Head's Blog

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A huge WELL DONE to our super Year 6 – we are beyond proud of the resilience, determination and positive attitude shown this week in completing the SATs. Celebrated in style with a walk to the Block House for some reflective sketching and finished with ice creams and play in the park.

Parent questionnaire

The Trust parent questionnaire is open now and will close on Friday 24th May. It is easy to complete by following the link below. We would love to know your views as parental feedback is really important to us to understand how we can provide the best possible education for your child at Polruan Primary. Please click on this link to complete it: Parent and Carer Questionnaire – Summer 2024

Mental Health
The Mental Health in Schools Team have sent us online parent workshop dates for the following topics:

• Understanding Resilience
• Understanding Worry
• Sleep Workshop
• Year 6 Transition
• Behaviour as Communication

These are online and free to attend. To sign up, please follow the links on the posters attached to email sent on Tuesday 14th May. A lot of these topics reciprocate what is taught in school and might further understanding in supporting your child. 

Achievement Assembly:
Stars of the Week:
Liam for showing resilience and determination during SATs
Kayden for following the rules and making the right choices
Reader of the Week:
Liam because he has been great this week!
Ava for fantastic attitude and enthusiasm for reading 

 Image Gallery




Good news!

Monday afternoon, we had a special assembly to celebrate the children whose art and writing were awarded prices in this year’s Fowey Festival. A huge congratulations goes to IRINA, who won second place in the KS1 Arts category with her beautifully colourful and creative interpretation of the seaside. We are all very impressed with her collage – what a fantastic role model she is for our school community. Further congratulations go to Ava and Mya, who received commendations for their art work and Liam for his brilliant poem about the Thieves of Polruan.

We had further good news on Wednesday, when Tammy popped in to school with the proceeds from the Polly Swish Clothes Swap and Joanna Sandy's plant sale. They managed to raise an incredible £130 which we have decided to spend on a day out for all the children. Thank you!

We had class photos on Thursday, please look out for the follow up email regarding purchasing these.

Achievement Assembly:

Stars of the Week:

Rylie for showing resilience in managing emotions
Irina for her positive attitude and engagement in all learning activities

Reader of the Week:

Ailla for her positive attitude in guided reading and reading with adults across the week.
Zenia for brilliant progress and now reading lots of words by sight rather than segmenting and blending.



This afternoon, we had a visit from RNLI to share the work the institution does and how the children can keep themselves safe in and around the water. The children showed keen interest and asked some brilliant questions, chipping in with their knowledge of the local area and learning from previous visits from the Harbour Master and Morwagh.

Both classes have been out and abut in the village, Canute class to look at plants in the National Trust Field for their science lessons and Tregeagle class for Geographical field work to sketch maps of the local area.

Next week, Canute are off to visit Nancarrow Farm on Tuesday. We look forward to hearing all about their trip.

Have a lovely weekend, Mrs W



Penultimate week of spring term

It has been a busy week across the school, with lots of enhanced learning experiences both inside and out of school, I think Tregeagle class have spent more time learning away from their classroom than in it this week. It is great to be able to enhance learning with offsite experiences. This does require added planning and preparation for the staff involved but the benefits to the children far outweigh this and the children’s enthusiasm and pleasure of these experiences more than makes up for it.

Head over to the class pages to read about your child’s week in their class.

Next week is our final week of the Spring term. We will finish the term with the Easter service at St Savour’s at 12:30pm. We hope that many of you can join us for some Easter stories and singing. As this is the final day of term, we will finish at 1:30pm.



World Book Day

Great seeing the children arriving this morning in a variety of fantastic costumes ready to celebrate World Book Day. We started the day with an assembly, sharing favorite books, characters and finding out what a reader is - it turns out we are all readers! 
Canute class joined Kael Tudor and Nicola Slater talking about their book One Goose Two Moose and learning how to draw the characters. In Tregeagle class, we joined the BBC live lesson to help make book suggestions for a pop-up library. We also managed to read 3 chapters of our class read: Bill's New frock by Anne Fine

Reading for pleasure is high on our list of priorities at school and with events like World Book Day, we have the perfect excuse to celebrate books and reading. I think our Borrow Box library subscription will be busy tonight with children finding their new best read inspired by today's events.



Mother's Day Service

We had a lovely afternoon in St Saviour's celebrating people who are special to us. Lots of preparation; practicing songs and poems and Open the Book team arriving in school this morning with flowers and greenery for the children to make posies meant we were set and ready to celebrate in style. The children sang their anthems supported skillfully by Mrs Butlin, read their poems aloud with clear voices and dictation and finally shared their posies with their special person. Just one of those moments that are so special to share with the children in primary school.



Summer 1

It seems summer term 1 has flown by in a hectic flurry of learning activities. Canute class has been growing, planting and observing using science to explore how plants thrive and Tregeagle has been immersed in the world of the Ancient Greeks. The school has been teeming with enthusiasm and the children are very articulate about how they learn, what they learn and how they know they are making progress – fantastic conversations to have with them.

Reminder that Friday 24th May is an INSET day for staff training and we return to school on Monday 3rd June for the final half term of the academic year.

We say goodbye to Mrs Westacott, who is returning to Pelynt school, and we wish her all the very best. Her warmth and kindness have permeated school and she will be missed. In her place, we welcome Mrs Andrews who will teach Canute class on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays. Mrs Andrews will be outside greeting the children on Wednesday 5th June at the start of the day giving you the chance to meet her too.

Achievement Assembly:

Writer of the week:

Erin for her fantastic creative ideas which makes reading her work a real pleasure
Zeniah for super sentences and positive attitude to writing

Star of the Week:

Nathan for resilience and bravery
Ava for being a fantastic role model for her peers

Have a lovely half term break,
Jane Wills



Special Assembly

We had a special assembly on Thursday with our very on World Championship Gig Rower Mrs Hughes. Fresh from competing in the World Championships in the Isles of Scilly, Mrs Hughes and the crew from Fowey Ladies Team, were crowned champions. The children had the chance to find out about the sport, how to join the rowing club and the pride gained from success. We are certain the aspirational talk might tempt new recruits for the rowing club.

Achievement Assembly:

Stars of the Week:
Erin for her positive attitude to all learning
Robbie for showing resilience and self-motivation.

Mathematician of the Week:
Joyce for fantastic positivity and resilience in applying strategies
Ronnie for fantastic independent work and great attitude to learning



Easter is here

We have arrived at the end of a very busy term, upholding the tradition of Spring term being one of the busier terms of the year. This year however, I think Summer term might take the top spot.

Since the beginning of the school year, we have been working with the Fowey Port User Group to find ways of working together to encourage young people and children in our local area to get in and on the water. So far, we have welcomed The Harbour Master, Captain Paul Thomas, into school to talk to the children about what happens on our river and lifting the lid on how to run a working port. In addition, we had the crew from Morvargh spend a morning with us to share their experiences, discuss water safety and study at sea charts in and around our local area.

Behind the scenes, Mrs Hughes has been busy creating a 6-week water sports programme for Tregeagle class working with Fowey Harbour Commissioners, Fowey Gallants Sailing Club and Paddle Cornwall. In these sessions, 7- to 11-year-olds will start to build knowledge and understanding of water safety, specifically on and around our river. They will have the opportunity to take part in Paddleboarding, Kayaking, Sailing and Motorboating. As always when we are looking at providing extracurricular activities to the children, we reach out to our amazingly generous community and yet again we have been able to secure funding to dismantle any potential barriers so all the children in KS2 can have this fantastic experience.

We are incredibly grateful to:

  • Polruan Regatta Committee

  • The Nathaniel Symington Trust

  • The Polruan Ferry for transport

Thank you for all you are doing to ensure the children are given the very best opportunities to thrive in their environment.

Going forward, we plan to provide this as an annual offer to our Key Stage 2 class, something we are working with Fowey Harbour Commissioners to hopefully facilitate. Ideally, we would like to offer river-based opportunities to all children throughout the school so we are looking at ways to include the younger children going forward. 

Tuesday was one very special day for the children in Canute class as they received a letter from Kensington Palace from The Prince and Princess of Wales. Before Christmas, the children wrote letters to the Prince and Princess telling them about life and learning in Polruan Primary Academy, walked to the post office to buy stamps and posted the letters in the postbox on the quay. The children were beyond proud to receive the royal letter and we have given it pride of place in the entrance hall of the school. 

Achievement Assembly
Mathematician of the week:
Rylie for showing independence and resilience 
Robbie for brilliant understanding of multiplication and division

Stars of the Week:
Liam for being a fantastic role model to younger pupils 
Mya for her increased confidence to speak out in class

We finished the Spring term with the Easter service at St Saviour’s - thank you to those of you who braved the weather to join us.

We return to school after the Easter break on Monday 15th April. 
Hope you have a lovely Easter break in our special corner of Cornwall. 
Jane Wills



It has been a whirlwind of a short half term characterised by snow, rain and wind outside and lots of learning inside the building. Spring term is usually one of our most productive terms, with the children well settled in their classes, and this first half term has been no exception.

On Tuesday, we joined the rest of the country in celebrating Safer Internet Day with a shared assembly and different activities in class to support the children safely navigating the ever-changing landscape of the our online world. If you have any concerns or questions about internet safety, please contact school as we acess to a wealth of guidance to support different aspects of online safety.

Canute class went to visit one of the the local shops to find out more about which skills and knowledge is needed to run a shop. The enjoyed finding out how their maths skills are useful outside the classroom and on their return to class, set about creating jam sandwiches with their bought ingredients.

For Tregeagle class, swimming starts again on Wednesday 21st February. Mrs Hughes has sent out reminders about kit, timings and logistics today. Please make sure you let us know if you need support with this.

We will be holding Parent Consultations in the week commencing 26th February, boking forms will be sent home in the week after half term. We are continuing with face to face meetings so you have the chance to se your child’s work in discussion with their teacher.

After half term, it will be Canute’s turn to work with our Mental Health Practitioner o learn all about managing emotions and feelings through the Decider Skills. This will help develop a shared language to use across the school for children and staff to support strategies for managing “The Fizz”.

A huge THANK YOU to Christine for filling our planters with colourful plants which make us all smile whenever we round the corner.

We finished half term with a visit from Reverend Richard, who taught us how to make pancakes for Pancake day and the significance of Shrove Tuesday in the Christian calendar.

Achievement Assembly
Writer of the Week:
Tegan for accepting the challenge to write with Liam and producing some fantastic work to show her understanding of the power of words.
Robbie for taking time and care using all the learning in her independent writing.

Stars of the Week:
Ailla for showing responsibility in her interactions with peers
Indi for taking responsibility and showing great independence

I hope you all have a welcome break and we look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 19th February at 8:45am.


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We are passionate about learning.



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