Head's Blog

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Thursday was a special day as we took delivery of our new iPads. The Barrie bequest money has allowed us to purchase 16 new iPads, which means we now have enough iPads for all the children to have their own to use for lessons. On Friday, we learnt how to look after the iPads and each child has been allocated a place where their iPad will be stored safely. This is super exciting for the children as it allows us to embed IT within all subjects across the curriculum, support the children to use iPads as learning tools and offer different ways of expressing understanding. We look forward to sharing the children’s projects and as they become experts, the children will be in charge of running workshops for peers and parents, watch this space for further information.

Mrs Wills


Welcome back 

 Welcome Back

It has been great to have the school filled with children again, lots of enthusiasm, smiles and excitement has flooded the classrooms after weeks of quiet. The children have settled in well to our new routines and they are ready to explore learning opportunities with renewed energy.

In the very last week of term, we entered the village scarecrow competition and amazingly we were awarded first prize in our category. We are super proud of this achievement and for the first time in years, the cup has the school's name on it.

To support the smooth transition back, teachers will post important information about class specific routines on their class blogs, so please make sure you check the website regularly.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills



Summer is here

We have made it to the end of a turbulent year and can now look forward to a well-earned summer break.

We said an emotional goodbye to our lovely Year 6 children on Friday afternoon. They have shown great resilience, determination and  enthusiasm throughout the year and they are ready to face the new challenges and adventures that secondary school will bring. We are incredibly proud of them.

The children's scarecrow is up on the gate - I am sure you will agree that it is a master piece! Captain Hook and the "Clockodile"  Judging takes place next weekend, so hopefully the weather will remain gentle and kind.
On behalf of all the staff, have a lovely summer break.
See you back in school on Tuesday 7th September.
Mrs Wills



Something strange is happening...

Strange items have been spotted in different places around the school. Watch this space!




Olympic Day 

Warm Smiles

Today the Olympics came to Polruan. Running, jumping, archery, throwing and team games - we experienced it all in the warm sunshine.

We had a super day, the children truly enjoyed being active but I think the paddling pools and water sprays at the end of the day, proved the most popular.

Have a super weekend, enjoy the warmth and stay sun-safe.
Mrs Wills


Newquay Zoo 

Newquay Zoo trip

On Wednesday morning, lots of excited children and adults turned up for our first whole-school educational trip this year.

We had a fantastic day with lots of excitement, delight and super questions. It was a packed day, but we managed to zoom round and see all the animals, stop at the playground for a well-earned climb, swing and see-saw and finish the day with an ice-cream, thanks to our fabulous FOPA.

Mark, one of the zoo rangers, taught us how to differentiate between herbivores and carnivores by looking at their eyes. Innovatively, he used face-shields to demonstrate how herbivores have eyes on the side of their head for 360 degree vision to avoid predators sneaking up on them. Carnivores (including humans, some species of monkeys and lemurs) have eyes on the front of their head to gauge distance. 
During the day, the children learnt about the important conservation work the zoo does and how adopting an animal supports this. As a result, the children are very keen for the school to adopt an animal and they have already started making presentations to persuade a vote for their chosen animal. We will hold the vote in the last week of term. In the autumn term, the children will be hosting fundraising events to raise the finds needed for the adoption, keep checking here and your emails for further details.
All the adults were incredibly proud of the children, they behaved impeccably and were a real credit to our school.
We look forward to many more educational trips next year.
Mrs Wills



Health and Wellbeing Day 

Health and wellbeing Day

On Tuesday, we had took part in Health and Wellbeing Day run by ARENA. We had a day of team building, yoga, orienteering, sugar smart games and water challenges. The school was filled with happy smiling faces, enthusiasm and purpose which all translated into a hugely enjoyable day for all the children and staff. 

One of the highlights of the day, was watching the children completing the team building challenges. They showed ingenuity, resilience and determination in abundance, such important learning and life skills. 
Mrs Wills 


Sports Day 

Sports Day

Dear All,

We set off to the top of the village in the lovely morning sunshine for our first whole school sporting event this year. It was a great day with fantastic sportsmanship, enthusiastic cheering, and lots of smiles all round. All the children joined in, tried their best and enjoyed the excitement and freedom of running, jumping, hopping, and balancing. I was particularly impressed with our youngest school members from nursery, who joined us for the whole day, and were still smiling at home time this afternoon. Lots of children were a little apprehensive about performing in front of a crowd, but they all happily exclaimed that there had been no need to worry as they felt cheered and supported by all the spectators.
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers, who turned out to cheer, wave and support and helped make the day a memorable experience after a very challenging year.
All that’s left to say is “Thank You” to FOPA for the ice lollies – gratefully received and enjoyed by all.

We look forward to adding a parent race to the list of events next year!
Mrs Wills


Sports Day 

Tuesday 22nd June

It is finally here, Tuesday is SPORTS DAY! 
Please support the smooth running of the day by ensuring your child has their PE kit and trainers in school.
As it is looking to be a lovely sunny day, every child needs a HAT, SUN CREAM applied from home or in their bag so they can apply cream at school and a WATER BOTTLE.
The children have been practising with energy and enthusiasm so be prepared for lots of encouraging shouts of support.
We look forward to seeing you on the sports field - please refer to email outlining social distancing measures.
Mrs Wills



Half term 

As we near the end of Summer term 1, I wanted to write and share some of our plans for the remainder of the school year. As the Government is continuing to relax Covid restrictions, we are now able to host some of the events that make summer term special.

These are the events and dates we have planned so far:

• 22.6.21 - Sports Day
• 29.6.21 - Whole School Well-Being Day
• 7.7.21 - Reserve Sports Day
• 16.7.21 - Alternative Olympics Day

We continue to have ARENA deliver after school club on Thursdays, if your child is in Year 2-6 and they are interested in joining, please speak to Mrs Sandy. Hopefully, the weather will dry off so we can spend more time outdoors, around the village and making use of the field. Class teachers will contact you with details of any local walks or days out they are planning for their class.

This week ends on Thursday at usual time of 3:15pm, as Friday 28th May is an Inset Day for Teacher Training. We return to school following the half term break on Monday 7th June. This week also has an Inset Day, Friday 11th June, so a gentle start to the last half term of the year.

Thank you for your continued support, enjoy the half term break.
Mrs Wills


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