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Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 14/06/2024
by Jane Wills

Summer 2

It has been a super busy week with lots of off-site experiences to enhance learning. As a whole school, we are focusing on developing resilience in challenging situations and applying the strategies we have all learnt in the Decider Skills workshops. To support this, both classes venture outdoors for Wild Tribe and Forest School sessions and despite some fairly unseasonal weather, there was no dampening of spirits to go with the soggy clothes.


A huge THANK YOU to the many of you who took time to respond to the Parent Survey. It was a fantastic boost for staff to see the overwhelmingly positive responses and lovely comments. It means a lot!

Achievement Assembly
Writer of the Week:
Nathan for perseverance and stamina in writing

Mathematician of the week:
Liam for supporting his peers in a calm and kind manner
Mya for determination and some super number work

Star of the Week:
Jakson for his efforts to follow the rules and show respectful behaviour towards friends and adults.
Emmy for lovely manners and positive attitude to learning

This half term continues to be very busy which means lots of emails. We add every event to the school calendar, so continue checking this to stay updated and Mrs Hughes sends reminders of any changes to routine school days. If in doubt, contact us.

Very popular start to our fundraising Friday event despite the rain. We will be selling ice lollies for 50p outside Tolbenny classroom on Friday at the end of th day for the reminder of term to raise funds for our end of term class parties.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 20th June for our annual Sports Day (weather permitting). It should be a great morning finishing with a picnic in the field with teas/coffees and cakes on sale too.

I have attached some photos from Board Game and Puzzle Club which started this week. Lots of happy faces and laughs, the perfect way to spend a wet afternoon.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Summer 2; Weeks 1 and 2: Fabulous fruit salads

Posted 14/06/2024
by Kate Clarke

Weeks 1 and 2: Fabulous Fruit Salads

We've been busy learning about eating healthy this week in DT and the children learnt about different food groups. We looked at the Eatwell Plate and learnt about the importance of eating a balanced diet. 

The children designed a fruit salad using three fruits and either apple or orange juice to top it with. Today, the children have been busy making their fruit salads. We discussed how important it is to wash our hands before we touch any foods we are preparing. We learnt how to cut the fruits safely using a bridge hold and used chopping boards and knives to cut the different fruits carefully. Once the fruit was cut, the children were able to select the fruits they wanted according to their designs and arrange them in an appetising way, topping them carefully with apple or orange juice. Some of their designs were beautiful! The children then sat together to enjoy their fruit salads together and we were really proud of them for trying some fruits they were not sure of. Some children said they don't usually have some of the fruits at home but that they had enjoyed them. We talked about what they liked about the look and taste of their salads and what they would do next time to improve their designs. We had some very constructive comments, including: 

"I would use less juice because there's too much!"
"I would use bananas next time. I'm not keen on the strawberries." 
"I would use more watermelon - it's so yummy!" 
"I'd add more of everything!" 

What a lovely treat after all their hard work during their Phonics Screening checks. 

Next week is Sports Week and we will be talking to the children about the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris.


We're very excited to have our sports day on Thursday - please send your child into school wearing their PE kits and a coloured t-shirt to match their house team - if you are unsure of what colour they should wear, please do ask! 

Puffins - red
Cormorants - blue
Choughs - yellow
Swans - green. 


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 14/06/2024
by Donna Clayson

Summer 2- Week 1 & 2 - Sharing is Caring

We have spent the last 2 weeks enjoying books with not only a sea theme, but a key message of sharing. The children have been immersed in the story of The Rainbow Fish and Sharing a Shell, and have thoroughly enjoyed discussing the story, explaining how the characters change throughout the book, and thinking about how this applies in our own lives.

Following this sea theme, we talked about  sea creatures. We thought about what we already know, where they live, could we identify and name any other sea creatures, what different animals live in the sea, what are some of their features and what were their favourites. 

This sea theme continued though our provision in the classroom with children writing sea creatures names, writing sentences about what they could see in the sea pictures, and in our creative area drawing and making rainbow fish,  creating underwater scenes using materials and decorating shell pictures. 

Maths - We have spent the last two weeks learning how to double numbers up to 5 and recapping our learning so far in Reception. This week we have focused on subitising up to 5, recognising which picture has more or less, number bonds to 5 and one more and one less of numbers up to 10. 

Requests - If you have any junk modelling resources that we could use to make small boats we would be very grateful. Plastic bottles and fruit packaging would be ideal. 

Sports day - Reception Sports Day is Thursday 20th June from 9:15 - 11:15. Your child has been sent home with a letter with their house team colour on there. Please send your child in in this colour t-shirt for sports day. A letter detailing the event has been emailed out to all parents and guardians this week.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Best Wishes,

The Reception Team 


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 14/06/2024
by Emily Randle

Chaipel Class are really immersing ourselves in our new enquiry, 'Did the Punishment Always Fit the Crime?' and this week, we have been investigating crime and punishment in Anglo-Saxon Britain. We have learnt about tithing, the wergild system of payment and some of the horrendous 'trials' that people accused had to endure whilst awaiting their time in court - guilty or not. We are very thankful for our modern-day justice system!

We have had a lovely week, learning about the features of crime-writing. We have looked into suspects, clues, red-herrings and motives/alibis. The children have thought about a period in history that they are basing their story around and have designed a fitting villain, writing a character descrption which really brings them to life! Their only criteria is for them to ensure that the crime committed links to the period and the punishment given. We have moved onto using AI to generate a setting for our crime-scene, which we will write about on Monday.

In Science, we are investigating states of matter and have begun by revisiting the properties of a solid, liquid and a gas. We will be separating, melting, evaporating, freezing and so much more...

Polperro Festival
Rehearsals are in full swing for Tuesday's festival. The children are working really hard and have created their own props too. Any final props from home need to be in on Monday, please. We are all super excited!

That's all from us so have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 14/06/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 2 

This week has been super busy, full of lovely learning!

Some of Foundations exploring:

Foundation children have been trying t write lots of short sentences independently this week. They have been given seaside pictures and they have been writing about what they see.

In phonics they have been reading words with adjacent consonants and completing letter formation practice to ensure their writing is ready for year 1.

The Foundation children have also been making ocean picture plates to celebrate world ocean day and have been talking about how we protect our oceans, they have been sharing objects into equal groups, exploring shells, using their funky fingers to complete seaside pictures and so much more!

Some of Year 1’s learning this week:

The Year 1 children have been exploring a list poem over the last two weeks and this week they have been imitating the known poem to make it their own, they then spent time writing the poem up ensuring they were using ambitious vocabulary and using capital letters and full stops in their wiring.

In maths this week the children have started to explore place value to 100! The children have been counting from 50-100, counting to 100 in tens and also learning how to partition numbers to 100.

In PSHE all children explored how we have changed since we were born and had lots of discussion about how our bodies have changed and what we can do now that we couldn’t do then!

In PE all the children have continued to explore tennis skills with Ryan, and they are progressing really well.

It’s been another wonderful week of learning.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.





Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 14.06.24

Posted 14/06/2024
by Helen King

Art Week

The children in Lantic class have been busy artists all this week... They have been making observational drawings of flowers, then drawing various farm animals!  They really are getting much better at REALLY looking at objects and pictures before drawing what they can see.

We have of course also been writing a class poem based on '10 Thing in a Wizard's Pocket' about a farmer's pocket - you wouldn't believe what they carry!!  And of course Maths, where we started looking at lines of symmetry...


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Summer 2, Week 2

Posted 14/06/2024
by Chris Wathern

St Breock Care Home Choir Visit

Our KS2 choir visited St Breock care home on Monday afternoon, where they sang to the residents. The sea shanties they had learned for Songfest 2024 went down a storm. We look forward to forging more links with the local community.

Car Park – Drop off and Collection arrangements
Thank you so much for your co-operation this week. Feedback has been very positive and is helping, in the mornings particularly, for a much calmer and safer start to the day.

A couple of key reminders from what we’ve noticed this week:

• In the mornings, please do not park in the ‘Stop and Drop’ channel.

• To help the flow, please drive on as far as you can in the channel before dropping off. It would be helpful if your child has all their belongings ready to exit the car.

• Please do not drop off your child in any other area of the car park, as this is unsafe and causes congestion for others.

• When walking on the footpath next to the ‘Stop and Drop’ channel, please keep to the school fenced side for your own safety.

• If parking, please supervise your child across the car park.

• Please do not park on the double yellow lines or next to any coned areas.

• Please drive slowly.

Additional Parking - Wadebridge Town FC have kindly offered their car park for parents to use in the mornings and afternoons on a first-come-first-served basis. Please do make use of this facility if you can, especially at the end of the day where you can park, walk down to school and collect your child without worrying about finding a space on the school site.

Non-Uniform Day Donations
A massive thank you to all the parents, carers and children of WPA for the generous amount and quality donations that were collected on Thursday. We cannot thank you enough for your ongoing support and we look forward to making some excellent hampers to raffle off soon. As always, all proceeds go back into the school and benefit the children. If anyone was unable to donate yesterday and still wishes to, there is a box outside the office. Thank you!

FOWPA Easyfundraising
Have you seen our new easyfundraising gate banner? It's all about how you can support our school and your child for free when you shop online with over 8,000 retailers. Everything counts - food shops, holidays, clothes, insurance, electricals and more! All the big names are ready to donate at no extra cost to you. Find out more and sign up to support us today:

The FOWPA Team

Sports Days
Please check the email sent on Wednesday 12th June about the various Sports Days taking place next week. Without mentioning the car park too much more, please refer to the email for parking arrangements. We are all looking forward to seeing everyone take part throughout the week. Fingers crossed for some drier weather!

Year 6 Residential
Next Monday, many of our Year 6 children will be travelling to Bristol for their residential experience. Please ensure you’ve checked the letter sent out earlier this week with final details. The team will be updating the WPA Facebook page each day; so do take a look. For our Year 6 children not attending, we look forward to three enrichment days of art, sport and a trip.

As part of transition to secondary, Year 6 were visited by staff and Y7 students from Wadebridge School. This week they also took part in some science lessons taught by secondary staff. We received the following feedback after their visit:

“Thank you for hosting us for our science visit today. I hope your students got an insight into science at secondary and we were able to build some positive relationships. Walking through your school was an absolute joy and the class we visited were bright, keen, kind and attentive. Thank you for having us.”

As mentioned during the coffee mornings, we are wanting to build closer links with Wadebridge School for the benefit of our whole community. I’m looking forward to meeting the new headteacher when he starts in September to plan for closer co-operation between both schools.

Next week, I will share with you our plans for transition for all other classes taking place this half term.

Coffee Mornings
From September, we will be offering regular coffee mornings throughout the year. Some will be themed based on what parents might want to hear about/what the school would like to share; some will just be an opportunity to socialise with other parents and meet staff.

Today, Mr Jonathan Smith, hosted a SEND coffee morning with Ms Wright from Wadebridge School meeting with parents to talk about transition from a SEND perspective.

Sleep Wise Parent/Carer Workshop

Please see the photo/QR code inviting parents/carers to a workshop to support children with sleep strategies delivered by Hunrosa with support from the Mental Health Support Team (MHST). This 1.5hr-2hr online workshop is taking place on Monday 8th July at 10:00 and is open to all parents/carers of children in Reception to Year 6.

Important dates coming up:

Monday 17th – Wednesday 19th June Year 6 Residential to Bristol (Departs 09:15-09:30)

- Year 6 children who are going to arrive between 08:45-09:00 if parents staying to wave off
- If not waving off and/or have younger siblings, please arrive as normal
- Year 6 children not going on residential arrive as normal
- Arrive back on Wednesday 19th June around 18:30

Tuesday 18th June 09:15-10:15 Nursery Sports Day

Tuesday 18th June 14:00-16:15 Year 3/4 Quad Games at Wadebridge School

Wednesday 19th June 09:15-11:15 Year 3/4 Sports Day

Wednesday 19th June Year 6 children not on residential out on trip

Thursday 20th June 09:15-11:15 Year Reception/KS1 Sports Day

Friday 21st June 09:15-11:15 Year 5/6 Sports Day

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Best wishes,

Chris Wathern 


Duloe C of E Primary Academy  

Posted 14/06/2024
by Laura Cole

St Cuby's Summer Fete

Preparations are in full swing for tomorrow's summer fete. The children have been busy today baking a selection of fantastic treats which will be on sale from our school stall tomorrow.

The summer fete promises to be a fantastic day with loads of fun for all the family. Plus, as a bonus, the organisers are kindly donating a considerable proportion of the money raised to our school PTFA.


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 13/06/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Plymouth University - Carbon Literacy Workshop
Thursday 12th June 

Today we went to Plymouth University with some of the children in Year 4 and 5. While we were at the University, we took part in a Carbon Literacy Workshop led by Taylor and Wimpy who are a housing development company. We learnt a lot about how houses are built and the different roles within this choice of employment. In this job, there are so many things to consider especially when you have to think responsibly about the environment. 


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Landscape layers

Posted 13/06/2024
by Ellie Lake

The children have been creating layered landscapes in a series of art lessons. They have been focusing on the art discipline of textiles. First they created a background ensuring the sky and ground weren't just strips at the top and bottom. Then with much concentration and determination, using a needle and thread to create the next layer. This was through creating stitches (regular or irregular) to add detail. For example blue stiched to create waves in the sea. The final layer was adding fabric or embellishments for extra details. The children were very proud of their finished pieces. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Art Week

Posted 13/06/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Amazing Art!

Tregantle Class have really enjoyed getting creative during our art week this week! We started the week with an assembly entitled 'be more like moss.' We learnt about how amazing moss is and looked closely at the textures and patterns it creates. The children then had the chance to make their own little piece of pom-pom moss by threading lots of different types of fabrics and adding them to the huge 'moss sheet.' 
Throughout the rest of the week the Year 1 children have focused on improving their observational drawing skills. They picked a different farm animal each day and used the shapes, lines and spacing that they saw to draw some very accurate animals. 
The EYFS children have been experimenting with the patterns they can make with paint. They have tried marble painting, bubble paining and string painting. All techniques were fully embraced and the classroom art wall is now full of very colourful paintings!  


Polperro Primary Academy   14 June 2024

Posted 13/06/2024
by Anthea Hillman

This has been a very busy and enjoyable week with rehearsals for the Polperro Festival.

Bridge School Games. Next week the children will all have the opportunity to participate in the Bridge School Games. This year there is a Parisian Olympic Theme to the 5 events that they will be trying their hand at. A Bridge Schools Olympic Torch has been relayed from school to school in the run up to the games and the children (and staff) have enjoyed creating a video of the torch being paraded round the school. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in all week.

Polperro Festival Parade. Children and families are invited to attend the opening parade tomorrow to celebrate the first day of the festival. Families are invited to meet outside Polperro Village Hall at MIDDAY in preparation for a 12:30pm start. Please come dressed in colourful clothes/outfits – as bright and cheery as possible.

Polperro Festival School’s Day Tuesday 18th June
We look forward to seeing you on Big Green on Tuesday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their uniform with their packed lunch, a drink, sun hat and sun cream and a coat if the weather changes. Children participating in the taekwondo demonstration should bring their taekwondo kit and they will change at the festival.

The programme is as follows (timings are approximate):
11.00 – 11:20 – Welcome and singing
11.20 – 11:40 – Taekwondo Demonstration
11.40 – 12:00 – Young Musicians
12.00 – 13:00 – Lunch (12.15 – 13.00 Magician Performance for the children)
13:00 – 13:15 – Solo and Group Singers
13.15 – 13.30 – Penhallow Class performance
13.30 – 13.45 – Landaviddy Class performance
13.45 – 14.05 – Talland Class performance
14.05 – 14.25 – Chaipel Class performance 1
4.25 – 14.45 – Singing finale

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday at Big Green. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Super Sixes

Posted 13/06/2024
by David Hannah

Our 15 children in Year 6 did an excellent job with their SATs. The children were calm and focused and it was an absolute pleasure to see them approach the week in such a mature way. After their final assessment of the week, not only did the children gorge themselves on popcorn and biscuits, but they were also given their leavers hoodies to wear for the rest of the term. Governor, Penny Geech, presented their hoodies.

We would also like to thank Penny for generously volunteering her time to help invigilate the SATs assessments all week.


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Porthpean Educational Visit

Posted 13/06/2024
by David Hannah

Class 3 visited Porthpean Outdoor Adventure Centre where the children were able to participate in a range of activities from rock pooling to giant SUPs and Kayaking. Luckily, the weather was very kind to us, and we were also spoilt by seeing a number of seals while we were on the water. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 12/06/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 14/6/24

I don’t think we could have had a more exciting and busy week if we tried! 

We opened the week with an introduction to Arts Week. We were joined by The Mossy Project and some children got to make some fantastic art with them. Back in the classroom, we started our own projects, based on the work of Wayne Thiebaud and his ‘3 donuts’ painting. They looked good enough to eat by the end of the week! 

On Tuesday, the big day had arrived for our trip to the Eden Project. We became Rainforest Rangers as we learned how to survive in the Amazon. We passed our training and had the BEST day exploring the whole of Eden! More photos here:

We also completed our Multiplication Checks this week. The children did AMAZINGLY well and all their hard work to learn their times tables certainly paid off! 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 12/06/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 7/6/24

In English, we have been planning our explanation texts ready for writing next week. The children have chosen their preferred sea creature and will explain how they have adapted to their environment. The class are really enjoying this as we have some really keen interest in marine species. 

In maths, we have been working with money and time - two quite tricky subjects! Keep up the great work, everyone! A huge success for us this week was winning the MTC Cup in a South West league of year 4 children! Everyone smashed it! 

On Thursday, we thought of D-Day and remembered what had happened and talked about why. This was followed by a special assembly from Mrs Cooper where we learnt more and remembered with remembrance poems, written by some of year 6 earlier this year.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Eden Trip!

Posted 12/06/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

Eden Project

 On Tuesday, we enjoyed a trip to The Eden Project where we were able to feel and sense what it would be like in a real rainforest. We enjoyed being explorers in our workshop, 'Puzzling Plants', where the children used a map to navigate their way through the tropical biome, collecting facts and clues about different exciting plants. We also enjoyed exploring the Mediterranean biome and some of the other areas on offer at Eden, including the new park which was greatly enjoyed by all!


Polperro Primary Academy   14/6/24

Posted 12/06/2024
by Julie Peat

This week we have continued to talk about superheroes. The children have painted paper plates to make shields and used different coloured tissue paper to decorate super hero masks.
They have enjoyed play in the construction themed role play area where they have been building with the duplo and large soft shaped bricks and fixing with the tools.

At story time we have continued exploring the range of “Supertato” stories.
In maths, we have been counting, ordering and writing numbers 1-5 and finding sprecial objects up to 5.

In phonics the children enjoyed having a go at rhyming bingo. They explored and tried hard when identifying initial sounds in words and we went on a listening walk in the playground before recording what we heard by drawing pictures.

Have a great weekend

Julie and Sarah


Lanlivery Primary Academy   D Day

Posted 11/06/2024
by Lauren Howell

Lanlivery marks D Day 

Last Thursday was the 80th anniversary of D Day. We were invited out to the flag pole for a ceremony to raise the flay. We heard the reading and then the flag was raised as one of our ex-pupils played the cornet. Pupils from our neighboring school and from the village also came out to see the flag fly. 

On the same day the first poppy in our wild flower garden bloomed! 


Darite Primary Academy   Welcome back to Summer 2

Posted 11/06/2024
by Charlotte Godby

We hope you all had a lovely half term break and are as excited as we are for the busy term ahead. Our enquiry question for our work in the wider curriculum this half term is "how has crime and punishment changed in Britain?" An overview of the areas of learning for this half term can be found below along with the homework menu and spelling packs for this half term. 

Important Dates for the term ahead:
  • Wednesday 12th June - Class 3 Trip to Bodmin Jail
  • Friday 14th June - Whole School Olympic Day
  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st June - year 6 residential
  • Monday 24th June - Whole school beach day
  • Wednesday 3rd July - school play. Performances at 2pm and 5:30
  • Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th July - Liskeard Induction days for year 6 
  • Wednesday 10th July - Whole school trip to Hidden Valley
  • Monday 15th July - Sports day
  • Wednesday 17th July - year 6 BBQ and water fight
  • Thursday 18th July - Alternative sports day
  • Monday 22nd July - Year 6 Leaver's Assembly in the morning and class leaving activities in the afternoon


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