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Day 1 Ultimate Adventure Centre

What a whirl it has been!
Straight on arrival, we launched into our first activity - archery. Battling the rain and the wind was no mean feat but we managed a couple of near-bullseyes. After lunch, it was time for orienteering and we finished the afternoon on the high-ropes. Lots of bravery on display, digging deep and huge smiles of success - fantastic! We are heading off to the firepit shortly and I am sure some of us might enjoy some quiet time when the evening draws in!
It has been a full octane first day but we are still smiling!
Mrs W

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We set off to the top of the village in the lovely morning sunshine on Tuesday for our annual Sports Day. It was a great day with fantastic sportsmanship, enthusiastic cheering, and lots of smiles all round. All the children joined in, tried their best and enjoyed the excitement and freedom of running, jumping, hopping, and balancing. I was particularly impressed with our youngest school member from nursery, who joined us for the whole day, and were still smiling at home time this afternoon. As always, there’s some trepidation about competing in front of a crowd, but the children all happily exclaimed that there had been no need to worry as they felt cheered and supported by all the spectators. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers, who turned out to cheer, wave and support and helped make the day a memorable experience after a challenging year. A big THANK YOU to the parents who took part in our adult race, it is clear to see where the competitive spirit the children exhibit comes from!

On Thursday, we spent the morning completing the annual Bridge Schools Games. Lots of enthusiasm, competitive spirit and smiles all round. Thank you to Year 6 for taking responsibility as Sports Leads in supporting their peers and thank you to Mr Twaite for organising both this event and Sports Day earlier in the week. The results are due in Monday and we will let you know how we got on later in the term.


The Year 6 children had a fantastic day at Camel Creek on Friday. Lots of smiles all round and some very wet children following repeat rides on the water flumes.


We are entering the last weeks of term and the next event on the agenda is Year 5/6 residential trip 3rd-5th July at the Adventure Centre in Bideford. For these days, we have collapsed the usual curriculum to make way for art and outdoor learning for the rest of the school.


Star of the Week:
Indi for sportsmanship, positive attitude and cheering her friends on Sport day.
Tegan for looking for challenge and facing it with determination and grit – she asked to race against the Year 6 children on Sports Day and smashed it!

Mathematician of the week:
Ava for always concentrating on the carpet during the input and using this learning to answer questions independently.
Ailla for concentration and persistence in managing distractions and working with confidence.

Mrs Wills.

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Summer term is always super busy, and this week was no exception with a curriculum trip to Cornwall at War Museum for Tregeagle, both classes attending the Multi-sports events at Looe Community Academy on Wednesday and Canute class visiting the village field as part of their growing enquiry. It is brilliant to be able to offer these curriculum enhancements in addition to our in-school learning.
We look forward to seeing you all for Sports day on Tuesday. As last year’s format with sports followed by a picnic lunch proved popular, we will do the same again this year. However, should the weather prove difficult, we will return to school to eat the picnic. Events start at 10am and we anticipate the morning to end at 12noon. We are happy for the children to come to school wearing their PE kit.
To finish the week, we had our Achievement Assembly.
Stars of the Week are:
Joyce for her kindness and selflessness spending her lunch time sourcing and printing colouring pictures for the younger children.
Ronnie for his sportsmanship and encouragement to friends.
Writer of the week:
Nadine for careful and accurate application of grammar and adventurous use of vocabulary to make her writing interesting and entertaining.
Nathan for super writing in phonics and being careful with his handwriting.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills



Welcome back to our final half term of the year. This promises to be full on with lots of excitement so please make sure you continue to check our school calendar and emails.

Lots of exciting learning is taking place across the school with Canute exploring how things grow and Tregeagle continuing to explore WW2. I am super impressed with the plants being grown in Canute class, it is beginning to look like a Nursery with colourful lilies, broad beans and more adorning most surfaces.

Up at the allotment, we are also beginning to see the fruits of our labours with lots and lots of juicy, sweet strawberries and apples. We had enough strawberries for everyone to have 2 – yum!

On Thursday, reverend Allen visited to deliver an assembly about World Environment Day. A great and informative time as always.

Looking ahead, Tregeagle class are visiting the Cornwall at War Museum on Tuesday to support and enhance their classroom learning on WW2. This promises to be a super day with a guided tour, the chance to study artefacts and four air raid shelters to visit.

Wednesday we are all travelling to Looe Community Academy to take part in the Multi-skills Sports. If you have not already done this, please make sure you send the completed consent form in to school with your child on Monday at the latest.
Canute class will leave promptly in the morning, so please bring car seats for 9am departure.

In our Achievement Assembly we celebrated Readers of the Week:

Indi for some super blending, segmenting and independent reading.
Jakson for discovering that he LOVES reading for pleasure.

Our Stars of the Week were:

Robbie for being super resilient all week.
Andriy for his lovely positive attitude and kindness.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wills

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Half term

Dear all,

We have reached the end of summer 1 already in a flurry of activity. With the warmer weather, we are moving learning outside and have complemented this with trips to enhance the curriculum.

We had the school photographer visit on Monday, and this year all ordering is done online using the special class codes issued. Please let us know if you need support accessing this.

Looking ahead, we have a busy last half term so please make sure you continue to check the school calendar and emails from Mrs Turnbull and your child’s teacher. In the week following half term, we have a couple of special assemblies with Reverend Allen and our Open the Book team and the following week, Tregeagle are visiting the Cornwall at War Museum and we have a day of Sports at Looe Community Academy with KS1 attending in the morning and KS2 in the afternoon, more information to follow after half term.

Thank you for sending your children to school with hats and sunscreen. It makes break times easier for all and saves searching for spare hats.

To finish the week, we had our Achievement Assembly.

Stars of the Week:
Hallie for always showing kindness and compassion delivered with a smile.
The whole of Canute Class for their resilience in dealing with lots of changes while staying focused on learning.

Mathematician of the week:
Alexia for using her skills and knowledge of 3D shape nets, scale and proportion and a healthy dollop of creativity to create a 3D bedroom design.
Ronnie for super sorting, ordering and comparing numbers to 20.

Have a lovely half term. We look forward to seeing all the children back in school on Monday 5th June.
Mrs Wills



What a whirl this week has been! SATs week always brings a whole set of challenges, and this year was no exception. The level of organisation is slick, and teamwork is the name of the game. Being a small school, we inevitably need everyone to help out, both children and staff.
The children in Canute have been hosting Y3/4/5 children from Tregegale all week sharing their room and resources with the older children. Sometimes their patience was tested but, on the whole, they showed kindness and hospitability - what a generous group of children they are – THANK YOU!
The Year 3/4/5 children have been nomads this week, starting each day with spelling in their classroom but packing their belongings to spend the remainder of the morning downstairs. They have been incredibly resilient, respectful and mature. They have been role models all week, showing how to work independently using their iPads to complete SeeSaw tasks to a high standard with positive mindsets – THANK YOU!
The staff have been wearing adaptive and flexible hats all week to support the extra children in their classroom, changes to lessons and school routines and always armed with kindness and support – THANK YOU!
Finally, the Year 6 children have shown determination, positivity, and resilience to complete their SATs papers. We had a compliance visit from our governor, Suzanne Goddard, who commented on how positive and well-prepared the children were, in high spirits and keen to show what they have learnt. As you may have read in the news, some of the papers were difficult this year, however we are incredibly proud of the level-headed approach our Year 6 children have taken to the challenges and how kind they are to themselves, always remembering to celebrate their successes – THANK YOU!
Following the last paper on Friday, Year 6 children made crispy cakes for their peers in Tregeagle class to show their appreciation of the support they have received all week. The remainder of the afternoon was spent having some down-time. Some celebrated with a game of football, others built a shelter for chilling, a few just needed quiet time composing hits on GarageBand and a trio went for a canter on our Shed-Horse. They all joined together for class dance to finish the afternoon.
The message we all take away from this week; we might be small, but we are big when it comes to teamwork.
Mrs Wills

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Coronation mayhem

We have had a lovely end to a very busy week. On Thursday afternoon, the whole school joined forces to prepare decorations and crowns for our community Coronation party. It was a super productive afternoon, with all the children working together to produce some exquisite headgear and royal bunting. It is always a real pleasure to have all the n working together as one group, they are great at supporting each other and the conversations around the room would delight most teachers.

Friday afternoon, we were joined by parents and members of the wider community for an afternoon of royal refreshments and Reverend Allen. We learnt all about the Coronation, had a sing-along to a new King song and the children were presented with their Royal Commemorative coins from FOPA. Thank you to all of you for making this a lovely celebratory afternoon.

I hope you have a lovely long weekend and see you all back in school Tuesday 9th May.
Mrs Wills



Welcome back 

Welcome back to a packed summer term. It was lovely to have the building filled with exciting voices, enthusiasm and positivity again. We have lots of exciting events planned for the coming half term so please make sure you check the school calendar and keep up to date with emails and notices from your child's teachers.

We returned back to news that Fowey festival committee had met and judged this year's entries for Young Artist/writers of the Year and I am delighted to announce that TEGAN has finished 2nd overall with her fantastic Maya celebration portrait - the eyes draw you in. As well as celebrating Tegan's success, we can announce that ALEXIA AND AILLA were awarded HIGHLY COMMENDED. In addition, JAKSON, LIAM, NADINE, OLLIE AND ALEXIS were awarded COMMENDED. Goodness - what a lot of talented artists we have at Polruan :) I have shared the winning entries below.

Looking ahead, we are planning a Coronation party on Friday 5th May in the afternoon so please add the date to your calendar. The children will start planning the party this week and we will send out more information next week.

Tregeagle class are swimming Wednesday mornings again and next Wednesday afternoon, 28th April, we have the photographer in to take the class photos.

Thank you for continuing to order your child's lunches via Parent Pay, it makes a huge difference to the kitchen being able to plan ahead with ordering.

Mrs Wills

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Working together

Following a lively week in school, Friday culminated with a shared Trust values day. All schools from across the trust sent representatives from thier school of pupils from Year 4 and Year 5 and the children gathered together to engage in activities relating to our Trust values of being Curious, Determined, Responsible, Excellent, Creative and Enthusiastic. Among the varied and exciting activities on offer were art and design activities, using technology to animate, inspiring dances and song writing creating some verses to a 'Stronger Together' song written especially for the Trust. The pupils from Year 4 and Year 5 had an amazing time proudly representing our school!

Back at school, we had our celebration assembly with Stars of the Week: Jakson and Antonia - for their commitment, smiles and enthusiasm for learning.
Writers of the Week: 
Ollie  -  for positive attitudes which has produced some fantastic entertaining writing.
Ronnie – for working independently using the iPad to record his sentence and replay it for recording.
Special mention for determination, resilience and grit in achieving her 99 Club this week - we are in awe Erin!


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.