We have had a lovely end to a very busy week. On Thursday afternoon, the whole school joined forces to prepare decorations and crowns for our community Coronation party. It was a super productive afternoon, with all the children working together to produce some exquisite headgear and royal bunting. It is always a real pleasure to have all the n working together as one group, they are great at supporting each other and the conversations around the room would delight most teachers.
Friday afternoon, we were joined by parents and members of the wider community for an afternoon of royal refreshments and Reverend Allen. We learnt all about the Coronation, had a sing-along to a new King song and the children were presented with their Royal Commemorative coins from FOPA. Thank you to all of you for making this a lovely celebratory afternoon.
I hope you have a lovely long weekend and see you all back in school Tuesday 9th May.
Mrs Wills
Welcome back to a packed summer term. It was lovely to have the building filled with exciting voices, enthusiasm and positivity again. We have lots of exciting events planned for the coming half term so please make sure you check the school calendar and keep up to date with emails and notices from your child's teachers.
We returned back to news that Fowey festival committee had met and judged this year's entries for Young Artist/writers of the Year and I am delighted to announce that TEGAN has finished 2nd overall with her fantastic Maya celebration portrait - the eyes draw you in. As well as celebrating Tegan's success, we can announce that ALEXIA AND AILLA were awarded HIGHLY COMMENDED. In addition, JAKSON, LIAM, NADINE, OLLIE AND ALEXIS were awarded COMMENDED. Goodness - what a lot of talented artists we have at Polruan :) I have shared the winning entries below.
Looking ahead, we are planning a Coronation party on Friday 5th May in the afternoon so please add the date to your calendar. The children will start planning the party this week and we will send out more information next week.
Tregeagle class are swimming Wednesday mornings again and next Wednesday afternoon, 28th April, we have the photographer in to take the class photos.
Thank you for continuing to order your child's lunches via Parent Pay, it makes a huge difference to the kitchen being able to plan ahead with ordering.
Mrs Wills
Image Gallery
Following a lively week in school, Friday culminated with a shared Trust values day. All schools from across the trust sent representatives from thier school of pupils from Year 4 and Year 5 and the children gathered together to engage in activities relating to our Trust values of being Curious, Determined, Responsible, Excellent, Creative and Enthusiastic. Among the varied and exciting activities on offer were art and design activities, using technology to animate, inspiring dances and song writing creating some verses to a 'Stronger Together' song written especially for the Trust.
The pupils from Year 4 and Year 5 had an amazing time proudly representing our school!
Back at school, we had our celebration assembly with Stars of the Week: Jakson and Antonia - for their commitment, smiles and enthusiasm for learning.
Writers of the Week:
Ollie - for positive attitudes which has produced some fantastic entertaining writing.
Ronnie – for working independently using the iPad to record his sentence and replay it for recording.
Special mention for determination, resilience and grit in achieving her 99 Club this week - we are in awe Erin!
The week was off to a fabulous start with St Piran's Day. Reverend Richard joined us for an assembly sharing the origins of St Piran, the importance of our Cornish heritage and how traditions are kept alive. The children were absolutely delighted with the delicious saffron buns Richard brought with him, his popularity is sky-rocketing!
With the Baltic wind blowing from the East we have all felt the chill on the playground this week – brr. Fortunately, we have also felt the warmth and generosity of our local community. The Regatta Committee supported our families with a substantial donation towards the increased cost of swimming lessons – THANK YOU. Mr and Mrs Sandy have been busy tidying our allotment getting it ready for spring – THANK YOU. Frogmore Farm has generously donated a large load of bark chippings for our allotment to reduce the amount of weeding needed – THANK YOU. We also have our lovely volunteers who come in to school every week to read with children and tell Bible stories – THANK YOU.
Tuesday afternoon - PE for all
Wednesday - swimming cancelled for Tregeagle class
Thursday - Year 5 and Year 6 children attending Life Skills workshop Liskeard Fire station
Friday - Red Nose Day, continuing our tradition of wearing bright colourful and patterned clothes.
Mother’s Day Service at St Friday Saviour’s 2:30pm
Stars of the Week are Indi and Hallie
Congratulations to Erin and Alexis, who are our Mathematicians of the Week. Erin for some fantastic maths work and setting herself ambitious goals. Alexis for her quiet determination and super attitude to maths. Well done to you both.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills
It has been a busy return to school following the half term break with lots of exciting learning opportunities for all the children.
Thank you to all of you for continuing to engage with ordering your child’s school meals through the Parent Pay system. It has helped the kitchen become more efficient with food ordering and make the start of the day easier in the classrooms.
On Thursday, it was lovely to see the children arriving wearing their World Book Day costumes where they were greeted at the gate by a bearded wizard and an enormous TRex. Thanks to your kind dotations, we managed to raise £36 for the World Book Day charity.
Monday is St Piran's Day and we are celebrating with a special pasty menu for lunch and we will have a visit from Reverend Richard to talk about the traditions of St Piran’s Day in our whole school assembly in the afternoon.
This afternoon we said goodbye to Miss Foster, who is moving to another school nearer her home. Miss Foster has been an important member of our staff for many years working across the school supporting children in their learning. We thank her for her kindness, compassion and spirit – and wish her all the best in her new role.
Congratulations to Antonia and Jakson, who are our Writers of the Week. Antonia for her creative poetry and Jakson for his super attitude to writing. Well done to you both.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Wills
Tregeagle class joined Reverend Richard virtually for his Sunday service today. Watch the children perform their contribution playing ukuleles by clicking on the link.
https://view.email.churchofengland.org/?qs=5e1a0ce4fcb6f2f768d4afbc3e06f352a9c20c0bc303f720d 5c27e37ecd5b103df5873531cf9fb12e1aa370393df3debcc2199c7254a3e333215fa56dd394710f5c7d19d533a20e5ad6991679d7d1406
The children have been enjoying their wider curriculum enquiries with enthusiasm, dedication and purpose. Canute class have found out lots about birds, migration and flight; and getting the chance to try out their own winged creations, flying kite creatures on the field. It has been lovely to see how they are applying this learning in their writing. Tregeagle class have been developing their drawing and painting skills with Sean Hewett. They have produced some fantastic Maya portraits, which they are looking forward to sharing with parents next week.
Next week, is children’s mental health week and we will be spending dedicated time talking to the children about mental health well-being. We will run small work shops all aimed at supporting the children to better understand how they are well.
On Tuesday 7th February, it is Safer-internet day. This year the theme is: 'Want to talk about it?' and as a school, we will spend some dedicated teaching time to explore the topic of being safe online.
By making space for conversations around Life online, we are putting children’s voices at the heart of the day and asking them to help shape the online support they feel is needed by asking:
1. What issues really matter to children and young people?
2. What changes do they want to see?
3. How can we all work together to advocate for them moving forward?
Link: https://www.saferinternetday.org/in-your-country/united-kingdom
We have sent out an email containing information about the road closure on St Saviour’s Hill next week. School will be open as usual but reaching us may take a little longer so please plan ahead.
Writer of the Week:
Demi and Robbie for some fantastic independent writing, listening to feedback and acting on this to make improvements.
Stars of the week:
Hallie, Alexia and Nadine for spending their break times sorting out the play equipment in the shed and making the space much easier for us all to use – great team work to benefit the whole school community.
Emmy for her kindness to friends and positive attitude to learning.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills
We have arrived at the end of another busy week with lots of exciting learning across the school.
Canute class turned into bird watchers on Monday, when they visited the field to try ad spot which birds live in our local environment. This is all part of their new enquiry “How are people and birds different and the same?” They have studied the King fisher and learnt how to draw one using a step by step guide. Next, they investigated how to mix colors to a specific palette to paint their King Fishers. A small selection of some fantastic bird paintings are shared here.
On Thursday, Tregeagle joined Mr Whipps’ class at Darite for an afternoon of coding. Using our Owl class camera, Mr Whipps taught both classes how to build, code and operate their Lego Spike Robots – what an exiting afternoon! Sometimes technology can be a difficult partner in learning but remarkably everything went smoothly – phew!
This week’s Writer of the Week in Tregeagle Class is Liam for his fantastic character description and in Canute Class it is Erin for the care, attention and pride she takes in her writing.
Stars of the week are Alexia and Ronnie - Well done to all!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills
Happy New Year!
It has been lovely having the school filled with energy, laughter, and learning following the Christmas break. Historically Spring term is our most productive term as the children have settled in fully with school and class routines, their friendships are cemented, and their confidence is growing. Despite a topsy turvy term, particularly for Canute class, the children have coped remarkably and their enthusiasm and thirst for learning has been the main driving force throughout the school.
In Canute class, Mrs Penk will teach Monday – Wednesday and to cover for Mrs Chasey, Mrs Diane Trout will teach the children Thursday – Friday for Spring term 1. This will give the children continuity and calm established routines for learning to allow them to make the most progress and achieve as highly as they deserve.
We have two new school administrators, following Mrs Sandy’ departure at Christmas. Mrs Liberty Turnbull will be in the office Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Miss Niki Ford, will cover Wednesday and Thursday. I am sure you will join me in making them feel welcome, please pop into the office to say hello.
Staff have created a full program of learning for the children with several exciting opportunities to enhance the provision. Your child’s teacher will inform you of any upcoming events for their class but please read your emails/letters and check the school calendar regularly.
Finally, we finished the week on a high in our celebration assembly. Ava kicked it off with her retelling of “We are going on a bear hunt” complete with actions and remembering all the words of the entire story! Stars of the Week this week are Erin and Nadine. Readers of the week are Emmy, Irina, Ronnie, and Alexis – Well done to them all!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.