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Lanlivery Primary Academy   D Day

Posted 11/06/2024
by Lauren Howell

Lanlivery marks D Day 

Last Thursday was the 80th anniversary of D Day. We were invited out to the flag pole for a ceremony to raise the flay. We heard the reading and then the flag was raised as one of our ex-pupils played the cornet. Pupils from our neighboring school and from the village also came out to see the flag fly. 

On the same day the first poppy in our wild flower garden bloomed! 


Darite Primary Academy   Welcome back to Summer 2

Posted 11/06/2024
by Charlotte Godby

We hope you all had a lovely half term break and are as excited as we are for the busy term ahead. Our enquiry question for our work in the wider curriculum this half term is "how has crime and punishment changed in Britain?" An overview of the areas of learning for this half term can be found below along with the homework menu and spelling packs for this half term. 

Important Dates for the term ahead:
  • Wednesday 12th June - Class 3 Trip to Bodmin Jail
  • Friday 14th June - Whole School Olympic Day
  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st June - year 6 residential
  • Monday 24th June - Whole school beach day
  • Wednesday 3rd July - school play. Performances at 2pm and 5:30
  • Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th July - Liskeard Induction days for year 6 
  • Wednesday 10th July - Whole school trip to Hidden Valley
  • Monday 15th July - Sports day
  • Wednesday 17th July - year 6 BBQ and water fight
  • Thursday 18th July - Alternative sports day
  • Monday 22nd July - Year 6 Leaver's Assembly in the morning and class leaving activities in the afternoon


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 11/06/2024
by Helen Hoskin


Our topic for this half term is Are Minibeasts like us? We discovered a bee in the garden, sadly the bee had died, but this was still a fantastic learning opportunity for us. We took out our mini magnifying glasses and we had a good look at the bee close up. We were able to see where the bee's sting would be, we discovered that the bee is quite fluffy and furry. We took a look at the stripes and we counted it's legs too!


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 11/06/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Trip to Looe Beach and The RNLI Lifeboat Station
Monday 10th June

Today the children had a fantastic day in Looe and spent the day on the beach and had a very informative visit to the Lifeboat station. We were able to find out lots about the role of the RNLI and the coastguards. We also know how to get help if we should have an accident while we are at the beach or in the sea. It was great to see how important the RNLI are in a town like Looe. Maybe this might be a job that we would like to have in the future. 


St Cleer Primary Academy   Summer 1 Catchup

Posted 10/06/2024
by Jacob Lewis


St Cleer Primary Academy   Our last half term!

Posted 10/06/2024
by Rebecca Whitty

Our last half term together! 

Wow! we can not believe we are now into our last half term together.  

This half term out topic is  - 'School readiness' You will shorty be receiving a  leaflet that we hand out every year so you know what to expect and what the expectations are.  

From Monday the 17th we will be asking parents / carers to stay outside in the morning. The children will need to carry their bags in and sort themselves out. We of course will be here to help them, but this is what they will be doing next year. 

The children are really enjoying learning their phonics sounds. Some have even started to use Fred talk and sound and blend CVC words together! 
This week we are focusing on 'e' and 'f'. 

Last week we had lovely weather and we made the most of it outside. The children built their very own outdoor library. Explored new musical instruments creating lovely pieces of music. 

We are still enjoying our forest school sessions, please remember to bring footwear for this. 

We are asking please can EVERYONE bring a sun hat in and apply long lasting sun cream before school, we can top up and assist the children but we cannot 'rub' it in. 

This Friday we have Shelia's school of dance coming in for a session. 
We can't wait to see you when you are next in!

Miss Whitty and Miss Ronald. 


Polruan Primary Academy   Friday 10th July

Posted 09/06/2024
by Amy Fernie

Friday 10th July

In Canute class, we have enjoyed a fantastic first week back after the half-term break. The children have settled back into their routines quickly, and we have many exciting things planned for this half term. We are thrilled to welcome new pupils, embark on new trips, and introduce our new teacher, Mrs. Andrews, who has loved her first week with us all at Polruan. Thank you for making her feel so welcome!

Our new topic for this term is "What's that commotion in the Ocean?"
We will be exploring various subjects through this theme:
- Geography: Learning about where countries and continents are located.
- History: Discovering famous explorers. - Art: Focusing on drawing, painting, and weaving.
- PE, RE, PHSE & ICT: Continuing with our usual engaging activities.

In English, we have been planning out poems based on the poem "If I was in charge of the world," and there have been some fabulous ideas. The children will start writing them on Monday, with a real focus on handwriting, I cannot wait to hear their completed Poems.

In Maths:
- Reception have been Exploring numbers up to 20.
- Year 1 have been trying to understandplace value up to 100.
- Year 2 have been Learning about fractions.

Everyone has worked hard on these different areas, and we are so proud of their efforts!

Please note, we are changing Wild Tribe this week from Tuesday to Friday, so please come prepared on Friday! Looking forward to another great week ahead!

Best wishes,
Mrs Fernie, Mrs Andrews, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 7th June 2024

Posted 09/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

We have come to the end of the first week in our final half term. Year 6 have been busy with Bike Ability, lawn bowls and delving into the world of Stanley Yelnats via the book ‘Holes’.

Both classes have been working on their English skills by developing their descriptive writing with a particular focus on characterisation, dialogue and setting. They have all produced an individual piece of work based on the novel, which many are thoroughly enjoying.

We also remembered the incredible bravery of all of those who were willing to fight for our freedom in the D-Day landings 80 years ago. Three of our pupils read their war-based poems to the rest of the school to mark this solemn and important date.

Over the coming weeks, our thoughts will begin to turn towards the end of year celebrations and how we can mark the culmination of Year 6 in style! Keep reading the blog and checking your emails to discover more.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 24th June 2024

Posted 09/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

Whilst most of the year group sped off to Okehampton, a select few were privileged to experience a collapsed timetable and a range of activities before the half term holiday.

Monday saw the group begin the challenge of creating giant insects for Saltash Library. A huge weevil and a delicate damselfly are both under construction and will eventually be hung from the library ceiling over the summer; read the future blogs for images of the completed creations.

Tuesday, the children were treated to an exclusive, private swimming session at Saltash Leisure Centre complete with inflatables. Thank you so much to the staff at the pool who generously offered this session to the children: they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Wednesday saw us at the mercy of the Cornish weather! We took a trip out o Kelly Bray woods near Callington for a forest fun day. We were able to play various games and build a shelter just before the heavens opened! Whilst the rain dripped through the leaves, we had fun making clay creations before retreating to the minibus for an early return to school. Typically, this was the point when the sun came out, so we ate al-fresco before heading home.

Thursday found us at Hessinford walking our way through the woods towards Seaton Beach. We had great fun finding various stick to play ‘Pooh Sticks’ along the route culminating with a flurry of games off the small foot bridge. We then made our way to the park and our picnic :)

Once at the beach, we all enjoyed cricket, Smite, paddling, shell seeking and burying Ayrton up to his neck!

It has been a great week, and we look forward to hearing about the adventures of the other Year 6s and their trip to Okehampton.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 7th June 2024

Posted 09/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

We have come to the end of the first week in our final half term. Year 6 have been busy with Bike Ability, lawn bowls and delving into the world of Stanley Yelnats via the book ‘Holes’.

Both classes have been working on their English skills by developing their descriptive writing with a particular focus on characterisation, dialogue and setting. They have all produced an individual piece of work based on the novel, which many are thoroughly enjoying.

We also remembered the incredible bravery of all of those who were willing to fight for our freedom in the D-Day landings 80 years ago. Three of our pupils read their war-based poems to the rest of the school to mark this solemn and important date.

Over the coming weeks, our thoughts will begin to turn towards the end of year celebrations and how we can mark the culmination of Year 6 in style! Keep reading the blog and checking your emails to discover more.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 24th June 2024

Posted 09/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

Whilst most of the year group sped off to Okehampton, a select few were privileged to experience a collapsed timetable and a range of activities before the half term holiday.

Monday saw the group begin the challenge of creating giant insects for Saltash Library. A huge weevil and a delicate damselfly are both under construction and will eventually be hung from the library ceiling over the summer; read the future blogs for images of the completed creations.

Tuesday, the children were treated to an exclusive, private swimming session at Saltash Leisure Centre complete with inflatables. Thank you so much to the staff at the pool who generously offered this session to the children: they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Wednesday saw us at the mercy of the Cornish weather! We took a trip out o Kelly Bray woods near Callington for a forest fun day. We were able to play various games and build a shelter just before the heavens opened! Whilst the rain dripped through the leaves, we had fun making clay creations before retreating to the minibus for an early return to school. Typically, this was the point when the sun came out, so we ate al-fresco before heading home.

Thursday found us at Hessinford walking our way through the woods towards Seaton Beach. We had great fun finding various stick to play ‘Pooh Sticks’ along the route culminating with a flurry of games off the small foot bridge. We then made our way to the park and our picnic :)

Once at the beach, we all enjoyed cricket, Smite, paddling, shell seeking and burying Ayrton up to his neck!

It has been a great week, and we look forward to hearing about the adventures of the other Year 6s and their trip to Okehampton.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 07.06.24

Posted 09/06/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

It has been lovely to see some of the varied Rainforest Homework come in this week. Thanks for the huge effort we have seen so far! The children have loved sharing them with the class.

In English, we have planning our explanation texts ready for writing next week. The children have chosen their preferred sea creature and will explain how they have adapted to their environment. The class are really enjoying this as we have some really keen interest in marine species.

In maths, we have been working with capacity and volume as well as remembering key facts and learning from throughout the year.

On Thursday, we thought of D-Day and remembered what had happened and talked about why. This was followed by a special assembly from Mrs Cooper where we learnt more and remembered with remembrance poems, written by some of year 6 earlier this year.

We’ve talked lots about books this week (again :) and are ready to link our love of books to art as we celebrate ‘Art Week’ across the school next week.

Some of the class have also been working hard in our little garden/patio area outside of our classroom. If the children would like to bring in gardening gloves and a trowel we will continue this next week. The children have planted some new flowers and some radishes! 


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Beginning 3rd June 2024

Posted 09/06/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

Welcome back to Summer Term 2.

We hope you all had a wonderful half term.

Our topic this half term is Who lives at the seaside? We will be covering lots of seaside activities over the next few weeks.

We chose a lovely book to start our topic off this week -  "The Storm Whale" by Benji Davies.

This is the story about a little boy called Noi and his father who live in a house by the sea, his father works hard as a fisherman and Noi often has only their six cats for company. So when, one day, he finds a baby whale washed up on the beach after a storm, Noi is excited and takes it home to care for it. He tries to keep his new friend a secret, but there's only so long you can keep a whale in the bath without your dad finding out. Noi is eventually persuaded that the whale has to go back to the sea where it belongs. For Noi, even though he can't keep it, the arrival of the whale changes his life for the better. 

We started our seaside theme by making some ocean paintings for our whale, we used salt and paint to make the patterns of the sea, salt painting is a creative way to teach children about absorption, the paint reacts with the salt as you paint over it.

We have been lucky with our weather again this week spending lots of time outside in our lovely garden area, looking after and watering our plants and keeping an eye on our minibeasts. We have had lots of sand and water play with sea creatures in our water tray, plus developing our skills on the bikes and trikes.

We have been onto the "Big School" field starting to practice for our sports day races and on Thursday Ted brought in a super glider for his show and share so we were able to see it fly across the field.

We are hoping for another sunny week next week for lots more outdoor activities and fun (without our rain coats!)

We hope you all had a super long weekend.

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 08/06/2024
by Emily Randle

Chaipel Class have had a lovely first week back after half term.

We began, on Monday, with a visit from the NSPCC to give a talk to all Y5s and Y6s. The ladies were lovely and we really enjoyed the workshop.

We finished writing up our persuasive texts and shared our work with our peers who offered constructive advice and suggestions on how to improve our writing. Some wrote a letter to Mrs Hillman trying to persuade her to give Chaipel Class a 'Pool Party' at the end of term whilst other children wrote about the importance of daily reading - outlining the benefits to both attainment and positive mental health. These will be displayed as leaflets for all to read (in our school library) whilst Mrs Hillman will be receiving her persuasive letters next week...

Y5s have been working on reading and interpreting negative numbers whilst the Y6s have begun their second consolidation project entitled WHITE ROSE TOURS. They are applying all that they have learnt in Maths over their primary school years to real-life scenarios. This one being to study the climate of a range of popular holiday destinations. They will learn about the various aspects of planning a holiday, including airport and flight scenarios, hotel and budget planning.

We have begun to look into our final enquiry for this year, 'DID THE PUNISHMENT ALWAYS FIT THE CRIME OVER TIME?'
We will be looking into crime and punishment in Britain since the invasion of the Romans. This will lead to us writing our own crime-based narrative. The period the narrative will be set in is purely up to the individual and we are super excited to get started: we have already begun to design our own villain!

We will be swimming as much as we can from now until the end of term so please make sure that swimming kits are in every day.

Ice Pop Friday
Ice Pops will be on sale every week so remember to bring £1 in!

That's all from me, so enjoy the extended weekend and see you all on Monday!!
Miss Randle and Mrs Clary.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 07.06.24

Posted 07/06/2024
by David Parry

Further Batik art progress

Talland Class have been practising Batik techniques during this week's lessons. They have used resist strategies (wax, flour and water and no resist) to compare and make judgement on the best strategy to use when they make their own Batik piece of work. A resist is a technique used to prevent the fabric paint staining part of the material when dyed. They are able to use various patterns using this technique.


The children have had the opportunity to write up and illustrate their completed spooky stories during the English lessons. They shared their stories with the class and enjoyed both listening to others' stories and delivering their own. There was a vast amount of hard work and thought put into this piece of work. Thank you, Talland Class.


The maths' lessons during the work have been used to consolidate the children's understanding of decimal numbers to 2-decimal places. To ensure a good understanding of adding and subtracting decimals, the children have had to choose the correct operation to use to solve a problem and decide on the best method of solving it: for example, the column or the bar method. 

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

Did you hear about the artist that always took things too far? – S/he didn’t know where to draw the line.

What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? – A carrot!


Polperro Primary Academy   Thursday 6th June 2024

Posted 07/06/2024
by Alice Wilkie

Welcome Back!

Our first week back, and it has been a busy one! 

We have enjoyed rounding off our previous enquiry 'Could You Be An Explorer?', by participating in a class Kahoot quiz and recalling as many things as we could and placing these in envelopes. We have been working hard on our Polperro Festival performance too. We can't wait to show you! 

In Maths, Year 2 have continued our work on Fractions, learning the difference between unit and non-unit fractions and recognising the equivalence between one half and two quarters. Year 3 have been looking at how fractions make a whole and finding a fraction of a set of objects. 

In English, we revised nouns, adjectives and adverbs. Can you recall what each of these are? We had a go at writing 2A and Double 'ly' Ending sentence types this week, thinking carefully about our choice of vocabulary. This half term, we will be looking at legends and we started by reading the legend of King Arthur. Next week, we will be creating a picture dictionary of all the Arthurian language we come across in the story.

Congratulations to Charlie and Zach for being Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done to Summer and Oliver for achieving their 55 club this week. 

Polperro Festival
We are working hard on our class performance for the festival. We have two songs that we have been rehearsing. Please find the links to these below. Any practise you can do would be amazing! 

Stone Age Song 
Walking on Lava

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you next week!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 7th June 2024

Posted 07/06/2024
by Suzanne Porter

This week, year 6 children visited Looe Community Academy and took part in a music session to support them with their transition to secondary school. They thoroughly enjoyed the session and are looking forward to the next transition session at the end of the month. Their full day transition is on the 2nd of July.

During our English lessons this week, the children have been concentrating on their editing and improving skills. We have also had a big focus on presentation.

In our maths learning, purple/yellow group have been focusing on decimals and have become confident adding and subtracting numbers with different decimal places. Red group have been learning about the cost of items and how to work out the cost of individual items when purchased as multibuys. They have learnt about profit and are creating a plan in the hope to raise some funds to support their show at the end of term.   

During PSHE, the children learnt to notice signs that theirs and other people’s screen time is too long. They have discussed strategies to support reducing the time they are using screens and the benefits this could have.

This week we enjoyed learning the rules of cricket and building on skills to help us play the game competitively. We also focused on our throwing technique and looked at improving the distance we can throw a ball.

Points to remember:

PE on Monday.

Residential- 12th-14th June – please see recent letter for details.

Year 6 LCA full day transition 2nd of July. Please note we do not arrange the transport for this. 


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Week 1 Summer 2!

Posted 07/06/2024
by Luke O Dwyer

As we move into the final half term of Year 2, the children are exploring Position and Direction in Maths. We have looked at left, right, up, down, forward, backwards, quarter turn, half turn, three-quarter turn and full turn! Phew. It's been great seeing the children practically explore and articulate where objects are and how they have moved. (See picture: can you look at this question with your child? Can they explain their answer using good mathematical vocabulary?!)

In English we have been looking at books by the same author. We chose to look at Julia Donaldson and have compared two of her books - What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday, and The Snail and the Whale. The children explored similarities and differences between the stories using a Venn diagram. 

We have also been busy in the afternoons with art. We are creating a piece of 'Layered art' by using different materials like paint, pen, fabric and stitching. Results to follow!

Please keep up reading and home, as well as Times Table Rockstars. We will see you all next week.

The Year 2 Team. 


Polperro Primary Academy   Penhallow 7.6.2024

Posted 07/06/2024
by Karen Taylor

Welcome back to Summer Term!

This week, although a little shorter, has been full of fun and some wonderful learning. 

We introduced our new enquiry; What is the Commotion in the Ocean? On Monday, we discussed, what we already know and what we want to learn about in this exciting topic. We had some great questions from the children! They would like to find the following and much, much more: 
Are all fish herbivores, carnivores or omnivores?
How do fish communicate with each other? 
Why is the sea blue?
Where is the star fishes face?
Does it hurt if you get pinched by a crab? (We hope to not find this out on our class beach trip to Talland Beach which is scheduled for the 1st of July!)

The children have already 'dived' into the enquiry by exploring our new English text; 'Commotion in the Ocean.' We are looking at the amazing vocabulary used, why this book is so much fun and what makes a good rhyme.

In maths, we have been exploring repeating patterns and their rules in Reception. Year 1 have been investigating position and direction and now know how to recognise their right and left.

We were very lucky to have a visit from Sheila on Wednesday from Sheila's School of Dance. The children (and staff) loved joining in with a high energy dance lesson.

Well done to Pehallow's People of the Week this week, Molly, Rosie, Sonny and Kai were all picked for showing 'Excellent' school values.

We return to school on Monday after a lovely 3 day weekend! Just a reminder that this week will see the Year 1s take part in their statutory Phonics Screening Check. Please try to take part in as much practice as possible with your child this weekend. This could be reading together, practising sounds, having a go on some of the TwinklGO! games (alien words is a good one to try out) or completing the worksheets that have gone home in book bags.

Enjoy a lovely weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford and Ms Hodge.



Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 07/06/2024
by Paula Reeve

Summer 2 - Week 1 - Just Dance!

On Thursday, we took part in a sponsored Dance-a-thon. The children were dancing from 9am to 3pm; that’s 6 hours of non-stop dancing! Each child had plenty of opportunities for breaks and re-fuelling but there was a minimum of 10 Year 6 children dancing at all times. It was an exhausting but incredible day. Some children showed outstanding endurance; they only stopped dancing when it was absolutely essential. Highlights included singing (and dancing) to: Livin’ On A Prayer, exactly half way through, and The Final Countdown for the last 5 minutes.

So far, we have raised a whopping £956 to go towards covering the cost of entertainment, food and decorations at our Year 6 prom. We wanted to make sure this inclusive event was a memorable, well-deserved celebration and the funds raised will help us to achieve this. A huge thank you to everyone that has sponsored already. If you would like to donate our page is still open:

This week, we compared the different time periods of Ancient Greece and discussed which time period we would have liked to live during and why. We then compared two societies within Ancient Greece: the Spartans and the Athenians. 6W took on the role of Spartans and 6B became Athenians. The children were given time to research their given societies. We then paired one Spartan with an Athenian and they interviewed each other. It was brilliant to watch some children fully embody their roles. We saw serious, proud Spartans and chatty, confident Athenians exchange all sort of information about their cultures and way of life.

Your child should have brought home a form to fill in for the transition week beginning Monday 1st July. Please could you fill these in and return them back into school by Wednesday 12th June.

We hope you all have a great weekend – perhaps we’ll see you at the Royal Cornwall Show!
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team


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