Head's Blog

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Thank You 

We are extremely grateful to our local community groups, who have granted funding for us to buy electronic devices to support remote learning. 
FOWEY RIVER LIONS have donated £300 LANTEGLOS PARISH COUNCIL supported an offer from County Councillor, EDWINA HANNAFORD for a £400 grant from the Community Chest. 
FOPA kindly topped up this funding to allow us to purchase 3 new iPads.


Half Term 

In this together.

We have put all the pieces together to make our final puzzle and I am sure you will agree, it looks brilliant.

It has been a very peculiar half term, where we have found new and different ways to learn, navigated technology and managed the turbulence around us. Despite these challenges, the children have been remarkable showing resilience, determination and character. They are a real credit to our school.

Thank you for all your support.

Enjoy the break, stay safe and take care,


Community Hearts 

Community Hearts

The children at school and at home have made these beautiful hearts using materials provided by 'The Polruan Isolation Support Group'.

The hearts will be delivered on Valentine's Day to those who live alone in the village, as an expression of love and care and help alleviate loneliness in this difficult lockdown time.




Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 9th February. This year the theme is ‘An internet we trust – exploring reliability in the online world’.

We have a day of exciting activities planned to help our children create a better internet.



Dear All,

We have made to the end of another week of remote learning. Sadly, it seems we will have to continue on this path for at least another 4 weeks following the announcements made earlier this week. We will keep filling the empty seats in the classroom with our "pop-up pupils".

The feedback from our parent survey has started to come in and we have taken encouragement from the many positive comments you have made regarding our remote learning and the provision we have put in place for children who are attending school. If you have not yet had the chance to complete the survey, please do so as it helps us understand what works and what needs tweaking. You can complete the survey by following this the link below, it closes on Monday. https://www.bridgeschools.co.uk/Parent-Questionnaire-January-2021

We have been receiving some fantastic puzzle pieces for our shared school puzzle. If you have not yet sent your piece into school, please make time to email or deliver it safely sometime next week. We are keen to get the display up and share it with you all.

Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Wills


Our School Community 

Dear All,

We have made it to the end of another week of remote learning. I have been incredibly impressed by the resilience and enthusiasm the children are displaying in their live lessons and it shows in the work they are producing. I would like the parents/carers to take some of the credit too as you have been expected to navigate the TEAMs online platform, submit work to teachers and be the parents – thank you for your support.

We have launched a shared project with the children in an assembly today. We would like each child to complete a jigsaw puzzle piece (template for these are attached to the class blogs) with drawings and pictures to reflect themselves. Once completed, please take a photo of this and email it to school, secretary@polruanprimary.co.uk. We will print all the pieces and make one big jigsaw for a display in school. This way we are reminded that even though we are apart at present, we are still one community.

Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Wills




Welcome back to another week of alternative learning. We will upload next day's learning grid and activities at the end of each day, ready for you to access the following morning. We will upload Monday's learning on Sunday night. 

Mrs Barnett and Mrs Wills look forward to seeing you all for your TEAMS lessons so make sure you check class blogs for timings of these lessons.

You have all been amazing this week, putting up with numerous emails, phone calls and instructions daily - THANK YOU!

We could not ask for a better group of children and parents to share this experience with.

Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Wills



Christmas Concert 

It was absolutely wonderful to see so many of you joining us for our Christmas concert this afternoon. The children have enjoyed working with Mrs Butlin and I think you will agree it really showed in their enthusiastic singing today.

We hope that 2021 will allow us to put on more events so we can all share the talents and enthusiasm of the children.
Enjoy the recording.

Mrs Wills


Christmas is here 

Christmas Art Day

We has a lovely day on Tuesday welcoming the month of December. The children spent the day creating Christmas themed art projects, carefully following step by step instructions both individually and with adults. The results were some fantastically creative Christmas decorations. We have displayed these in the classrooms and we can now say that the Christmas season has arrived at Polruan Primary.


Helen Doe Virtual Visit 

Helen Doe Virtual Visit.

As part of Tregeagle's enquiry "What's All the Fuss About Polruan?" the historian, Helen Doe, visited virtually on Tuesday afternoon.

The children had a long list of questions for Helen to answer and she did not disappoint. The children now know all about St Saviour's Chapel, the strike at the boys' school, the Blockhouse and the apparently very successful football team from Polruan Football Club among other fascinating facts about the village.

Please make sure you ask them to tell you more.


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.