Head's Blog

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Welcome back to another week of alternative learning. We will upload next day's learning grid and activities at the end of each day, ready for you to access the following morning. We will upload Monday's learning on Sunday night. 

Mrs Barnett and Mrs Wills look forward to seeing you all for your TEAMS lessons so make sure you check class blogs for timings of these lessons.

You have all been amazing this week, putting up with numerous emails, phone calls and instructions daily - THANK YOU!

We could not ask for a better group of children and parents to share this experience with.

Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Wills



Christmas Concert 

It was absolutely wonderful to see so many of you joining us for our Christmas concert this afternoon. The children have enjoyed working with Mrs Butlin and I think you will agree it really showed in their enthusiastic singing today.

We hope that 2021 will allow us to put on more events so we can all share the talents and enthusiasm of the children.
Enjoy the recording.

Mrs Wills


Christmas is here 

Christmas Art Day

We has a lovely day on Tuesday welcoming the month of December. The children spent the day creating Christmas themed art projects, carefully following step by step instructions both individually and with adults. The results were some fantastically creative Christmas decorations. We have displayed these in the classrooms and we can now say that the Christmas season has arrived at Polruan Primary.


Helen Doe Virtual Visit 

Helen Doe Virtual Visit.

As part of Tregeagle's enquiry "What's All the Fuss About Polruan?" the historian, Helen Doe, visited virtually on Tuesday afternoon.

The children had a long list of questions for Helen to answer and she did not disappoint. The children now know all about St Saviour's Chapel, the strike at the boys' school, the Blockhouse and the apparently very successful football team from Polruan Football Club among other fascinating facts about the village.

Please make sure you ask them to tell you more.



African Drumming

This week, we started our music sessions with Sally Butlin from the Music Hub. Sally will be with us for the next 12 weeks teaching both Canute and Tregeagle class. The children will learn how to drum using our African drums but also singing and general enjoyment of playing and listening to music. The children really enjoyed their first lesson with lots of smiles, enthusiasm and keen participation. Sally commented on how lovely all the children and of course, we agree with her.

Thanks to your generous donations for last Friday's Mufti day, we have managed to raise £45.50 for Children in Need to help support good causes - Thank You!

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Wills


Thank you 

Christmas Card fundraiser

I would like to thank you all for supporting our Christmas card fundraiser, we have managed to raise £43.70. We will use the money to buy resources for our Christmas Art Day on 1st December. We will be announcing our plans for more socially distanced Covid secure Christmas festivities over the coming weeks. 

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills


Autumn 2 

Dear all, 

I hope that you and the children have enjoyed the 1/2 term break, feel rested and are looking forward to the second part of the autumn term and the build up to Christmas.

I am sure you are all aware of the impending national lockdown in place from Thursday. We are pleased that this time round schools will be open to all pupils as the children's education, development and social interactions with one-another are so important. Rest assured that we will continue to ensure that health, hygiene and wellbeing of the children during this time will be our main priority.

Children in Need is on Friday 13th November. We will celebrate this with a non-uniform day and ask for donations to the Children in Need cause. If you are able to make a contribution, it would be gratefully received.

As we head towards this time of uncertainty, please be assured that we will do everything we can to ensure the children continue to learn, thrive, and achieve to their maximum. We have prepared to deliver online learning if the need arises, but let’s hope we can continue to come to school.

Stay safe and well and I look forward to seeing you all this week.

Best wishes, Mrs Wills


Half Term 

What a busy time it has been...

We have made it through the first half term of the school year, time has simply flown by. The children have been working with focus and determination and have covered an enormous amount of work, I am sure they are ready for a break. 

Don't forget, we start serving hot meals again after half term, menus have been sent out to all parents and a copy is also on the website.

I hope you all have a well earned rest and have the opportunity to get out and about to enjoy our lovely surroundings. 

Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Wills


Parent Governor 

Pelynt and Polruan Governing Body 

Our Local Governing Body has a vacancy for a parent governor.
If you are interested in finding out more about this role, please ring the school office 01726 870402.

Mrs Wills



Although it is not December, we have been making Christmas cards as part of a fundraising project. The children will bring home their beautiful designs by the end of the week and if you would like to purchase these, please fill in the order form and return it with payment to school before 21st October. 

The DfE have made Relationships Education compulsory in all primary schools in England. Bridge Schools Trust follows the national curriculum and any associated updates to DfE policy. We are proposing all our schools follow this government guidance and provide you as parents with the opportunity to feedback to us on this proposal. If you would like to feedback on the proposal, please follow this link

Thank you for your support.
Mrs Wills


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.