Head's Blog

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Welcome back

Happy New Year to all. 
It has been lovely having the children back in school with happy faces, smiles and excitement to see friends. Our first week has been busy as usual and both classes have settled in well to routines and learning already. 
We have lots of exciting things planned for the Spring term, so please make sure you keep checking here and on your child's class page for information. Arena is back for PE on Thursdays, so please make sure your child has their kit in school. 
As Covid is still prevalent, please make sure you follow the official guidance so we can continue to keep each other safe.
Mrs Wills



Christmas is here!

The magic of Christmas in primary school has arrived at Polruan. The school has been buzzing with singing, performing and smiles all around. 
With a very heavy heart, we have had to make the decision to move our nativity and Christmas play on-line to make sure we can all stay safe. However, staff has worked tirelessly to ensure the children have still experienced the joy of the Christmas performance and we hope you will agree that despite not being "live", their enjoyment is evident. 
To watch your child's performance, please go to their class page. 

We had a fantastic well attended "Singing by the tree on the Coal Wharf" Thursday afternoon. As always, the children were super stars and entertained with a variety of Christmas songs. FOPA were on hand serving warm drinks and Christmas biscuits and selling raffles tickets with all the proceeds going to the children at school. 

Thank you for your support this term, the school relies on this and we truly appreciate it.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas,
Mrs Wills, Mrs Barnett, Mrs Chasey, Mrs Sandy, Ms Foster, Mr Twaite and Ms Taylor.

See you back at school on Tuesday 4th January 2022



Christmas Theme

It has been another busy week, filled with Christmas themed activities. On Wednesday, our lovely Open the Book team joined us for Christingle. They brought some lovely bags filled with resources and all the parts needed for each child to create their very own Christingle. The children had  a lovely afternoon - thank you!

A reminder to join us on the Coal Wharf on Thursday 16th at 2pm for our Christmas concert.

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs W




We have kicked off the festive season with our traditional Christmas decoration craft afternoon on December 1st and our lovely Open the Book team sharing the Christmas story. Next week, the team will return for the Christingle and Reverend Allen will be in school on Monday 13h for a Christmas assembly. 

Don't forget Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 10th December. We are collecting for Save the Children, so please bring in any voluntary contributions on the day. 

The Christmas postbox is up in reception, so bring in any cards your child has written. They can drop these in the box in the morning before the beginning of the day.

Please look out for an email about our Christmas plays, it contains important information and needs your response.

Mrs W 




This week, two new clubs started; Recorder club and Choir Club, both run by Mrs Barnett. We are fortunate to have a musical teacher in school and am sure the children will enjoy learning an instrument, reading music and singing together. From our well-stocked music instrument cupboard, we have been able to supply all the children with their own recorder to take home and practise their new learning. Thank you to all the parents for supporting your child to practise at home, we know recorders can be loud!

Another good news announcement. We have been offered a plot at the Higher Windmill Allotment site, what a privilege for the school to be part of a community co-operative! We have keenly accepted the offer of the plot as the opportunity for the children to grow and work the soil will provide valuable life-lessons in terms of the provenance of food and understanding the science of growing. Added to this, the children will gain a sense of responsibility and foster a strong connection with nature.

Don’t forget, we launch Anti-bullying week with an Odd Sock Day on Monday 15th November. All the children need to do to take part, is arrive at school wearing odd socks. We are collecting money for the Anti-bullying Alliance, so if you would like to make a voluntary contribution, please send the money in with your child.
Mrs Wills



Autumn 2

When I opened the gate on Tuesday morning to welcome the children back to school, I was greeted with smiles from happy children looking forward to another half term of learning. And that made my day!

Wednesday afternoon, we welcomed the Open the Book team back in school. The children really enjoyed the storytelling and are now looking forward to being part of the crew every Wednesday afternoon.

Our Extreme Reading Competition closed on Wednesday and our Chair of Governors, John Mason, set to work choosing the winning entries, one from each class. From 
Canute class, he chose Erin's entry and from Tregeagle class he chose Andriy's. Mr Mason commented, "They both not only show daring but Tregeagle also shows green credentials and Canute represents the topsy turvy world we are living in. Please congratulate everyone".

Well done to the winners, who each received a £10 book vouchers courtesy of our fabulous FOPA.
Mrs Wills



End of Half Term

Dear All,
We have successfully reached the end of our first half term. It has been a very busy half term. The children have settled in well in their new classes and made positive strides in learning.

It has been great to welcome the community increasingly into our school again, having parents evening with in-person appointments and to celebrate Harvest Festival in the church. We had a lovely morning in the church adn the children were fantastic, reciting their harvest stories and singing beautifully with the help of Mrs Butlin. Thank you to all the parents, families and friends who turned up.  
We are pleased to announce that our lovely “Open the Book” team will be back in school for weekly assemblies from Wednesday 3rd November. They have a full programme, including Christmas activities, planned for the coming half term, we can’t wait!
On a very positive note, school has been approached by the Windmill Allotment Society with regards the school having an allotment on their site. Following discussion with staff around access and practicalities, we have keenly accepted the offer of a plot as the opportunity for the children to grow and work the soil will provide valuable life-lessons in terms of the provenance of food and understanding the science of growing. Added to this, the children will gain a sense of responsibility and foster a strong connection with nature. If you have a keen interest in gardening and have spare time to give, we would love to recruit you to support us in developing and maintaining the plot. Please let Mrs Sandy know, if you would like to become an allotment volunteer.

After half term, we welcome a new member of staff. Miss Megan Taylor will join us as a Teaching Assistant apprentice. Miss Taylor will be based in Canute class, where she will be supporting Mrs Barnett and Mrs Chasey.

Remember, we have an Inset Day on Monday 1st November, so we return to learning on Tuesday 2nd November.
Have a restful week.
With best wishes,
Mrs Wills



Busy children

We have launched our very first Extreme Reading Competition to find out which children love reading so much, they simply have to do it anywhere. We are looking forward to some innovative entries. Make sure your child's entry is emailed to Mrs Sandy by Wednesday 3rd November.

The children have been working with enthusiasm to get ready for Tuesday's Harvest Festival. It is a real treat for us all to be able to gather to celebrate this important date in the church calendar. We look forward to seeing you in the church for the 10am start and thank you for your support in limiting numbers so we can all stay safe.

The teachers are looking forward to welcoming you into their classrooms on Monday afternoon at 3pm to share expectations for learning, classroom routines and for you to have the chance to look at your child's work with them. We know that for some of you, this will be the very first time inside the building making it a very special occasion.

A reminder to book a time to discuss your child's progress with their class teacher. Please ring Mrs Sandy to book parent consultations for next week.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills 


Storytelling assembly 

Reverend Allen visit

Yesterday we welcomed Reverend Allen back to school for our assembly. This is the first time, we have been able to invite the Reverend inside the school and the first time our younger pupils experienced assembly delivered by someone different to our staff. The reverend enthralled the children with his captivating storytelling making it a lovely experience for us all. Hopefully the first of many more to come this year. 

Our "Open the Book" team are ready and waiting in the wings to resume their Wednesday performances and hopefully we should be able to invite them back after half term.

This year, we are joining the Reverend in St Saviour's Church on 19th October at 10am for Harvest festival. Please check emails and notices for further information about precautions to keep us all safe.


Reading for Pleasure 

Reading is Magic

This week, we are launching our Reading focus for the autumn term - reading for pleasure. Across the term, we will be celebrating authors, readers and find out how reading for pleasure can influence your feelings, emotions and sense of adventure. We are kicking off by joining the Reading is Magic Festival, a virtual event with lots of writers, illustrators and poets sharing their work.

By clicking on this link you can find out more.


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