23.2.24 

Canute class have had a brilliant week back after half term, our new topic What does your house and school look like ? has been a great hit and the children are really enjoying the “site office” role play area and construction zone, especially our pre-school and reception children.

In maths all years are coming to the end of their current unit and it has been great to see how their mathematical confidence has grown over the weeks, they are now  flying through their “flash back four” questions at the beginning of each lesson. Yr 2 are finishing the unit on money, yr 1 addition and subtraction to 20 and reception growing 6,7 and 8.


In English yr 1 & 2 have been enhancing sentences from our book The Crows Tale, in particular using adjectives, question marks, speech marks and alliteration.  Reception have completed their unit on Where the wild things are ? and have been discussing and describing their favourite “wild thing”


In PSHE we have started a great new unit on Healthy Me looking at how we can all make good choices to make our bodies and minds feel good and healthy, many of these choices are really easy and simple.   In RE we are looking at what it means to be Jewish, we looked at how a family celebrates Shabbat.  In Geography we will be investigating  Where in the world is our school ?, we started off by making a “messy map” of our classroom using classroom objects to demarcate the layout of our room and discussed what an aerial view means.

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend.
Best wishes from The Canute Class Team

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Friday 26th January 

Friday 26th January

We hope this blog post finds you well! Last week was nothing short of spectacular here in Canute Class. Laughter, learning, and creativity filled our classroom, making it a truly happy week for everyone. Let's take a closer look at some of the exciting activities that took place across different year groups.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), our little mathematicians dived into the world of capacity. From pouring water into different containers to exploring the concept of "full" and "empty," our EYFS students had a blast while developing their understanding of this important mathematical concept. Meanwhile, Year 1 students put the finishing touches on their place value journey, reaching the milestone of understanding numbers up to 20. Through engaging activities and games, they solidified their grasp of units, tens, and the importance of each digit in a number. Over in Year 2, the focus was on money matters. Our Year 2 students delved into the world of currency, learning about different coins, their values, and how to make simple transactions. The practical and hands-on approach to teaching money management left our students excited and confident in their newfound skills.

In the realm of English, the children took a journey back in time to the era of the Great Fire of London. Each child crafted a fantastic diary entry, vividly describing the events of that historical period. The creativity and attention to detail displayed in their writing showcased the incredible progress our students have made in honing their English language skills.

Art was a true delight as we continued our exploration of sculpture. This time, our young artists brought nature into the classroom by creating stunning tree sculptures through the manipulation of paper. The tactile experience of shaping and molding paper allowed our students to express their creativity while developing their fine motor skills.

The week was a harmonious blend of academic growth and artistic expression, leaving us with smiles and a sense of accomplishment. We're proud of our students for their enthusiasm, dedication, and the positive energy they brought into every lesson. As we look forward to the weeks ahead, we're excited about our trip to the box museum next week with our special visitor!

We hope you have had a restful weekend. Mrs Fernie, Mrs Westacott, Miss Taylor and Miss Talbot.



Friday 24th November

Canute Class have had a super week , getting out and about in Polruan. On Tuesday, we had great fun scavenging for natural materials to build a stable for baby Jesus to be born in as part of our learning about the nativity story in RE. Later in the week, we had a once in a lifetime opportunity to watch a helicopter arrive and then explore it and ask the pilot questions! This had everyone very excited, including the adults!

Back in the classroom, we are continuing to develop our knowledge of the events of the Great Fire of London and have been focusing this week on how the fire started and the reasons why it spread so far and so fast. The children have been fascinated to learn about the differences between fire fighting in 1666 and modern day approaches and are really looking forward to their visit to the Fire Station next week. 

We are so proud of the children's hard work in their English lessons, which has resulted in some super stories about a lion visiting London. Now we are going to become London rats and learn how to write a diary about our experiences in the Great Fire. Year R are finalising their chocolate cake recipes and we're looking forward to seeing how their cakes turn out!

In Maths, Year R have been having a lot of fun finding 1 more and 1 less through songs and hands-on activities. Here are some links to a couple of great songs that support children's understanding of this concept, if you'd like to join in at home:
Five Currant Buns song -
5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer song -
Year 1 have been learning how to use the strategy of counting back on a number line to help them complete subtraction calculations and Year 2 are developing their understanding of how to subtract across a tens number.

We continue to be very proud of the children's wonderfully enthusiastic attitude towards learning, despite several members of the class having been unwell. We hope you all have a chance to rest and recuperate this weekend, ready for a thrilling day on Monday when we visit the Fire Station and meet our friends from Kensa Class at Blissland Primary Academy again. 

Best wishes

Mrs Chasey, Mrs Fernie, Miss Taylor & Miss Talbot


Friday 17th November 

Dear Parents, 
Welcome to another edition of our school blog, where we share the exciting happenings within the walls of Canute Class. It has been a week filled with exploration, creativity, and learning, despite facing some challenges. 

Despite a few setbacks due to illnesses, our resilient students have been thoroughly engaged in discovering the wonders of the past. The classrooms have been buzzing with excitement as the children dove into the captivating history of the Great Fire of London. Through interactive lessons and hands-on activities, our young learners have gained a deeper understanding of this significant historical event. 

In the realm of mathematics, our Year 1 students have been exploring addition and subtraction fact families. Meanwhile, our Year 2 students have been taking on the challenge of adding 2-digit numbers and mastering the art of bridging 10. The foundations for future mathematical prowess are being laid, and we are incredibly proud of their progress. Reception class has been busy too, mastering the skill of subitizing numbers up to 5, laying the groundwork for mathematical fluency in their early years. 

In the world of English, the creative pens of our students have been at work. The delightful stories inspired by "The Lion Who Went to Paris" have taken shape, with the children not only writing but also carefully editing their narratives. It's heartening to see their literary talents blossoming. 

Design Technology and Imaginative Play: 
Our budding engineers and designers have been hard at work in Design Technology class, where they explored the mechanics of making fire engines. The children learned about chassis, axels, and wheels, putting their imaginations to the test as they crafted their own miniature fire engines. The classroom was alive with the hum of creativity and the joy of hands-on learning. 

The Magic of Storytime: 
In the midst of our academic pursuits, we've continued to foster a love for reading through captivating stories. The joy on the faces of the children as they immerse themselves in tales of adventure and discovery is truly heartwarming. Storytime remains a cherished part of our daily routine, connecting us through the magic of literature. 

Introducing the Nativity Play: 
In the spirit of the upcoming festive season, we are thrilled to announce the introduction of the Nativity Play. Your little stars will be bringing the story to life, and we encourage you to support them in learning their lines at home. The magic of the Nativity Play lies not just in the performance but in the joy of sharing this timeless tale together. 

Wishing You a Lovely Weekend: 
As the week draws to a close, we want to extend our warmest wishes for a lovely weekend. Take this time to relax, recharge, and perhaps spend some moments with your child rehearsing those Nativity Play lines. Your support at home is invaluable, and we appreciate your partnership in making these experiences meaningful for our students. Just a reminder please keep sending in your recycling for out junk modelling fire engines. Thank you for entrusting us with the education and growth of your children. We look forward to the weeks ahead, filled with more exploration, learning, and festive cheer. 

Warm regards, 
Mrs Fernie, Mrs Chasey, Miss Taylor & Miss Talbot


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