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Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 3rd May 2024

Posted 03/05/2024
by Lauren Forbes

Happy Bank Holiday weekend!

We have had another wonderful week in Class 1.

In our art learning this week we finished off our artwork inspired by Andy Warhol and used a stylus, an iPad and paint to create our own superhero themed logo. See the image gallery below for some examples! 

Our focus in PE was all about jumping. We talked about how we could be successful by using our arms to help us swing forwards and upwards, leaning forward and taking off and bending and then straightening our legs. We then jumped over the 'stream' using different kinds of jump such as 'jump off one foot' and 'run and jump one foot to both feet'. We practiced this on 'streams' with both narrow and wide banks! 

Our story for our English learning this week has been 'Supertato, Evil Pea Rules'! We received a letter in Class 1 and when we read it, we found out Evil Pea had taken all our Supertatos and trapped them! We decided we needed to catch him so we made some traps out of different construction materials. We also made some 'Wanted' posters and put them up around the school. Luckily we caught him and our Supertatos were returned to us! Well done Class 1!

In Maths we have really tried hard with recognising numerals and representing the number on a ten frame using counters. We then tried adding a given number using different coloured counters and telling the adults how many we had altogether. 

The theme for Show and Tell this week is: An item/object that is special to you. Please bring in on Thursday morning or if emailing photos please send to by 8:40am on Thursday. 

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

Class 1 Team


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 03/05/2024
by Jane Wills

We have finally completed our city life enquiry and have moved on to studying the Ancient Greeks. This gives the children a chance to become historians again to ask questions about the past, explain how we can find answers and use their natural curiosity to link previous history learning. The children have already discovered that the Ancient Greeks were advanced architects building palaces and temples compared with the Celts in Britain.

This week, we have used knowledge of the city to produce poetry. The children have enjoyed the freedom of playing with words yet following some strict rules to produce poems in the style of The Sound Collector by Roger McGough. Year 5 and Year 6 children have explored balanced arguments and produced their own considering whether city or village life is best. We will share the work with peers in Friday’s recital session.

We have another 2 sessions left of this block, next week 8th May and the final session 22nd May. 15th May we have no swimming as this is SATs week.

Enjoy the long weekend.
Mrs W


Polperro Primary Academy   Update 3:5:24

Posted 03/05/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Reading We have been lucky enough to buy some new and exciting books for readers at all levels in school and nursery. In addition to this, specialists from the Cornwall Library Service recently came in and reviewed and restocked our school library. Your child will today come home with a letter about reading in our school, the books they can choose and how you can help them at home. The letter is also attached to this blog.

Sun Safety With bank holidays coming up and hopefully some good weather, we have this week had an assembly on staying sun safe. Here is a list of 5 top tips to help keep young people safe in the sun, put together by Macmillan Cancer Support, which we shared with the children Please ensure your child comes into school after the bank holiday with a sun hat and sun cream (at least factor 30.) If you have any spare sun hats which your child has outgrown, please send them in so we have spares in school.

Beach Safety Two lifeguards from the RNLI visited us this morning to hold an assembly about how to stay safe on the beach. They enlisted the help of pupils to demonstrate how to get help if they get into trouble in the sea. They also discussed where it is and isn’t safe to swim and what to do if you are caught in a riptide.

Wedding Bells You may have heard from the children that Miss Gibbings is getting married this weekend. I am sure you will join me in wishing her and her husband to be all the best for the future. On her return to work next week Miss Gibbings will be known as Mrs Wilkie.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. We look forward to seeing the children back in school on Tuesday morning.

Mrs Hillman


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 03/05/2024
by Donna Clayson

Summer 1 - Week 2 and 3 - Amazing Africa

Over the last two weeks we have continued our topic based on' The World Outside our Window' by exploring a contrasting place to where we live in Cornwall -  the continent of Africa! We started by reading Handa's Surprise and discussed the setting and characters in the story. This led us to learning a wide range of facts all about Africa. We have looked at the 'big 5' animals that can be found there, what a carnivore, herbivore and an omnivore is,  the different types of homes that are there, the climate and the lovely fruits that Handa had in her basket. We really have been busy bees!

In maths, we have been blown away with how well they are getting on with learning their numbers up to 20. This week we have had a particularly focus on 1 more and 1 less of numbers up to 20.  The children have been true 'Have a Go Hippos' in their perseverance to understand this concept, and they are becoming more and more confident with this. Also, to help us recognise the numbers up to 20, we have been having a little game of bingo. Ask the children to tell you all about it! They absolutely love it and ask to play everyday! 

Reminders -

  • Please ensure that bookbags come in daily.
  • Sun safety - As we head into the Summer Term, we hope to see more of the sunshine and here are just a few reminders…
  1.  We ask that children bring a small bottle of named sun cream to school that can be kept in the classroom for the rest of the term. 
  2.  Please also ensure that your child brings a named hat and a named water bottle with them each day. 

 You may remember that sometime ago there was some concern around the use of almond oil in Nivea sun cream. Nivea have since released this article:

 However, to err on the side of caution, we ask that you check the ingredients of the sun cream you send your child to school with to ensure that it does not contain nuts. 

As you know, we are a nut free school and have several children with severe allergies. Thank you for your support with this. You can find a copy of our Bridge Schools Sun Safety police here:

We hope you have a fabulous Bank Holiday weekend, and we will see you back in school on Tuesday.

Best wishes,

The Reception Team 


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 3.5.24

Posted 03/05/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


What a gruesomely fun week we have had!

We finished our instruction writing about how to make a gruesome smoothie this week. They were disgusting yet fantastic to read. We finished the week by going to the garden TO follow our instructions. What wonderfully sickening creations your children made… YUM!

Year 4 finished their first decimals unit and are moving to their second unit next week. They have got really effective at dividing 1- and 2-digit numbers by 10 and 100.
Year 5 have also finished their unit on shape and are ready to move onto decimals next week. They have become experts at finding angles!

Has been great fun as ever! Orienting games have enhanced and badminton has moved onto backhands. We’ve continued to look at positional awareness and aiming the shuttlecock into space.

We have looked at many different ways of making collage effective. We’ve been experimenting with layering and practicing different ways of cutting, tearing and manipulating the resources.

Talland investigated which material was the best insulator. We used bubble wrap, cellophane and tin foil. Why not ask your child what we did during our experiment…

Well done to Tabbi for being chosen as pupil of the week – her involvement during class discussions have been excellent this week. Also congratulations to all of our readers, writers and mathematicians of the week: Mathematicians:
Isaac and Sienna

Henry and Harrison

Leo and Freddie

That’s it from Talland. We hope you have a fantastic 3 day weekend - YAY!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Summer 1 Week 3

Posted 03/05/2024
by Jacob Lewis

A busy week in school

See the video below to find out what we have been learning this week. Click here to play the game we have been using in maths


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 3.05.24

Posted 03/05/2024
by Helen King

Another week in Lantic Class

In Maths, we have been learning some more about fractions - finding a third, the whole and about unit and non-unit fractions... We finally finished our own stories in the style of Christopher Nibble - we are really pleased with our stories and shared them with our learning partners. 

Lantic Class have also been busy scientists this week. The  children have been learning about the parts of a plant. We had some very successful labelled diagrams of violas and busy lizzies and we have learnt how to identify some flowers like poppies, pansies and buttercups.

Next week's blog will include some photos from our Porfell Trip.


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 03/05/2024
by Emily Randle

This week has been a busy one!

We are writing up our explanation texts on the seven life processes in English, which is part of our enquiry into what all living things have in common. We have learnt so much so far, including just how amazing a plant's respiration is. I can't wait to read the finished pieces!

Mrs Butlin introduced Chaipel to keyboards this week in Music and we are looking forward to learning how to play a short piece in the coming weeks. 

SATs are fast approaching and so on Thursday, the Y6 girls were invited to a 'tea, cake and natter' afternoon with Miss Randle and Mrs Hillman. It was a lovely treat, looking at old photographs and reminiscing about their experiences together, both in and out of school. The Y6 boys will get their opportunity next week. 

The RNLI were in on Friday morning to remind us how to stay safe on the beach and in the water this Summer. We had fun and learnt a great deal at the same time.  Well done to Verity and Max who were our RNLI lifeguard and 'swimmer in distress'!

We were exploring Micro:bits in Computing this afternoon and although some of us are currently in The Learning Pit (Miss Randle and Mrs Clary also) we are excited to see how we will progress over the next few weeks as we build up to measuring and recording temperature, creating spreadsheets and representing findings in a bar chart, pie chart or line graph (depending on the nature of the investigation). 

CONGRATULATIONS to Chaipel's People of the Week, Noah and Max S for showing their Bridge 'excellent' value in their learning this week.

REMEMBER... it's a three day weekend so relax, enjoy and see you all on Tuesday!!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.


Wadebridge Primary Academy   First few weeks of Summer 1

Posted 03/05/2024
by Luke O Dwyer

A busy couple of weeks!

It’s all go with our new topic, ‘Did the Cornish do a Proper Job?’ The children have completed Geography lessons where they located Wadebridge on a map and explored its locality within Cornwall. They then looked at map symbols and used this knowledge to make their own maps of Wadebridge!

This week we have been Historians and explored the history of the railway in our local area. The children learned that Bodmin and Wenford Railway had a branch line that went through Wadebridge and into Padstow. They were shocked to learn that the Camel trail was once a railway, and is now used by over 500,000 cyclists per year! We then learnt all about Tin Mines and the Tin Miners - the children had to find posters dotted around the classroom to add facts to their Tin Min Fact File. 

In PE we have been fortunate enough to have DT Coaching leading our lessons. They have been working on the pupils Striking and Fielding skills. They will spend a few weeks working on catching and throwing skills before being introduced to modified Cricket and Rounders games.

We are nearing the end of our English unit about the story, ‘The Mousehole Cat’. The children have been busy writing their own versions of the story, and adapting characters and settings. They have been using the 'Boxing up' technique for writing and planning each paragraph before writing it. We are so impressed with their use of vocabulary, adjectives, adverbs and sentence structures!

In maths we are learning about time – a tricky concept at this age, but Year 2 are taking on the challenge! It has been wonderful to hear the children tell each other what time it is throughout the school day!

Please keep up with the reading and times table rockstars at home, it really does make a difference.

Thank you,

The Year 2 Team


St Cleer Primary Academy   St Cleer Well Dressing

Posted 03/05/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

St Cleer Well Dressing

We were really pleased to be invited by Cornish Heritage to join them in the St Cleer well dressing ceremony.  After last year, we were also pleased that it didn't chuck it down with rain!!

Our class had worked with a local artist to produce a fantastic collage of the well, and we were excited to process through the village to the well.  We took part in a small ceremony, laid flowers on the well wall and watched some traditional Cornish dancing.  We were interested (and a bit confused) that half of the ceremony was conducted in the Cornish language.  We agreed that we'd need a bit of practice before we could understand any of it! 

We'd like to say a big thank you to Cornish Heritage for all of their support in making the day a success.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Learning by questions

Posted 03/05/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

Learning by questions

This week in maths we have been learning about perimeter and area of 2D shapes.  We learned how to calculate perimeter in different ways, and how we can use information we are given to calculate the length of any sides of the shape where the dimensions are missing.  We applied our understanding to regular shapes and also to rectilinear shapes.

Once we were confident with perimeter, we learned how to calculate the area of different rectangles and rectilinear shapes.  To apply our learning we used an adaptive teaching software called Learning by Questions (LbQ).  The children really loved the different types of questions they were asked and also that they had visual representations of the problems to help them master the concepts of perimeter and area.

We all wanted to use LbQ every day - which Mr H didn't allow!


Lanlivery Primary Academy  

Posted 03/05/2024
by Lauren Howell

Lanlivery Primary Academy were deeply saddened to hear the tragic news about one of our pupils, Dexter. He will be remembered as smiley, kind and caring; a great friend to all of his class and the whole school. He loved to play, learn and get creative and it is hard to envisage our school without him.

We will miss him dearly and our thoughts are with his mum, dad, siblings, whole family and wider community. We are working with professionals trained to provide the very best support for pupils, parents and staff at this difficult time.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   03.05.24

Posted 03/05/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

Super Science

Today we learnt all about invertebrates and how to classify them. We went on an exciting 'invertebrate hunt' around the school grounds where we observed characteristics and then drew precise labelled diagrams!


Delaware Primary Academy   April 2024

Posted 03/05/2024
by Sarah Evans

April has been a short month due to the Easter holidays but we have still managed to pack in lots of learning.

In English we have been learning about stories by the same author, Lauren Child. We have been enjoying her Clarice Bean stories and are currently working on planning our own.

Maths has been all about fractions so far this term. We have learnt how to recognise and find equal groups, recognise and find a half, a quarter and three quarters of a shape and a quantity. 

Our big question this half term is 'Who was Francis Drake and why was he important?'
We have enjoyed finding out about his voyages and learnt some grisly facts about life on the 'Golden Hind'
Most of us have seen his statue in Tavistock so we know he is important locally. We are looking forward to our trip to Buckland Abbey to find out more.

Art has been all about Vincent van Gogh. We have been looking at his paintings and discussing what we notice and like/don't like about them.
We have learnt about tints and shades and have experimented with colours and patterns in his style. Next we will be trying to reproduce his 'Starry Night' painting for our art exhibition at the end of May.

Science has been all about plants. We had fun dissecting seeds and comparing them to bulbs. Then we planted some seeds with varying amounts of light and water and are waiting to see what will happen to them. 


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Summer 1, Week 3

Posted 03/05/2024
by Chris Wathern


At the start of our Shining Stars Assembly today, we were treated to hearing music performed by Oscar, Phoebe, Imogen, Hana and Merryn.

The theme this week has been ‘Courage’ and it was fantastic to see the children show this in abundance taking to the stage to play in front of everyone. We look forward to offering this regular slot in our Shining Stars Assembly for children to showcase their skills. I know many of the children are very keen to sign up.

Teachers also recognised other acts of courage this week across the school. It is something we will continue to remind children of and support them with; especially to speak up (politely) for what they believe in or where they see unfairness.

The range and quality of learning around the classes this week has been impressive. I’ve seen amazing letter writing ‘from the trenches’ in Year 6 to Year 3 writing their own version of the Sand Horse story. Equally impressive has been the amazing Modroc artwork in Year 5.

A special well done to our youngest learners in the school (and a huge thank you to the staff) as they began the process of moving classrooms, as we re-purpose our EYFS environment. They have taken these changes in their stride.

Next week, one of the areas I want to explore further is the experience our children have at playtime and lunchtime. It’s such a crucial part of our children’s experience at school that I’m keen to see what is working well and what can be improved. I’ll be following this up with a discussion with the School Council to get their invaluable feedback.

House Points

Congratulations to this week’s winners, Puffins, earning 439 points. Our overall leaders this year so far are Choughs with an impressive 10,301 points!


We are really grateful to the Padstow Harbour Commissioners for their generous donation of £1000! We will be considering how best to use this for the benefit of our children.

Events next week

Monday 6th May Bank Holiday (School closed)

Tuesday 7th May 14:30-15:15 KS2 Parents/Carers Coffee Afternoon with Mr Wathern (Hall)

Tuesday 7th May 15:25 Year 4 Porthpean Residential Meeting for parents (4B classroom)

Thursday 9th May 08:45-09:30 EYFS/KS1 Parents/Carers Coffee Morning with Mr Wathern (Hall)

Thursday 9th May 14:15-15:00 EYFS/KS1 Parents/Carers Coffee Afternoon with Mr Wathern (Hall)

Friday 10th May Year 3 Alternative Sports Day

Friday 10th May 08:45-09:30 KS2 Parents/Carers Coffee Morning with Mr Wathern

Have a relaxing long weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone back next Tuesday.

Best wishes,

Chris Wathern


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 03/05/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 3/5/24

We really enjoyed our Science lesson this week, as we were learning about invertebrates. We went on an invertebrate hunt around the school grounds and found many creatures in their microhabitats. We took photographs, drew them and then classified them! 

We are looking forward to some Scientists joining us later in the term to do more on this topic in more depth!


St Cleer Primary Academy   St Cleer Well Dressing 2024

Posted 03/05/2024
by Michele Spencer

Thank you so much to Cornwall Heritage Trust for including St Cleer Primary Academy in the St Cleer Well Dressing event this year. On Friday 3rd May in the Cornish sunshine, Year 5 paraded their well dressing art work; Reception presented their posies and Year 4 presented two of their Cornish dances for us all to enjoy. This year’s event is particularly significant as it celebrates the site’s removal from the Heritage at Risk Register in November 2023. Cornwall Heritage Trust CEO, Cathy Woolcock said: “We are absolutely thrilled that our interventions have saved St Cleer Holy Well and Cross from the Heritage at Risk Register, and the Well Dressing Ceremony is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with the local community. We hope as many people as possible can come along!” Thought to date from the late 15th or early 16th century, St Cleer Holy Well is a Scheduled Monument and also Listed Grade One – a demarcation earned by only 2.5% of listed buildings and marking it out as nationally important.


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 03/05/2024
by Paula Reeve

Summer 1 - Week 3 - Designing and constructing!

This week, the children have been completed their extended writing piece for the animated story: Alma. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading the children’s recounts of this rather creepy story. Many of the children have managed to include figurative language, imagery, short, snappy sentences to build tension, descriptions of micro-expressions and ambitious vocabulary. Some children have written a dual narrative; most of their writing has been in 3rd person but a couple of paragraphs have been in 1st person (written from the perspective of the Alma Doll). It’s great to see the children experimenting with the motivations of this character - many children have opted for the doll to be sinister which makes for great reading!

We started this week by revising arithmetic style questions. The children were responsible for identifying areas they felt less confident in and working through targeted questions. It was fantastic to see so many children finding their weaknesses and turning them into strengths. Towards the end of the week, we worked on reasoning and problem-solving questions. These questions sparked some great discussions and it was interesting to see just how many different methods the children used to tackle the questions.

In our wider curriculum learning, we have continued with our automata toys projects. The children have used hot-glue guns to construct a frame and have experimented with using different cams for the moving component of the toy. The cams didn’t always work straight away and it was wonderful to see children coming up with solutions to the problems they encountered. Finishing touches will be applied to the toys at the beginning of next week.

Please keep encouraging your children to work through the CGP books which were sent home before Easter. Children who are not going on the residential should have received a letter informing you of the activities that they will be taking part in from Monday 17th – Wednesday 19th June. Please return the permission slips for the beach trip if you haven’t already. We’re also waiting on a few more permission slips for the school disco on 22nd May.

Enjoy you bank holiday weekend!
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team


Trenode C of E Primary Academy   The Great Fire of London

Posted 03/05/2024
by Bethany Pike

Our new enquiry question is 'Was the Great Fire of London really that great?'.

We have become historians understanding the key event which happened in London in 1666. The class have loved learning about this and in 2 weeks can already impart so much knowledge where they have even applied it within their writing in both English and the curriculum. 

We are going to be linking this in our DT next where we are going to create Tudor houses before recreating the Great Fire ourselves with help from the local fire service.

We have a trip planned to the fire station this half term (date to be confirmed) where we will look at how fire safety has changed from 1666 to now.


PE is on Thursday so please ensure kit is in on this day.
Reading records are also to come in on Thursday ready to be changed over for the following week.


Trenode C of E Primary Academy   An Art Exhibition to remember

Posted 02/05/2024
by Peter Abraham

We are here to save our beloved endangered animals! 

This afternoon we held a very successful Art exhibition which showed off some art work te children have been working on over the past few weeks. Parents were invited to come and have a look at the prints the children made using carved lino and layering. The children shose a endangered animal to focus on and researched all about why they were endangered. Money raised from the exhibition will go towards imoroving the schools recycling system. I think you will agree these tunred out great!! 


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