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Polperro Primary Academy   Penhallow 10th May 2024.

Posted 11/05/2024
by Karen Taylor

It has been a beautiful sunny week and we took every opportunity we could to take our learning outside in Penhallow this week!

In Maths, Reception are investigating shapes and exploring their properties. Year 1 have now completed their multiplication and division unit where we have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We finished the unit considering how we can count more easily by grouping and sharing into equal groups. There are opportunities to practise this learning on TwinlGO! Learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s is an important first step in multiplication, so any practice at home will help the children to succeed throughout their learning journey! (In 99 club too).

In English, we are preparing to write our final version of our fact file about minibeasts! We have learned so many amazing things about Ladybirds, Earthworms and Caterpillars! We move onto a lovely story next week where the children will explore writing speech and adding speech to a well known story about ladybirds!

PE has been super fun where we continue to learn all sorts of ball skills an Year 1s have learned the important role of a fielder and how to stop the ball and get it back quickly. We have also enjoyed getting into lots of different Yoga poses! The Reception children have learned about different rolls in Gymnastics.

We enjoyed a minibeast hunt on Tuesday where we discovered lots of different minibeasts. We learned that minibeasts are invertebrates and we now know that we can classify an insect by the number of legs it has, the children were surprised to learn that a spider is not an insect as it has more than six legs.

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week who have shown excellent examples of our school values. Tommy, Lowen and Amelia. Well done!

Enjoy a lovely weekend and try to take any opportunity you can to enjoy one of your books, remember there are now three to pick from in your book bag! We thoroughly enjoyed a story under the den cover on Friday, I wonder where if you could find a favourite spot to read your favourite story. 

See you on Monday for another fantastic week!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs Cullingford and Miss Hodge.


Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 10th May 2024

Posted 10/05/2024
by Alice Gibbings

The National Maritime Museum

Landaviddy have had a spectacular week! 

As part of our enquiry 'Could You Be An Explorer?' myself, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hillman, Mrs Hood and Landaviddy class visited the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth. 

First, we learnt about Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Drake's exploration across the world. We plotted the continents on a world map and discovered what treasures could be found around the world during the 16th Century. Next, we imagined which items we would take from a sunken Spanish galleon as Sir Francis Drake. We had to think carefully about what we would want and why. Finally, we made our own ships and raced these across the boat pool, which was amazing!

In the afternoon, we explored the pirate exhibition where we saw some famous pirate outfits, canons and even pistols. We discovered the lookout tower and loved admiring the view across Falmouth. We had a brilliant day as a class!

'I loved seeing the fish through the magnifying glasses.' - Charlie
'I enjoyed the pirate part with the screen. We got to imagine we were real pirates!' - Amber
'I liked seeing the pirates guns and pistols.' – Jamie
‘The best part was racing our boats across the pool. It was so much fun!’ - Callum

Check out the photos from our trip below! 

In Maths, we have continued exploring fractions by understanding what the numerator and denominator shows, as well as being able to recognise equal and unequal parts of shapes.

In English, we have been focussing on writing up our biographies about famous campaigner of our choice; Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thunberg, David Attenborough or Marcus Rashford. I look forward to reading your finished copies next week!

Congratulations to Amber and Zac for being Landaviddy's People of the Week. 

We hope you enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Cullingford


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 10th May 2024

Posted 10/05/2024
by Joanna Rickard

What a gloriously sunny week in Pre-School, we have all thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine and plenty of time being outside to play.  

This week we have been reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, a timeless tale that inspires young children to be brave and have courage even when faced with obstacles! 

Several of the children were inspired to make their own castles using our wooden blocks, even turning them into castles for the animals to live in.  

We have decorated our own magic beans with paint and glitter for our art wall, and placed bean seeds and cotton wool in sandwich bags to see if they grow. We have stuck them to the window to allow as much sunlight as possible and will be watching them grow over the next few weeks to see whose gets the tallest! 

Some of our older children have done some excellent practice of writing their names, numbers and letters, we will be getting in as much practice as possible before their transition to reception in September. 

Wednesday afternoon you are invited to a 'Stay and Play' session at pre-school, please note the time is 2-3pm and is open to all current Pre-School families. You are welcome along if this is your child's normal session or not. It is an informal session for you as parents to engage in play with your child and their friends, and to see how they explore the pre-school environment. Any questions, please do come and speak to a member of the team. 

Please could we also ask for any outstanding ‘Big Brush Club’ consent forms to be handed in this week - Thank you.  

Finally, we hope that everyone enjoys the lovely warm weather over the weekend.  

The Pre-School Team  


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 10.5.24

Posted 10/05/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland's Blog 10.5.24

What an amazing week! We'll let the pictures do the talking...

Jumping back in time to Victorian School. "Children should be seen, not heard!"

Don't make a noise - you'll get into trouble!

Into the mines we go...

"Who turned out the lights?"

Say cheese...

How the rich and poor lived...

"Please Mr. Langley, no more photos!"

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop, Mrs. Hodge and Miss Colton.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Summer 1 Week 4

Posted 10/05/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 10/05/2024
by Emily Randle

Another week has come and gone and Chaipel have made the most of every minute.

The Year 5s have been learning about decimals and how to write persuasively with Mr Langley this week whilst the Year 6s have been doing some last-minute preparations for next week's SATs. They are so ready for them and Wyatt and Jack enjoyed a lovely 'cheese platter and a natter' Friday afternoon with Miss Randle, following on from the Y6 girls' 'tea, cake and chat' last week. 

On Friday afternoon, we have been 'tinkering' with Micro:bits and have now created algorithms to measure temperature. We will be using them next week and then recording our data in a spreadsheet.

We have learnt how to classify living things, as part of our enquiry this half term, and can distinguish some similarities and differences between animals and plants.

Chaipel learners love to read and Max B has been immersed in his new reading book, Wolf Brother. We will be writing a book review based upon our new reading text in the coming weeks, together with a persuasive leaflet (for the rest of the school) explaining the importance of daily reading for both learning and mental health and wellbeing.

That's all from me on this lovely, sunny afternoon. Enjoy the weekend and Y6s - relax, leave the revision and have some YOU time. You've worked so hard and we are already so very proud of you all!

Y6s, SATs breakfast club is Monday - Thursday this week from 8am. Mrs Clary will be waiting with a smile and a bacon bap!

Happy weekend, Chaipel Class!!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 10/05/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Summer 1 - Week 4 - Things are hotting up! 


In English this week, the children began a new learning journey focusing on the genre ‘Myths and Legends’ and the text ‘The Legend of Podkin One-Ear’. Throughout the learning journey, the children will have the opportunity to explore a range of grammatical skills and knowledge before writing their own version of a chapter from the text.

On Tuesday, the children used their VIPERS skills prediction and inference to write a blurb. The only information they had was the contents page and a map. The children were presented with a range of WAGOLL’s to encourage imagination.

On Wednesday, the children then used their retrieval skills, where they learnt about some of the treasures from the text via an information piece. Using notes, the children then wrote two additional paragraphs, mimicking style, tone and vocabulary.

We’ve also noticed within writing lessons, the children find it tricky to edit, improve and re-draft their work. Therefore, on Thursday the children had the opportunity to improve a paragraph, continuing on from the information writing. They had to look at, sentence structures, formal language, punctuation etc.


In Maths, the children began their position and direction learning journey. To begin the journey, we introduced them to vocabulary that may appear throughout. We also used our Freya models, to discuss misconceptions and examples which the children can refer to throughout their learning.

So far, the children have looked at reading and plotting co-ordinates and then applying this when problem solving. They have also explored translation and then translation with co-ordinates. For this journey, we have also had the chance to apply our knowledge to real life scenarios.

In Morning work, we continue to revisit learning from our shape learning journey. This week, the children had the opportunity to draw angles using protractors accurately. We will continue to embed this over the next few weeks.

Wider Curriculum

In Wider curriculum, we have continued with our Art learning journey. On Wednesday, the children worked in their sketch books, experimenting with colour palettes for their Modroc animals. They decided which colours and designs words well and how to mix colours in order to generate the correct shade.

On Thursday, the children then began painting their base colours and painting the more intricate details. With the weather being so lovely, we were able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine whilst we painted. Once their animal was complete, they went back to the sketch books, writing annotations and evaluating their work.

We are going to keep hold of the animals and use them in our computing/animation project! WATCH THIS SPACE!

As always, have a magical weekend,

Enjoy the glorious weather,

Best Wishes,

The Year 5 Team 


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Everyday materials

Posted 10/05/2024
by Ellie Lake

Year 2 have been scientists this week investigating everyday materials. They started off finding and naming materials in the classroom (glass, plastic, wood, water, metal, rock, brick, paper, fabric). Then they thought about other objects that are also made from the same material. From here they were able to talk about if certain materials are suitable or not suitable for particular items. For example is glass suitable for a hammer? Why is wood suitable for a table? Why is cardboard not suitable for a water bottle? Then they used scientific descriptions to write why these materials or suitable or not suitable (waterproof, stiff, hard, smooth, absorbent, stretchy etc). Towards the end of the week they conducted an experiment to see how different materials can be bent, squashed, twisted and stretched. This helped them to deepen their understanding about the suitability of materials for everyday items and why it is important for some items to have its shape changed. For example, playdough needs to be squashable and elastic in clothing needs to be stretched.

Here is a link to continue the learning at home Everyday materials - KS1 Science - BBC Bitesize

Enjoy the sunny weather!


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Summer 1, Week 4

Posted 10/05/2024
by Chris Wathern

Whilst it’s been a shorter week, it has certainly been a full one (and the sun came out too which was a bonus). I had the pleasure of showing another headteacher working in Cornwall around our school. We were both impressed with the calm and purposeful atmosphere in and around the classes. From seeing how well our Big Nursery and Reception children are settling into their new rooms to the quality of teaching and learning as we toured the school. We also saw politeness in abundance; such an important quality. From greetings to opening doors, the children should be rightly proud of themselves.

Coffee Sessions
I really appreciated being able to meet you during this week’s coffee sessions. Thank you for the opportunity to share a bit about my experiences as well as how we will continually develop our fantastic school. I was also grateful for your feedback, questions and ideas about what’s working well and what we can do together for the future. From each of the sessions, one message came out clearly, and that’s the chance to have regular opportunities to come into school. Watch this space!

Summer 2024 Bridge Schools Trust Parent and Carer Questionnaire
Your feedback is really important to us as we work in partnership to achieve the best possible education for the children. Please check your email with the link to complete a Trust-wide questionnaire that each school is sending out. For Q20, as mentioned at this week’s welcome coffee sessions, I would really appreciate your views on the key strengths to celebrate, as well as areas we could develop even further for all our children. Your time in completing this questionnaire is valued and will help us continually improve. Thank you. 

House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Swans, earning 282 points.

Swans – 282
Choughs – 276
Cormorants – 238
Puffins – 237

Our overall leaders this year so far are Choughs, with an impressive 10,577 points!

Good luck Year 6!
Good luck to our Year 6 children next week as they complete their end of KS2 SATs. We are really proud of what they have already achieved throughout their primary years, both in the subjects that are assessed, and those areas that aren’t. Go Year 6!

Events next week
Monday 13th – Thursday 16th May: Year 6 SATs

Thursday 16th May: Census Day - Change of school lunch menu

Thursday 16th May: Deadline for sign-up for May half term Bridge Kids Holiday Club

Thursday 16th May (after school): FOWPA Uniform Sale

Friday 17th May (after school): FOWPA Uniform Sale

Have a relaxing weekend.

Best wishes,

Chris Wathern 


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 10/05/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 4 

Foundation year 1 have achieved some amazing learning this week.

Both year groups have been sharing their writing skills Year 1 have been writing up their planned story and foundation children have been writing sentences from the story independently, following a story map! All the adults are so impressed!

The foundation children have been exploring odd ad even numbers and then began to explore numbers larger than 10. Year 1 children have been exploring times tables, 2’s and 10’s. They are amazing at their times tables….5 times table next week!

The sun has been out so lots of exploring has been happening outside, we have planted potatoes and we have cleaned our pond, we still have two newts living happily in the pond. We have chalked roads in and around Looe and rode the bikes around. We have drawn maps of our playground using a key. We have been continuing our wonderful PE lessons and we have been making Cornish flags to go with our Union Jack flags and St Georges flag! And so much more!!

Have a wonderful sunny weekend!

Foundation /year 1 team.





Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 10th May 2024

Posted 10/05/2024
by Lauren Forbes

Hello everyone

The weather has been so kind to us this week and we have enjoyed our learning experiences outside. 

Our maths learning this week has been focused on adding and taking away. We have enjoyed playing different games to help us understand the principles such as 'Pirate treasure' and 'Race to zero'. 

Our English this week has been based around stories and non-fiction texts about real-life superheroes. We wrote sentences about what Bear's friends did to help him feel better in the story 'Bear Feels Sick' and wrote sentences to describe what happened to Tim in the story 'Topsy and Tim go to Hospital'. We looked at non-fiction texts about the emergency services and wrote about the role of a firefighter, police officer and doctor. 

During art, we started to create our own piece of artwork inspired by Andy Warhol involving a colour wash background and printing with real will follow when our pieces are complete. We also completed another component of some artwork we started inspired by Roy Lichtenstein. 

We learnt a very important number this week - 999! We looked at how technology is used by the emergency services and learnt what to do in an emergency, including role-playing how to make a 999 call. 

We learnt about plants and growing including four of the basic things that a seed needs to grow. We then went outside and planted tomato, radish and lettuce seeds in our large bed. We also planted some sunflower seeds in the tyres. We are looking forward to observing the changes and watering our seeds to help them grow! 

The theme for Show and Tell this week is: A hobby/ a skill that you can demonstrate or tell everyone about. Please bring in any items or photographs (if required) on Thursday morning or if emailing photos please send to by 8:40am on Thursday.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 10.05.24

Posted 10/05/2024
by David Parry

A busy week for Talland Class

A weekly practice we have in Talland Class is to choose a child to take home and complete a Reading Diary. The purpose is, throughout the year, each child has the opportunity to share his/her reading journey and is linked to our school ethos of 'reading for pleasure'. This week's diary entry was magnificent and, through this, the child was able to share why s/he enjoys reading this particular book. 

We also had the opportunity to join a live, online lesson in the Galapagos Islands. The children witnessed the variety of marine life and the beautiful beaches of the Pacific Islands. They were able to produce some intelligent open questions about the islands, for example, How can turtles live over  a hundred years?

The children have secured their understanding of paragraph structure throughout the week. They used previous knowledge and understanding of simple, compound and complex sentences to write their own unique paragraphs.

Talland Class have made amazing progress with percentages. They all recognise that the % sign means that it is part of 100. They were able to suggest when they could encounter percentages in real life, for example, during a shop sale.

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

Why didn’t the poodle want to go to the beach? – It didn’t want to be a hot dog.

Why do people swim at saltwater beaches? – Because pepper beaches would make them sneeze.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 10/05/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 10.5.24

This week we enjoyed a visit from a paramedic and ambulance. We learnt about the different bags carried in the ambulance which could be needed in different emergencies, tried out the different stretchers, looked inside and heard how loud that siren is! The children also had a chance to ask some questions. 


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 10/05/2024
by Paula Reeve

Summer 1 - Week 4 - We couldn't be prouder! 

Dear Year 6s,
Before what next week brings,
We need you to remember
These important things.

SATs don't measure sports
SATs don't measure art,
SATs don't measure music,
Or the kindness in your heart.

SATs don't see your beauty,
SATs don't know your worth,
SATs don't see the reasons,
You were put upon this earth.

SATs don't see your magic,
How you make others smile,
SATs don't time how quickly,
You can run a mile.

SATs don't hear your laughter,
Or see you've come this far,
SATs are just a tiny glimpse,
Of who you really are.

This weekend when you’re at home,
Or tucked up in your bed.
Have a good laugh, read a good book,
Do not let a worry enter your head.

Remember to have a good breakfast
And a good night's sleep.
Get outside for a walk,
Make memories you can keep.

Then next week whilst sat at your desk,
With your pencil, ruler and your test,
Remember SATs aren't who you are,
That’s because you are the best!

Enjoy the sunny weekend!
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team


Looe Primary Academy   A busy week in Year 1

Posted 10/05/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

A busy week in Year 1 

We have had a busy week here in year 1. 

In maths, we have started our new unit of multiplication and division. We have started this off by counting in twos, which we have done through songs and grouping lots of different objects. We have also been counting in tens. We are great at singing our tens and moving our bodies to learn to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. 

In Geography, we have been using our geography skills to make our own maps of the playground. We have used a map key to draw our maps in chalk. We then used directional language such as near to, far from, left, right to describe where different things were located on the map. 

This week, we have also had a real focus on our love of reading. We were very lucky to have been given some new library books which have made a lovely addition to our book corner. We have also been enjoying having some quiet time in the classroom where we can get lost in a book! We have been doing lots of whole class reading where we can start to use our comprehension skills to delve into the texts even more! 

We are looking forward to another busy week next week. 

The Year 1 team 


Polperro Primary Academy   10/5/24

Posted 09/05/2024
by Julie Peat

This week, we have finished exploring and learning about insects. The children have created lovely colourful butterflies to hang up and on Thursday decorated biscuits like ladybirds. They counted the number of spots that they put on them.
The children have been manipulating clay, practicing rolling before using the toy bugs to make an imprint in it.
We have been watching the beans and peas that the children planted over the last few weeks and most have been growing well. The children have been excited to start taking them home.

In phonics this week we have been listening to and talking about the sounds that we have heard outside, exploring the noise that different instruments make and comparing sounds and joining in actions to well known songs such as “I’m a little teapot” and “wind the bobbin up”.

We have been sorting on the maths table this week and continuing to practice our number writing and counting.

Have a great weekend everyone and see you on Monday.

Julie and Sarah


Gunnislake Primary Academy   Latest Head's Blog (Delaware and Gunnislake)

Posted 09/05/2024
by Lynn Cox

I hope that you all had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. What a refreshing change to see the sunshine! I hope that you all managed to make the most of it- long may it continue. 
We were very fortunate last week to have visit from Mr Peter Salisbury, who is an ambulance driver. He brought his ambulance along to both school bases and showed the children the exterior, the interior and even let them see the flashing lights and sirens. Ambulances can be quite a frightening sight for children - they are fast moving and very loud. With their blacked-out windows they can also seen quite mysterious. Children often have a fear of the unknown but this visit has showed them what is behind the windows. Whist I hope that the children will never have to experience travelling in an ambulance, I hope that the visit would make the experience less scary.
Recently, the Reception children, along with some of the Nursery class had a fantastic session of Maypole dancing. It was wonderful to see the absolute joy on their faces they wound the ribbons around the pole. I was impressed by their skill and focus.
Last week some pupils in Year 5 have been taking part in the Bikeability programme. This scheme is run by our sport's partnership provider, Arena, and it teaches pupils how to ride safely on the roads. I presented them with certificates and badges in last week's celebration assembly and they were very proud of their achievements. 
I recently sent out a letter explaining Accelerated Reader levelled books and how we are using them in the school. If you missed it there is a copy uploaded below.
Congratulations to Year 3 who won the attendance award this week with 100%.
I hope that you all enjoy the sunny weekend! 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Terrific Trip!

Posted 09/05/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Our trip to Porfell wildlife Park

What an amazing trip we had to Porfell Wildlife Park last Friday! The day began with the excitement of getting on a very big coach which took us all the way to Porfell. We split into smaller groups to explore the park with some groups first visiting the children's farm and others the exotic animals. The children were very excited to meet meet the real life 'Christopher Nibbles' who had a very large enclosure with lots of his other Guinee-pig friends! The beautiful grey rabbits were very popular too! Feeding the sheep, goats and donkeys was such good fun and the children were very brave to feed them. 
There were so many animals to see in the exotic animals enclosures; Emu, zebra, wallabies to name but a few. Our absolute favourites though were the lemurs and the meerkats. We all spent ages watching them move around in their own unique ways. 
The reptile enclosure was very exciting - we learnt about the natural habitats of the snakes, lizards and tortoises. 
We all enjoyed our picnic together in the sun - whilst fending off some enthusiastic ducks and chickens who very much wanted to be involved in our picnic! We finished with a play in the park followed by a much quieter coach trip back to school! 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   09.05.24

Posted 09/05/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

Today we enjoyed a visit from a paramedic and ambulance. We learnt about the different bags carried in the ambulance which could be needed in different emergencies, looked inside and heard how loud that siren is! The children also had a chance to ask some questions.


Delaware Primary Academy   March and April

Posted 09/05/2024
by Louise Owen

Our spring term was full of creativity!  We worked hard on improving our art work through collage techniques and wrote some lovely endings to the classic story The Wind in the Willows - Mr Toad certainly found some interesting ways to break out of prison.
We also conducted a geographical survey of the Gunnislake and Tamar bridges, focusing on the different types of traffic that comes through as we continue our river learning.
In RE we learned about the Easter story and what that means to people.
Our science topic of plants saw us finding out about the ideal conditions plants need to grow and we've tried to grow some different things for the gardening club.
Just after Easter we started our new topic around the question "How is the UK different to France?"  We tried some different French foods - camembert was a little too intense in flavour!


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