The spring sunshine has brought energy, renewed purpose and lots of smiles which has been most welcome in the past busy weeks.
On Thursday, the whole school joined the rangers at the National Trust site in Lansallos for a tree planting session. It was a great morning learning all about planting saplings, using tools with care and precision and spending time outdoors.
As always, the children were a real credit to the school with their enthusiasm, willingness to learn and exemplary behaviour.
Please look out for emails containing further updates on activities happening over the next couple weeks. On Thursday, we are in St Saviour's for the Mothering Service at 10am and the children will be joined by the Open the Book team Wednesday afternoon to create posies.
What an fantastic effort everyone made to celebrate World Book Day, we had a bear, Harry Potter, Cheshire Cat, Mildred Huble, Lion King, Captain Hook, Matilda and many more inspiring and interesting characters from the children's favorite books. It is always a very special day in school when we get to talk about our favorite books and the characters that inspire us to be the best version of ourselves.
Next week, we have another event planned for Thursday. This time, we are joining the National Trust at Lansallos to plant trees. Please make sure you have signed the consent forms and returned these to school by Tuesday 8th March.
In support of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, the children at Polruan Primary Academy are keen to continue efforts to aid the many people affected by displacement due to the destruction of their homes and lives. You may be aware, that we have a Ukranian family in our school, which brings the events of the conflict much closer to us all. To support our classmate, their family and friends back in Ukraine, the children in Tregegagle class made donation appeal posters for the village shops earlier this week asking for emergency supplies of specific medical items and thanks to your generosity this means we will be able to send a contribution to the collection in St Austell this Saturday – THANK YOU!
We have received a new list of items needed by humanitarian aid groups based in Poland and Ukraine, so we will update our posters to reflect this.
The new list contains:
Plasters, bandages, emergency foil blankets for children, ointment for burns for children, band-aid, nappies, soothers, baby feeding bottles, wet wipes, sterile wipes, milk powder, water, food with a long date, baby food, matches, batteries, torches, Walkie Talkies, power banks.
Any donations are gratefully received at school. The children are also planning a fundraising event here at school and we will provide further information shortly.
Mrs Wills
I hope you are all safe.
A turbulent end to a turbulent half term, I think we are all ready for the half term break!
Thank you for the support you have given all staff during a challenging and testing half term. Hopefully we are now heading towards more stable and gentle times.
We have lots of exciting things planned for the next half term so please keep checking your emails and the website calendar for updates.
School opens again to pupils on Tuesday 1st March, Monday is an INSET day. If your child is in Tregeagle, please remember we are swimming on the first Tuesday back.
Have a restful break.
Mrs Wills
It has been a challenging few weeks and on behalf of all the staff I would like to say THANK YOU for your support and collaboration, we could not have done it without you. Despite the difficulties, there is something resilient and sturdy about the thirst the children have for learning and it is refreshing to see how they continue on their quest to explore, assimilate and make the most of the daily opportunities coming their way.
We have had a few weeks without our usual visitors to school, but we are hoping to be back to open doors again next week.
Next week also sees the return of the annual “Internet Safety Day” on Tuesday 8th February. This year the theme is ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’. The whole school will be involved through a variety of age-related activities and I will email further information, guidance and useful links to all parents so you can continue to support your child to stay safe online at home.
Happy New Year to all.
It has been lovely having the children back in school with happy faces, smiles and excitement to see friends. Our first week has been busy as usual and both classes have settled in well to routines and learning already.
We have lots of exciting things planned for the Spring term, so please make sure you keep checking here and on your child's class page for information. Arena is back for PE on Thursdays, so please make sure your child has their kit in school.
As Covid is still prevalent, please make sure you follow the official guidance so we can continue to keep each other safe.
Mrs Wills
The magic of Christmas in primary school has arrived at Polruan. The school has been buzzing with singing, performing and smiles all around.
With a very heavy heart, we have had to make the decision to move our nativity and Christmas play on-line to make sure we can all stay safe. However, staff has worked tirelessly to ensure the children have still experienced the joy of the Christmas performance and we hope you will agree that despite not being "live", their enjoyment is evident.
To watch your child's performance, please go to their class page.
We had a fantastic well attended "Singing by the tree on the Coal Wharf" Thursday afternoon. As always, the children were super stars and entertained with a variety of Christmas songs. FOPA were on hand serving warm drinks and Christmas biscuits and selling raffles tickets with all the proceeds going to the children at school.
Thank you for your support this term, the school relies on this and we truly appreciate it.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas,
Mrs Wills, Mrs Barnett, Mrs Chasey, Mrs Sandy, Ms Foster, Mr Twaite and Ms Taylor.
See you back at school on Tuesday 4th January 2022
It has been another busy week, filled with Christmas themed activities. On Wednesday, our lovely Open the Book team joined us for Christingle. They brought some lovely bags filled with resources and all the parts needed for each child to create their very own Christingle. The children had a lovely afternoon - thank you!
A reminder to join us on the Coal Wharf on Thursday 16th at 2pm for our Christmas concert.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs W
We have kicked off the festive season with our traditional Christmas decoration craft afternoon on December 1st and our lovely Open the Book team sharing the Christmas story. Next week, the team will return for the Christingle and Reverend Allen will be in school on Monday 13h for a Christmas assembly.
Don't forget Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 10th December. We are collecting for Save the Children, so please bring in any voluntary contributions on the day.
The Christmas postbox is up in reception, so bring in any cards your child has written. They can drop these in the box in the morning before the beginning of the day.
Please look out for an email about our Christmas plays, it contains important information and needs your response.
Mrs W
This week, two new clubs started; Recorder club and Choir Club, both run by Mrs Barnett. We are fortunate to have a musical teacher in school and am sure the children will enjoy learning an instrument, reading music and singing together. From our well-stocked music instrument cupboard, we have been able to supply all the children with their own recorder to take home and practise their new learning. Thank you to all the parents for supporting your child to practise at home, we know recorders can be loud!
Another good news announcement. We have been offered a plot at the Higher Windmill Allotment site, what a privilege for the school to be part of a community co-operative! We have keenly accepted the offer of the plot as the opportunity for the children to grow and work the soil will provide valuable life-lessons in terms of the provenance of food and understanding the science of growing. Added to this, the children will gain a sense of responsibility and foster a strong connection with nature.
Don’t forget, we launch Anti-bullying week with an Odd Sock Day on Monday 15th November. All the children need to do to take part, is arrive at school wearing odd socks. We are collecting money for the Anti-bullying Alliance, so if you would like to make a voluntary contribution, please send the money in with your child.
Mrs Wills
When I opened the gate on Tuesday morning to welcome the children back to school, I was greeted with smiles from happy children looking forward to another half term of learning. And that made my day!
Wednesday afternoon, we welcomed the Open the Book team back in school. The children really enjoyed the storytelling and are now looking forward to being part of the crew every Wednesday afternoon.
Our Extreme Reading Competition closed on Wednesday and our Chair of Governors, John Mason, set to work choosing the winning entries, one from each class. From
Canute class, he chose Erin's entry and from Tregeagle class he chose Andriy's. Mr Mason commented, "They both not only show daring but Tregeagle also shows green credentials and Canute represents the topsy turvy world we are living in.
Please congratulate everyone".
Well done to the winners, who each received a £10 book vouchers courtesy of our fabulous FOPA.
Mrs Wills
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.