Class Blog for Tregeagle

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Summer 2

Despite the almost hectic feel to the week, the children have enjoyed the energy and excitement this brought. 

We had a brilliant Forest School session using tools to make wooden beads. The children listened carefully and every one followed the rules and instructions for safe handling of tools. There was a real positive energy and and sense of industriousness with the peeling of bark, sawing the wood and hollowing out the elder beads. 
This was our penultimate session and the children have come so far in their understanding of how to keep safe by following the rules and the enjoyment this brings as trust develops. I cannot wait to hear their final self-assessments following our last session next Thursday.

The classroom was a hive of DT activity with the children adding the stage of materials to their river projects. You can begin to see the landscape they are creating and their understanding of river features. You can follow their journey on SeeSaw and you will be able to see their final piece on Tuesday.

We had a visit from ARENA running a whole school Olympic Day. As always the children were fantastic, embracing the sports with enthusiasm and energy.

The morning was spent coding Micro Bits with our visitor from Cornwall Tech. The children used their prior learning well to learn new sills and knowledge in coding. We will re-visit these in the Autumn term to give the children the chance to embed the new learning.

Year 6 and a few friends went to Camel Creek for their end of year day out and Mrs Chasey had the rest of the class back at school. All the children had a god day, whether this was sprinting around the adventure trying out all the rides getting soaked on the water flume and eating ice cream or back at school using DT skills and knowledge of levers and pulleys to create an underwater diorama with moving features.

Have a lovely weekend - enjoy the football!
Mrs Wills



Summer 2

Forest School continues to be a highlight for the children and this week, the class showed how far they have come in developing their skills. There is now an air of confidence and purpose in the sessions, with the children setting themselves goals and achieving these. This week, the challenges included den building, making bird feeders, trialling the hammock and tree-seats, climbing, making bird nests and of course cooking over the fire. Now we are working on the children transferring these skills to their learning in the classroom.

As part of our water enquiry, the children are building a 3-D model of a river. They started this journey with a mood board, choosing materials and colours to reflect their understanding of a river’s journey from source to mouth. This week, they turned their efforts to creating the physical model using art and classroom resources. You can follow the journey on SeeSaw in your child’s DT folder.

We have started our final piece of writing, a narrative based on the film, The Present by Jacob Frey. The children are exploring the feelings of self-esteem, respect, joy of friendship and empathy to write their own story, to show how their own experiences and developing awareness has flourished this year. We will post the finished stories on SeeSaw.

We have Forest School first thing Monday morning, so please send children o school wearing their outdoor clothes with waterproof jacket. Wednesday is Olympic Day, Thursday we have a Tech-Day and Friday is the Year 6 day out.

Have a good weekend,
Mrs W



Summer 2

We have had a quieter week with less off-site activities and more classroom based learning. 

This continues to be a favorite subject for lots of the children and it shows in our lessons with some great mathematical talk and resilience in abundance. Always a positive when children tell you they look forward to coming to school on Monday because we are doing an arithmetic paper!

We tried a new approach to editing today with 3 different work stations; revising, rewriting and re-imagining. The children spent 10 minutes at each station completing their editing tasks before moving to the next. Feedback from the children was overwhelmingly positive with everyone expressing a preference for this way of working. So I think this will be our new way forward as there was lots of purposeful talk about how the editing was making improvements to their writing.

Mr Twaite has added photos from these sessions to the children's SeeSaw journals, so head over to see what we have learnt in these sessions this week.

Enjoy the weekend,
Mrs W



Summer 2

Water Sports
This week, we tried sailing. It was lovely to watch the confidence the children now have on the water. They all embraced the experience and keenly hovered up the new vocabulary and skills taught to make this a successful experience. Bravery was everywhere, from Liam and Jakson choosing to sail in the small dinghy by themselves, to Antonia jumping off the boat into deep water for a swim. Teamwork was key and the crew of the larger dinghy showed this beautifully, navigating the various roles onboard to sail the dinghy out of the harbour. It was fantastic to see the children deploying the water safety skills they have learnt in swimming lessons and adapting these to the open water environment.

We have come to the end of sentence stacking lessons and the children are now planning their independent piece of writing. Some of the children are writing an explanation text based on a machine of their choice from our visit to Discovery 42 and Year 5-6 are writing an additional stanza to the poem IF by Rudyard Kipling to explore advice they would give in a challenging situation.

We continue to explore the water cycle and rivers. There is lots of new vocabulary to learn for this unit of work, so we are finding different ways to recap and retrieve learning to make sure concepts are embedded and lodged in the long-term memory.

Head over to SeeSaw for photos and learning journeys.

Next week is a quieter week with less events; sailing on Wednesday and Forest School on Thursday.
Have a lovely weekend, Mrs W s.



Summer 2

This week, we have ben completing our exploration of Ancient Greece so we are ready to move to our new enquiry, Where does the water go?


Some of the children are studying the poem IF by Rudyard Kipling, learning about moral character and how to live your life well. Others are using the Oscar nominated short film Mr Hublot to support their learning of how to write an explanation text for mechanical system. This will be followed up with DT lessons next on mechaniocal systems to learn all the important technical language and a visit to Discovery 42 to see cause and effect in mechanical systems.


We had our first water sports session on Wednesday with Paddle Cornwall and it was so exciting! The children loved the “private ferry” crossing to Fowey and the walk through town full of anticipation of spending the morning on the water. During the session, we learnt how to paddle and navigate a kayak, how to balance on a super-SUP and the the chance to implent the water safety we have learnt as part of swimming lessons and in the assemblies with RNLI and the Harbour Master. Both Mr and I we’re super impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and sheer thrill at their own bravery and skills. They were magnificent representatives of our school and we look forward to next 5 weeks of paddle boarding, dinghy and powerboat sailing. Head to SeeSaw for photos of the day.


We had our first Forest School session on Thursday afternoon focusing on team work, resilience and determination. Thank you for your support in sending your child in wearing suitable clothing for outdoor learning, it makes a huge difference to the quality time we can spend in sessions when every child has the equipment needed to succeed.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs W



We have finally completed our city life enquiry and have moved on to studying the Ancient Greeks. This gives the children a chance to become historians again to ask questions about the past, explain how we can find answers and use their natural curiosity to link previous history learning. The children have already discovered that the Ancient Greeks were advanced architects building palaces and temples compared with the Celts in Britain.

This week, we have used knowledge of the city to produce poetry. The children have enjoyed the freedom of playing with words yet following some strict rules to produce poems in the style of The Sound Collector by Roger McGough. Year 5 and Year 6 children have explored balanced arguments and produced their own considering whether city or village life is best. We will share the work with peers in Friday’s recital session.

We have another 2 sessions left of this block, next week 8th May and the final session 22nd May. 15th May we have no swimming as this is SATs week.

Enjoy the long weekend.
Mrs W



Summer 1

We have returned from the Easter break to wind up our enquiry “What is life like in a City?”. It proved a perfect chance for the children to retrieve their learning and apply this knowledge in the final geography lessons. We went on a fieldwork walk around the village following a rote the children had traced on maps beforehand. Along the way, we looked for landmarks and discussed how we could show these on the map using symbols. Back in the classroom, the children sketched their own maps, adding a key to explain the landmarks.

In English, we are at the end of the sentence stacking and next week, the children will start planning their own stories and move on to writing and editing before sharing them with Canute class.

In PE, we continue swimming on Wednesdays and on Thursdays we have started Outdoor Adventurous Activities – OAA which provided a mixture of teambuilding, orienteering and forest school skills. Don’t forget to look at the fantastic learning on your child’s SeeSaw.

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs W




It is the end of a very busy Spring term and we have been spending the last few days finishing off projects, writing and maths. We can now honestly say that we deserve a break.

We will carry on with our current enquiry the first week back after Easter. This will provide a perfect opportunity for the children to retrieve and link back to knowledge gathered during Spring term. We are hoping the weather will be just a little kinder so we can complete our Geography fieldtrip; creating a map of our local area to compare with the map from Plymouth.

This morning we managed to dodge the showers so the children could complete their easter egg hunt. Remarkably, none of the clues blew away so everyone successfully completed the hunt and claimed their chocolate easter bunny kindly donated by FOPA. Photos attached below.

It was lovely to see you for our Easter Service and we thank Mrs Butlin for providing the expert guidance for the singing performance.

Have a lovely easter break, we look forward to welcoming the children back again on Monday 15th April.

Mrs Wills and Mr Twaite

 Image Gallery




Penultimate week of term

It has been a super busy week with lots of fantastic experiences for the children.

The Year 5 and 6 children went to Fowey Rover Academy for sports. They learnt about football skills and had the chance to interact with children from other primary schools. Tuesday
The whole class went on a geography field trip to Plymouth and the Box. We parked in the historic Barbican area to give the children to chance to see the buildings and landmarks of historical importance to Plymouth’s history and to get a sense of place in terms of the geographical placement of Plymouth as a settlement. From our previous enquiry about the stone age, the children have good knowledge and understanding of settlements and topography, so we used this knowledge as a springboard to examine land use and explore how human features interact with physical features in a city. Inside the Box, we found evidence of the reasons behind the settlement and delved into Plymouth prehistoric climate and populations.
Swimming continues and the children are developing their skills with commitment. Living in a coastal village, the importance of water confidence is essential and it is a real pleasure to watch how the children embrace the learning on offer knowing this will make a positive difference to their summer time on the beach.
Half the class went to Looe for Sports and the other half had an experience day at school. The children arrived back from Looe tired but full of enthusiasm from the new experiences they’d had with fencing, segway, street surfing among many. Sounds like a resounding success. Back at school, we continued the class project of building a city using the Burgess model of layout. We split the day with science experiments, investigating chemistry with magic milk and glow lamps, baking a cake and a trip to the park to test the effects of gravity on slides and swings.
A day in the classroom with quiet focus on learning to end the week.
 Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs W



Spring 2

To complement our City life enquiry, we joined the National Trust for den building on Tuesday. This gave the children the opportunity to make meaningful links between their learning in Geography and History. We discussed how settlements have evolved over time locally and the importance of choosing these according to natural resources available. We will build on this further next week with our trip to Plymouth and The Box.

Swimming lessons are proving super popular. It has been great to watch how confidence and skills are developing. Many of the children are setting personal targets and work towards achieving these in their lessons; being able to float like a starfish, swim across the pool without flotation devices, improve leg action for greater speed.

Next week is busy. Monday afternoon Year 5-6 are at Fowey River Academy for football skills. Tuesday we are at The Box in Plymouth, Wednesday is swimming and Thursday some of the children are at Looe for a whole Trust Sports day. 


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