On Tuesday, we had took part in Health and Wellbeing Day run by ARENA. We had a day of team building, yoga, orienteering, sugar smart games and water challenges. The school was filled with happy smiling faces, enthusiasm and purpose which all translated into a hugely enjoyable day for all the children and staff.
One of the highlights of the day, was watching the children completing the team building challenges. They showed ingenuity, resilience and determination in abundance, such important learning and life skills.
Mrs Wills
Dear All,
We set off to the top of the village in the lovely morning sunshine for our first whole school sporting event this year. It was a great day with fantastic sportsmanship, enthusiastic cheering, and lots of smiles all round. All the children joined in, tried their best and enjoyed the excitement and freedom of running, jumping, hopping, and balancing. I was particularly impressed with our youngest school members from nursery, who joined us for the whole day, and were still smiling at home time this afternoon. Lots of children were a little apprehensive about performing in front of a crowd, but they all happily exclaimed that there had been no need to worry as they felt cheered and supported by all the spectators.
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers, who turned out to cheer, wave and support and helped make the day a memorable experience after a very challenging year.
All that’s left to say is “Thank You” to FOPA for the ice lollies – gratefully received and enjoyed by all.
We look forward to adding a parent race to the list of events next year!
Mrs Wills
It is finally here, Tuesday is SPORTS DAY!
Please support the smooth running of the day by ensuring your child has their PE kit and trainers in school.
As it is looking to be a lovely sunny day, every child needs a HAT, SUN CREAM applied from home or in their bag so they can apply cream at school and a WATER BOTTLE.
The children have been practising with energy and enthusiasm so be prepared for lots of encouraging shouts of support.
We look forward to seeing you on the sports field - please refer to email outlining social distancing measures.
Mrs Wills
As we near the end of Summer term 1, I wanted to write and share some of our plans for the remainder of the school year. As the Government is continuing to relax Covid restrictions, we are now able to host some of the events that make summer term special.
These are the events and dates we have planned so far:
• 22.6.21 - Sports Day
• 29.6.21 - Whole School Well-Being Day
• 7.7.21 - Reserve Sports Day
• 16.7.21 - Alternative Olympics Day
We continue to have ARENA deliver after school club on Thursdays, if your child is in Year 2-6 and they are interested in joining, please speak to Mrs Sandy.
Hopefully, the weather will dry off so we can spend more time outdoors, around the village and making use of the field. Class teachers will contact you with details of any local walks or days out they are planning for their class.
This week ends on Thursday at usual time of 3:15pm, as Friday 28th May is an Inset Day for Teacher Training. We return to school following the half term break on Monday 7th June. This week also has an Inset Day, Friday 11th June, so a gentle start to the last half term of the year.
Thank you for your continued support, enjoy the half term break.
Mrs Wills
We have received the welcome news that our bid to the Barrie Bequest Fund has been successful and we have been awarded £15,000 to spend on creating a reading room and making improvements to the upstairs playground. Our plan is to refurbish the current "Rainbow Room" and turn it into a "Peter Pan Reading Room" creating an inviting and inspiring space for our children to immerse themselves in the world of books and reading. Upstairs, we are looking to create an outdoor environment that encourages children to be active, creative explorers. We have done some initial canvassing with the children to find out what they consider essential for a reading room and an exciting outdoor space. Unsurprisingly, their list is comprehensive and will need trimming a little, but they have some brilliant suggestions for making reading; outdoor play and learning more appealing to all.
So, we need to get to work on creating something special, sustainable and remarkable for the children of the school – that’s a little daunting, but I have no doubt we will come up with something that the children will enjoy and benefit from for years to come.
Hopefully we will be able to have a grand reveal in the autumn and invite you all in to school to celebrate.
Mrs Wills
This week is national Mental Health Awareness Week and we have been thinking about how spending time outdoors helps us to connect with nature. We live in a beautiful part of Cornwall, have the most breathtaking views and easy access to spectacular outdoor areas so we have been making the most of being outside as often as possible since being back in school. A strong connection with nature means feeling a close relationship or an emotional attachment to our natural surroundings which has a positive impact on our wellbeing.
The children have been challenging themselves to try out new things and today one very proud young person managed to climb up and down a tree - you can feel the triumph from her smile! Another group of children worked collaboratively to create a slide, again with great success.
We will continue to spend as much time as we possibly can outside to encourage and promote a sense of wellbeing and bravery.
The children have been working with determination and resilience to learn their times tables and we felt it was time to celebrate this so we have started 99 Club. Every week, the children in Year 2-6 complete a set of times table questions and if they answer them all correctly, they earn a band. We would not normally hand out plastic bands, but we found a huge box of these in a cupboard. As we have been talking lots about the effects of climate change right across the school, the children suggested that it would be appropriate for us to re-use something we already have rather than buying new. So we have followed their sensible suggestion.
Our younger children in Year 1 and Reception complete weekly rainbow challenges to build their number fluency.
Don't forget to ask your child which Club they are in.
On Friday afternoon, Tregeagle class joined Western Power for an electrical safety show. They learnt the dangers of electricity and how they can keep themselves safe. We are now all singing "One O Five, doo doo, doo doo doo doo, Save a Life doo doo, doo doo doo doo".
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wills
This week we finally had a chance to get together as a whole school!
Both classes went on the field for Wild Tribe and the children had a fantastic afternoon creating stick characters, making fires and toasting marshmallows. It was lovely to see them all together in one place, socially distanced in their class bubbles with big smiles on their faces.
I am sure you will agree from the photos that it looks like they had a fantastic afternoon.
We have had a lovely week back to school with lots of smiles, happy voices and learning filling the classrooms and our outdoor learning spaces. There is lots to look forward in the coming term and with the weather warming up and lock down restrictions easing, we are hopeful these will come to fruition. In June, we have a whole school wellbeing day planned and in July, we are hoping to stage an Olympic day. Make sure you keep checking our website and your emails for details.
Mrs Wills
Winding down for the Easter break with an Easter egg hunt. All the children went hunting for eggs which they were able to swap for an enormous chocolate bunny kindly donated by FOPA. From their smiles, it is clear to see the bunnies were greatly appreciated.
Thank you for all your support during yet another turbulent term. I hope you all have a restful and peaceful Easter break.
We look forward to welcoming all the children back in school on Monday 19th April.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Wills.
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.