Head's Blog

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Tregeagle Rainforest! 

29th October 2019.
The children were shocked when they entered the classroom and realised that it had been transformed into a rainforest! Giant spiders watch down on the learning in the class and vines hang from the walls. 

The children really enjoyed the first day back after half term, where they were immersed in learning what it might be like in the rainforest.


New books arrive! 

There was great excitement throughout the school when the Library Van arrived! 

We are so keen to develop a love of reading, so were thrilled at the arrival of the library van and the prospect of new books on our shelves. Groups of children went out to the van to choose some new books for our school library. We returned old books and excitedly filled our shelves with new ones.

We can’t wait to get reading them.


Raising money. 

Raising money for Macmillan Cancer Research.


We were proud to host a Macmillan coffee morning at school and were so grateful for the donations of delicious cakes.


Easter activity  

We’re going on a Bunny Hunt!!!!

Volunteers working on the Looe Live Community Zone are raising funds for a new Looe Live Community Chest to help support local groups, organisations and events that improve community life and good causes in Looe. Funds raised would be ring fenced to support the future of the Community Zone as part of the Looe Live Festival, but also provide a fund to support other community events and activities throughout the year, that will enhance the town socially, environmentally and culturally.

Not sure what to do with the children over the Easter holidays??? Let them join in the fun of trying to find the little gold bunnies that have been hidden around Looe in participating shop windows.

There are 20 gold bunnies to find, 5 in shop windows in West Looe, and 15 in East Looe. Each participating business will also have a poster in their window.

Entry forms are on sale at the Looe Tourist Information Centre from April 1st from 10.00 – 15.00 Mon - Fri at £1.00 per sheet. Once the sheet is completed, please return to the TIC with a contact name and phone number on the reverse.

Prizes for three lucky winners returning their correct forms by Friday 19th April. The winner will be announced on Easter Sunday on East Looe Seafront following the Beach Easter Egg Hunt.

We hope you will enjoy the hunt and appreciate your support.

There will be a gold bunny on display in the Tourist Information Centre so that the children will know what they look like!! GOOD LUCK!!!


Mother's Day service 28.03.19 

It was my pleasure to attend our Mother's Day service in church today and I was thrilled that so many mums, grandmas and aunties joined us in our celebration.

The children worked really hard to think about their special messages to their mums. I enjoyed listening to Canute children talking about the fun things they love to do with mummy. They held up their pictures and they spoke so confidently. 
Tregealge had been learning about Haiku poetry and wrote their own Haiku poems about their mums.

They had created some observational drawings to add to their message so that it could be sent home as a special treat for mum. The attention to detail and quality of their pictures was very impressive.

I hope all our mums, aunties and grans enjoyed the service too.


Values conference 01.03.19 

Excellence, determination, creativity, enthusiasm, responsibility and curiosity.

On Friday 1st March we sent 4 of our Y6 children to the Bridge Schools values conference. Children and adults from all 14 Bridge Schools attended the event at the beautiful St. Wenn church to talk about and take part in activities linked to the 6 main values of the Trust. 

The children produced a powerpoint about our values and learning at Polruan Primary Academy, to share with the other schools. By the end of the day, when all 6 values had been explored, there was a common conclusion that these values are important to us all, now and in our future lives.

The Year 6 children will share what they learnt in assembly and we will then work together as a whole school to explore what these values mean to everyone at Polruan Primary Academy. 


Cinderella day 

What a fantastic first day back at school! Both schools joined together to enjoy a day centred around the story of Cinderella. The day began with storytelling in the hall, where each of the teachers had a role to play! The children thought this was hilarious. We certainly have some talented actors amongst our teaching staff!

The day continued with a range of activities to inspire the children to write their own stories later in the week. Collaboratively, the Reception and KS1 children looked at alternative versions of the story and generated a range of vocabulary to describe the thoughts and feelings of the characters. The KS2 children focused on story structure and language. Everyone had a great day and really benefited from working together.

We finished the day with a sharing assembly so that the children could explain to the rest of the school what they had been learning about. I was so impressed with the range of vocabulary they generated and explored. I can't wait to read their own stories.

The children always enjoy working together.


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.